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Everything posted by KidsHappen

  1. that your stimulus check would not be processed until after you filed your taxes for 2007? That was not my original understanding but that's what the letter we received said. Exact words below: "To receive payment in 2008, individuals who qualify will not have to do anything more than file a 2007 return. The IRS will determine eligibility, figure the amount, and the payment." This will seriously delay our payment as we usually do not file until the last possible minute, after all extensions have expired. That's because we usually owe money and do not want to pay any sooner than we absolutely have too. What is your understanding of this matter? :confused:
  2. She wants something where she can proform some kind of physical activity but not have to interact a lot with people. Some ideas that she has come up with are: housekeeping at a hotel, shelving books at a library or book store, stocking or perhaps working with animals. The problem she is running into is that she is only 14-almost 15 yr. old and most places won't hire a child under the age of 16. So we need to broaden her search. I really think that a job would be a good idea for her right now and I would very much like to help her find one but I am at a lose for other ideas. Anyone have any ideas that would fit these criteria? I am all ears. :bigear: Thanks so much for any input.
  3. I posted about one of these just yesterday. Doran frequently posts a collection of these. They are always funny as all get out. Some of us are just quirky I guess. :tongue_smilie:
  4. You are always honest and real. I know that there is a real person behind the posts. I can feel your pain and struggles so I know that there is some substance and weight behind the things that you say. Sometimes I wish I had more advice to give you than I do. Usually I can only sympathize. But I value your contributions and appreciate them immensely.
  5. In "real" life people tend to associate with other people like themselves, so they get a distorted perception of what life is really like. They only have their experience and the experience of their friends and family to base their world view and opinions on. And let's face it, in "real" life people are less rude to your face and more likely to agree with you or at least not vehemently disagree with you. People are less likely to questions your beliefs and intents. And finally, in "real" life you don't always feel free to discuss uncomfortable things or ask for advice on intimate problems. You don't want to share your problems or your childrens' problems with people for fear that it will color that person's views and interaction with you in the future. You always have your game face on. On this board, we keep it real. We share, we discuss, we argue, we call each other on our rudeness and misperceptions. And while we do not personally know the person behind the screen we do form attachments and come to value certain peoples' contributions. I can't imagine anywhere else that I would be exposed to such a wide variety of religious, ethnic, political, lifestyle or general personality differences than this board. This board also fufills an important function for people that are painfully introverted or ones who have other difficulties interacting with "real" people on a regular basis. This board has been my community for at least five years now. I have family that I am very close to, some other people in my life that I interact with on a regular basis and of course casual aquaintaces and neighbors but very few people that I would feel comfortable discussing my teen's dramas or my intimate health details with. This board gives me an outlet for this sort of thing and I appreciate it immensely. I also like being able to help and contribute to others' lives as well.
  6. She couldn't make her mind about buying things so she just bought everything and also had a hoarding complex to the point where you couldn't walk through her house. She also eventually reached a point where she never cleaned and then it reached a point where it was overwhelming so she couldn't do it. It took a month and a crew of ten to clean it out when she passed away. One of my dds is even worse than me with the OCD. My her dh get in a tiff with her, he walks through the house and slightly tilts the pictures or slightly moves things out of their appropraite places. We all find it quite funny. OCD is a strange thing but you are not alone. We all crazy here. :tongue_smilie:
  7. So sometimes it is amazingly clean and other times not so much. It an OCD thing. Almost all of my issues like this are related to OCD. I have pictures that haven't been hung in years because they can't be done perfectly. I frequently can't make any purchase at all because I can't make up my mind or I can't find the perfect thing. So there many basics that I don't have, like curtains, rugs, more than just absolute linens. I haven't bought a bra in years because I can't find exactly the right one. I do have to admit it's probably cheaper to live this way. But I drive my family crazy. :crying:
  8. it said that 9:00 pm GMT would be 5:00 CST. I thought that it would be six hours different but this says four. Thanks for the congrats. I am so excited! :)
  9. I have never heard this before. I have always heard that people's systems today were too acidic and that we needed to make the more alkali. I will check out the links that you have provided and see what I come up with. Thanks for the info.
  10. As soon as I figure out what time it will be here at 9:00 pm GMT. :thumbup:
  11. they sound more complex than mine. I know how frustrating it can be to have multiple things going on. It so hard to get your body on the right track when everything is falling apart and you can't concentrate on one problem at a time. Hope you are feeling better soon.
  12. uh, in Orlando? Sorry. Sometimes my brain just gets away from me. :sneaky2:
  13. Basically all of the stress I have been under is causing a complete physical meltdown. My dr. asked what he was going to do with me as I was such a complicated patient. I have four different problems going on. The first problem that is causing most of the pain is that my rib cage is dislocated and it is causing a bulging muscle. Apparently the pain can be bad enough to cause all the other symptoms that I was having. I have pain meds for that and I am supposed to see a chiropractor. I also have GERD although not very bad. A slight adjustment in diet and some OTC meds should take care of this. The blood in the urine is caused by an ongoing bladder condition (IC) that I have and I am supposed to see a specialist for this. And finally I have TMJ. Apparently my jaw does not unhinge at all. He said that he has never seen that before. He suggested an oral surgeon for this but I am not going there. So when you add in my OCD, if it has an acronym, I have it. He suggested that I need to get my stress under control. Ya think? Sure no problem. I'll get right on that. Offical notice to my family: no more teen dramas, no more house buying, no more moving, no more getting sick, no more new jobs, no more traveling and no more people dying. There that should do it. :glare:
  14. It's my favorite as far as looks go and it is very easy to use and learn from. It is one of the programs I have reviewed and I can send you my complete review if you would like. It only takes the child to about a second grade reading level though. After that you can go straight to real books or follow up with a more advanced phonics program.
  15. I'll reiterate what someone else said, there are many different curriculum choices for a reason. Not every program works for ever child. Find something else that works for your child.
  16. Works out great and we love the program.
  17. She reads the text and works through the problems on her own. She is strong in math though and seems to have an intuative understanding of how it works. I guess that it really depends on the child but it is possible.
  18. Lately that has actually keeping me alive and functioning and somewhat sane. He is what keeps me going and gives me a reason to be here. I need him, want him, love him and respect him more than I am probably able to cmmunicate. :001_wub:
  19. This is going to take some thought. Something youthful and spunky. [image]http://www.thesmilies.com/smilies/outfitted/beret.gif[/image]
  20. I hope that things continue to look up. I will keep this family on my prayer list. :Angel_anim:
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