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Everything posted by KidsHappen

  1. Basically all of the stress I have been under is causing a complete physical meltdown. My dr. asked what he was going to do with me as I was such a complicated patient. I have four different problems going on. The first problem that is causing most of the pain is that my rib cage is dislocated and it is causing a bulging muscle. Apparently the pain can be bad enough to cause all the other symptoms that I was having. I have pain meds for that and I am supposed to see a chiropractor. I also have GERD although not very bad. A slight adjustment in diet and some OTC meds should take care of this. The blood in the urine is caused by an ongoing bladder condition (IC) that I have and I am supposed to see a specialist for this. And finally I have TMJ. Apparently my jaw does not unhinge at all. He said that he has never seen that before. He suggested an oral surgeon for this but I am not going there. So when you add in my OCD, if it has an acronym, I have it. He suggested that I need to get my stress under control. Ya think? Sure no problem. I'll get right on that. Offical notice to my family: no more teen dramas, no more house buying, no more moving, no more getting sick, no more new jobs, no more traveling and no more people dying. There that should do it. :glare:
  2. It's my favorite as far as looks go and it is very easy to use and learn from. It is one of the programs I have reviewed and I can send you my complete review if you would like. It only takes the child to about a second grade reading level though. After that you can go straight to real books or follow up with a more advanced phonics program.
  3. I'll reiterate what someone else said, there are many different curriculum choices for a reason. Not every program works for ever child. Find something else that works for your child.
  4. Works out great and we love the program.
  5. She reads the text and works through the problems on her own. She is strong in math though and seems to have an intuative understanding of how it works. I guess that it really depends on the child but it is possible.
  6. Lately that has actually keeping me alive and functioning and somewhat sane. He is what keeps me going and gives me a reason to be here. I need him, want him, love him and respect him more than I am probably able to cmmunicate. :001_wub:
  7. This is going to take some thought. Something youthful and spunky. [image]http://www.thesmilies.com/smilies/outfitted/beret.gif[/image]
  8. I hope that things continue to look up. I will keep this family on my prayer list. :Angel_anim:
  9. My dd just sent me the u/s pics. Not only is it a boy but a very proud one at that. No doubt about it. She is 20 weeks today. I am so excited. I can't wait to hold that precious little thing in my arms and smell that sweet baby smell again. :hurray:
  10. Our cats are members of our family and I am sure that it will be devestating when they pass away. Don't underestimate the amount of grieving that you will go through. Allow yourself and your family to feel and process it. Once again, so sorry. :(
  11. He sounds like a wonderful person. I hope that your family heals quickly and that you can feel safe again soon.
  12. In the control panel, in the box where is says "Latest Reputation Received" there is a little, double arrow down thing on the far right of the box. Click on it and then your five latest reps will show up. Then you can see the thread that the reps came from and what they say. HTH
  13. Not trying to be contentious but really curious. I have acid reflux and any kind of acidic food makes it much worse especially citrus fruits, tomoatoes, coffee and tea and NSAIs.
  14. At this point he is thinking that it couldn't possibly be from kidney stones because there are no more present and I shouldn't still be having pain from a stone passed a week ago. Gall bladder problems is one possibility and a pretty likely one at that. My brother just had his removed four months ago and I guess those problems can be heriditary. They are going to do this HIDA test or scan or what-ever tomorrow. The other possibility is GERD but I have a really hard time believing that could be the problem as I don't have any chest or stomach pain. The pain is definitely centered over my right kidney and I have had blood in my urine the last two times they checked and I don't see how that could be related. Hopefully I will get some answers tomorrow. I will keep you guys posted. Thanks for asking.
  15. I did find it easier to vacuum than to sweep and dust mop but spills and sticky messes are easier to clean up now. It seems like you can never really get a carpet clean especially traffic areas or where you have had a spill. I have four long hair cats and I don't sweep as often as I should so I have giant dust bunnies lurking under couches and such but that's just not a major concern in my life right now. I have been thinking about getting a Roomba to deal with that but it's pretty far done my list. Overall, I much prefer the hardwood floors.
  16. I have four different chores that I would like to have done twice a week. These are things that the maids used to do that I would gladly pay my children to do. All of my children would love to do these chores for pay. I have four children at home so ideally each child should be able to do two chores a week for pay. I want to make it so that the children could pick which chore that they would like to do and when they would like to do it but I don't want the same chore done on back to back days and I don't want the older children to hog all the chores and not give the younger children a chance to do any. So I would like to make a chore list where the children can pick a chore and mark when they have done it. I would also like to make it where the older children can do whatever chores are left at the end of the week that have not already been done. I am just having a hard time with the logistics or making a chart like this. Has anyone done anything like this? If so how did you work it out? Anyone else have any ideas? Thanks. :willy_nilly:
  17. I can only think of a very few instances where breast milk would be questionable and even then it's not difinitive. Your baby is probably the healthiest one in the family. Don't you worry about that.:thumbup1:
  18. I haven't used that name in 27 years but it was on the info for my mother's death certificate/funeral. It kind of freaked me out. :eek:
  19. Whenever they are in the same room they aggravate the heck out of each other. Now I bring them into my office one at a time to do their school work. It takes longer this way but it is much more peaceful and productive.
  20. manage having a houseful of children and making a quite work space at the same time? My dh is consulting now and occasionally has to work from home. He has his own office with french doors but it is on the first floor. This is the main living space and where the children spend most of the day. I only work with one of the children at a time so there is always a loose child some where and I am having a hard time trying to figure out how to keep them all quite during the day so that he can work. The eight year old especially seems to be having a hard time with the concept that she can't ask him questions or show him her work during the work day. Unless I plant myself outside his door, she slips off to visit with him when I am working with the other children. I don't have this problem when I am writing but then they spend way more time with me and I think that they miss him more now than he travels. Any ideas?
  21. I have had a lot of challenges recently but luckily he's not one of them. He has been my rock and I really don't know that I would have made it through the past few months without him. Our marriage is great and I was in no way trying to imply otherwise. My question was purely hypothetical and based on a previous thread. I did not get to read all of the responses so I don't know if the thread took a horribly wrong turn but I am sorry if it did. I really didn't consider the possibility that it had that potential. My bad. :eek:
  22. In an earlier thread one of the words I used in several of my posts became highlighted in red. I did not do this myself so I am curious as to how it happened. It only happened after I did a search on that term and posted the last time so I am wondering if perhaps it is related to the search or maybe the number of times your post a certain word in a thread. Anyone know? :confused:
  23. I guess that I don't chekc mine very often. I currently have more points than the last time I checked but there are no comments listed under most recent rep points. I only have 128 posts and I haven't repped enough people to accumulate the additional points that I have earned. So where did the extra points come from and why can't I see the last five comments that I have received? I read all of the post related to this subject and can't seem to find the answer.
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