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Everything posted by mamaraby

  1. We just went through this earlier in the yr with my 3yo. In our case the only indication of UTI was red blood cells in her urine. Her urine samples never cultured out with any bacteria and because of her age we ended up with both an u/s and a visit to a pediatric urologist (outptient hospital visit b/c of the clinic's location meant deductible plus coinsurance percentage). With both our family practice doc and the pediatric urologist, an external exam was part of the visit. And yes, they're looking for abnormalities like a labial adhesion which can provide urine with a place to pool and the end up back in the urinary tract causing infection. In our case, a series of external exams over a period of several weeks when the red blood cells and dds discomfort continued was enough to save us from the VCUG and instead pointed to an external source. I for one was glad not to go through the highly invasive, under anesthesia VCUG.
  2. Gently, For someone who is self-described PMS-y, is it possible you are reading more in those other posts than what is actually there? From what I've read, most of those posts used "I statements" (If it were me...My husband...My marriage) which draw specific attention to another person's perspective versus "you statements" that indicate specific judgement about another person. Can you quote for me where someone said "You are being silly about this and need to get over it"? As for CAPS, some folks use it for emphasis, but again, if given in the context of an "I statement" this speaks specifically about the person answering the question and not their feelings aout the OP. And yes, groupie, acquaintance, whatever, it wold not bother me if it were my husband or my marriage. In my opinion, and where it concerns my husband and I, we're both adults and capable of managing ourselves. I am not concerned about single women going after my husband, goddess knows another married woman could be just as interested in him and just as lkely as trying to initiate a relationship. When it comes to *me* and *my* marriage, I'll be the first to admit that I cannot control my husband nor what other people do around him. It's entirely possible that he may decide at some point that he doesn't want to continue to be married or that he loves someone else. I've already been clear that I am not interested in an open relationship and that I'd rather he told me before anything happened. *shrugs* Because we do not view our relationship as a forever, no way out proposition, I would not see anything untoward about what the OP described because in my case I would trust that my dh would have let me know if he did not want to stay. Nothing the OP said indicated to me that there were trust issues nor did she indicate that her dh had any interest in the other person. As such, I would take him at his word. And again, just because I have said what I would do, it does not mean that I judge those who think differently nor do I judge the OP for feeling the way she did. Many marriages, many ways of being married.
  3. This. Sorry, but no one has the right to force anyone into physical contact with another without their consent. That goes for hugs from family members. You ask "Can I hug you?" or "Would you like a hug?" If the answer is no, the answer is no. Period. The same goes for children and for those who are "touchy-feely. " It teaches respect and helps to reinforce a culture of consent with the added benefit of healthy boundaries. OP - I'm sorry you're going through this. It sounds like it's time to take a break from the, for a good long while.
  4. Tbh, I think you're overreacting here. The OP asked: Which to me indicates that answers that say she's overreacting or that what happened is no big deal are welcome. There are plenty of folks who agreed with her being upset about it and as far as I can tell, far fewer who thought there was nothing to be upset about. If she only wanted support for how she saw things or only those who agreed with her, she would have slapped a "just agree with me on it." As for confidence? I see a difference of opinions on perspectives when it comes to ones marriage, the "lack of confidence" part is your interpretation.
  5. I think if you're talking an older child or a chold who was resitant to your attempts to act as writing coach (like if there were too many tears involved or the dynamic was off), then I could see where they wold be helpful. At leats that's been my impression and why I've skipped them this far. And yes, I agree with Eagle. I love BW, but sometimes the emails she sends out seem very spammy.
  6. Our marriage does not mean that we own each other. My dh always had friends of the opposite sex. He did when we were dating and he does now. I would not think anything of it nor would I care if he had lunch with a friend who happened to female - to me it wold be just the same as him going to lunch with a friend who was male. Like another poster mentioned - we're both adults and capable of managing our own selves.
  7. For some children, though, that "time-consuming instructive song-and-dance" is precisely what they need in order for it to be "without tears." One will always learn from workbooks, but the multi-sensory stuff not included in the workbook is what distinguishes HWOT from Zaner-Bloser or D'Nealian or Pentime. Do I reference the teacher's guide as often as I did the first time through? No, but I get far fewer tears when correcting bad habits my dd picked up in her ps preschool when do more than just the "correct-as-you-go" through the workbook method. OP - I'd ask around locally to see if anyone has a copy you can look through. I think it's really something you need to see for yourself. I listened when folks told me I didn't need teacher's guides, and while sometimes they have been right, there are a few instances where we really missed out by not having them. HWOT would have been one of them.
  8. I think you need at least one teacher's guide otherwise it's just a workbook. The actual HWOT method is in the TG. Whether you use it all as laid out in the TG or only use parts of it, imo what's shown in the TG is what makes the process "without tears." We never bought the wood pieces, there's a set of pattern pieces in the TG that I used to cut out our own set using the foam sheets from JoAnns. I also made my own mat with a thicker sheet of foam and a smilie face sticker. I wouldn't buy one for every workbook, but I would definitely getbthe first one.
  9. That would be the one I would suggest as well. At least 2000 calories is probably not enough, especially with your workouts. In the link to GoKaleo I gave earlier in the thread she talks about eating upwards of 2600-2800 calories a day a I'd say activity-wise she probably is on par with what you're doing. She talks a bit more about it here (here and here). She also talks about fatsecret.com giving more sustainable calorie suggestions, although I use MyFitnessPal and I think it's pretty in line with DarlaS' suggestion. Really, I'm not saying that GoKaleo should be your diet guru or anything, but I suspect she might have a more sustainable and less crazy making route to go about it (she also talks about how it might take awhile and you might gain some weight at first, especially if you've been restricting calories or under-feeding yourself for your activity level - a year even - but patience and a long term perspective helps). She's got sane, evidenced based advice with a good helping of loving your body, eating all the food, and moving. :0) ETA: And CarbSanity. I'm not saying you shouldn't do lc or that doing lc is wrong, I'm just offering an option for when that doesn't work or you're like me and going lc makes you nauseous all the time. Oh, and don't forget GoMaleo. (It's all very tongue-in-cheek name wise.)
