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Everything posted by cat

  1. We all have a crisis moment now and then..... then something takes place and reminds us that we are doing a great job. Homeschooling is more than giving our kids an education. Homeschooling has given me the opportunity to build a wonderful loving relationship with my kids, which is more valuable than anything I could teach them. Homeschooling has allowed me to work on my children's character. Education builds on itself each year and if you left something out this year, you will have another opportunity to teach it next year. Review your goals that you set this past year and once you look at them, you will see that you are on the right track.
  2. Sadly our library lacks friendly staff! We now go to the next county over!
  3. Both bullies were out today.... not one issue. We have 4 days next week and it comes to an end. I do have an older child and he used to be picked on to......that has gone away and now I see it with my younger one..... I'm holding out hope that this is all just a phase..... but you all are right, I need to empower him with what to say and then get him to stand his ground. Thanks Everyone!!!
  4. -Mount Vernon -contact your congressman and ask for them to give you a tour of the Capitol. Our state representative had their intern give us a tour. It was with only one other family,,,,it was wonderful! -Ben's Chili Bowl for a chili burger and milk shake -B&O Canal outside of Washington, nice relaxing day in the country riding the barge pulled by horses -July 4th.... fireworks on the mall.
  5. It was a good day today at camp, the main bully was not there....it's amazing how that changes the whole dynamic of things. I noticed that when the kids are standing around waiting is when the issues occur. There wasn't much standing around today and it kept the kids busy. I am going to work with my son on what to say to anyone giving him a hard time and to stand his ground. Thanks to everyone for all the wonderful advice!
  6. We are in 4H. 4H offers a lot of great opportunities. It does all depend in the club you get in and what interest they focus on. If your county doesn't offer something the next county over offers you can always head over there and join their group. I don't know anything about GS. Sorry, I have boys.
  7. Thanks! Very helpful!!!! We will work on this with all the great suggestions. Yesterday another child not even knowing of what took place yesterday came and pushed my son from the spot where he was practicing and took his spot. Now, the "new" bully could have easily found a spot to practice in, but he chose to go up to my child and take over his place..... and it was just a spot in the gym, nothing special about it..... my son was standing there getting ready to do the practice drill, he wasn't talking to anyone, just standing there all by himself..... I really do believe there is something about my child that attracts bullies and if I could place my finger on it, it would help me get rid of what ever "it" was. I do know the boy(and mother) who pushed him from his spot yesterday. I almost want to ask that child why he felt it was necessary to take my son's spot when there was a whole lot of other places he could practice. I was happy with my child, he went and found a new spot. We have another week and a half of basketball camp....... praying he will just be left alone so he can focus on learning some new skills. Thanks everyone for the advice!!!!
  8. Yesterday at an after school christian school basketball (my child is home schooled but was invited to attend as we are in the churches home school group) My son did not know the kids at the "camp"..... he was standing in line to do the drill and while standing there waiting the much older boys started teasing him, telling him they were going to trade him for another child,,, then when they saw he was about to cry because of it, they said "aw, did we upset you?" in a sarcastic manner. I was there and I watched it unfold although I did not know what was being said.... I let it be and tried to let him work it out. At this time, I feel my son needs to find ways to ignore it.... and I'm not sure how to get him to not let it upset him and ignore it.
  9. My son, age 10, has a few bullies bothering him. What is the best way to teach him to handle it. I don't want to create a tattletale. I also do not want him to react so that he ends up the one in trouble. Any ideas? Thanks!
  10. MAC for mom and PC for kids(only because it was much cheaper) I would have bought them a MAC if money wasn't a consideration.
  11. Wishing the media wouldn't have put this one out there..... and just let them all live gender-free without being in the spotlight.
  12. You might try the graphic novel of the Hobbit, wonderful pictures! After reading the graphic novel she might be interested in reading the book, if not, I'd move on and come back to it later.
  13. I would so love a laser printer! 100.00 would get me one the next time they are on sale!
  14. My children were diagnosed with dyslexia and the PS told me they did not recognize dyslexia. Pretty much sums it up! ;)
  15. My son hit his head for many years when he got frustrated. I was really concerned....I tried to tell him he was going to hurt himself, but he kept doing it until recently..... he's 10 now and it seems to be a thing of the past.
  16. I have a strong willed son....now 10. It has gotten better, but it has been a process of learning for me. I give him choices between two things, so he can feel he made the decision. That has helped a whole bunch. I have had to step back and let him show me new ways to accomplish things. If I tell him how to do something, he will automatically find his own way to do it..... it has been very hard for me! Sometimes his way fails, and I tell him that next time he will need to do it my way......AND sometimes his way succeeds!!! AND I learn a new way to do something!!!! I have learned to pick my battles, let him explore, let him learn from both failure and success! I feel the experience has been more about me learning to let it go.
  17. What is the goal? To have him move out and live on his own? To have him live with you and take care of things around the house? I like the idea of giving some of his money back when he moves out..... that way he will have money to put down on a deposit. Of the $200 he pays, I would put it towards his food, the water, electricity and anything left over I would put away to give him back as a moving out gift. If he isn't earning very much money, I would be inclined to base his rent on a percentage of his pay. If he only makes $200.00 a month, then $200.00 would be hard for him.
  18. The only thing you have control over is you. Don't let it get to you or upset you. Sounds like you have dinner cooking in the crock pot.....and if they don't show when they say they will.......then go ahead and eat..... don't worry about them. I'd probably give them an extra 30 minutes. If they show, serve leftovers, or sandwiches if you have no left overs. I would just let Wolf handle it all. You all might want to agree ahead of time to how much you are both willing to give them. Good Luck!
  19. I know the feeling!!!! See if there is a chore or two you can delegate. Take a day for yourself and do something you really enjoy.... no cleaning that day! and bed early. Re-energize.
  20. I'd put the money to fixing it again..... and try to get a few more months out of it....and while doing so, keep my eye out for a good deal on a new car. You are more likely to spend more money on a car right now, as you need one.... you can get a better deal if you are not pressed for time. I'd be willing to fix it if the repair cost was under $500.00 and see how long it goes...... I'd make another decision when it needs the next repair....hopefully the tires will be worn out by then.
  21. Decisions are never easy when they involve the ones we love so much. Sounds like you child is very advanced for kindergarten.... what about moving up a grade or two? Do a placement test and find out where she is academically and maybe they even offer honor classes? I homeschool..... once you find a few other home schoolers it will make all the difference in the world. Good Luck!
  22. If you don't have time to sell it....or the energy.... drop it off at Goodwill and just know that when you do something good, that good will come back to you in other ways. Let giving be your reward and a lesson for your kids in giving. Feel good about the giving and then feel even better that your house is easier to clean with less stuff.
  23. Just purchased it today! Can't wait to get it in the mail and check it out... they had some sample pages on their website and it looks pretty good. I've heard Drawing with Children by Mona Brookes is good too. My local library has it, so we will be checking it out soon.
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