  10. This, and I'd add to that the fact that we know that the human brain is pretty darn good at trying to make "sense" of the world by making us "see" or "sense" things that aren't really there. I'm with WishboneDawn, I'd be calling an electrician. As for "paranormal investigators," I'm sorry, but I'd believe them even less. Manipulated photos and data are not evidence (see the JREF). ETA: Oh, and I absolutely agree with resquirrel. This is totally off-topic, but I adore me some Neil deGrasse Tyson
  11. How many calories are you eating a day? On workout days? Maybe you're eating too few. I know that sounds counterintuitive, but given how you describe how you feel, that would be my gut reaction (http://gokaleo.com/2012/08/21/putting-the-calorie-pieces-together/).
  12. This. I would say you're on the right track. Just keep doing what you're doing and give it time. :0)
  13. My oldest two were in pas last year (just for one year) so we took the month of June off before getting back into the swingof things. Previous years we've always gone year round with about a month or so off early in the summer and then an easier summer term before a full rotation of subjects starting sometime in September. We also use a 5/2/5/3 rotation to match dh's work schedule so we have a three day weekend every other week and we took a week off in the middle of July while ds went to College for Kids (summer camp at the local college). So far things are going pretty well and the whining is only half what it was before ds went to the local ps. :0)
  14. When you go into the settings app, under general, you have restrictions turned on, correct? If you go into the restrictions menu, what do you have set under "Require Password"? I'm not saying this is what has happened to you or the OP, but what a few parents have done is had it set to something like 15 minutes and entered their password at some point prior to their child getting the device which basically gave the kid free access to their wallet for 15 minutes. Other folks have left in app purchases turned on (absolutely make sure yours is turned off under restrictions) which means all of those $99 packages you can buy to speed up game play in free apps wide open. The other thing I'd do is change your passwords (both for restrictions and your iTunes account) on the off chance that your child has seen you enter it and can remember (depending, of course, on how old they are). That being said, if yours is somehow changing or resetting on its own, get in contact with them so they can help you make it right. It shouldn't do that.
  15. What about reimagined trail mix, but instead of seeds, find some yummy high fiber cereal and add in dried fruit. Or just dried fruit (apricots, dates, figs, prunes all being the highest fiber options). The lentil trail mix, kale chips, spiced flax balls, chocolate peanut butter balls, etc from this website (http://greatist.com/health/high-fiber-snacks). What about some of the ones on the Eating Well list (http://www.eatingwell.com/recipes_menus/recipe_slideshows/high_fiber_low_calorie_snack_recipes)? If you're looking for premade, Quaker Oats has a high fiber bar as does Fiber One, Kellogs, and Trader Joes.
  16. Sadly I don't have a GPS nor have any of the online maps sent me wildly astray. *sigh* I can't help but feel a little left out. We have one atlas in the car, but it's my son's and he's not inclined to share nor is he helpful when it com to navigating, though maybe with a bit more practice. I also have two state maps in the glove box - the one for my state is new and breaks at the folds. I much prefer the old ones with their non-glossy paper and far less fragile folds. I wish the state saved a little less money when it came to the maps and brought the old ones back. We mostly use the Apple map app that comes on the iPad and while I may ask for it to give me options on how to get there, I like that I can get the maps cached so that I can use them offline and then proceed to use the map just like I would a paper one. So, in other words, an app map hybrid. :)
  17. Hmmm....my 8yo does about as much as your 14 year old so I agree with the others - he can do more. All three of my kids are responsible for loading and unloading the dishwasher after dinner (3yo, 5yo, and 8yo). After lunch, too, if necessary. My 8yo is responsible for using the little vaccum under the dining room table each day, although the 5yo often fights for that. I have to remind them on this so like another poster said, it's really whenever I ask. The 8yo is also responsible for feeding the dog twice a day, refilling the cat's food and water when needed, and scooping the litterboxes every other day. He's also on apprentice dog duty in the yard. When my 5yo is older, she'll take over the cat boxes while ds takes over dog duty. All three of my children are expected to put their own laundry away once it's been folded and help put away family laundry as well (towels, sheets, etc). All three of my kids fight to help make dinner and at least twice a month are responsible for planning one night's dinner. I'll be honest, though, it's not necessarily "help" right now. I'm trying to look at it as an investment in the future. If one of my kids were 14, I'd expect them to plan and make one dinner a week fairly independently. My dh is in charge of the bathroom, but like the kids, he often requires reminding, but then again he works a quite a bit. Looking at this, I'd say even my kids could be doing more to help out around the house. And yes, my kids do whine about helping and my ds is convinced he "does everything" around the house. Meh, he'll get over it. No shoes in the house. No food other than at the table (or outside with permission). Everyone responsible for their own bedroom, though if I can close your door so I don't have to see it, I'm not going to push too much, just don't expect me to go in there to tuck you in at night. ;) And yes, declutter/simplify always helps. As for junk mail, my mailbox is a slot that goes into our garage and I have a trash can right next to it. Junk mail goes from the box, straight into the trash can along with any outer envelopes. The rest often ends up on the counter on the kitchen, but I hate filing. We all have our weak points.
  18. Hmmm....I can't gurantee that I'll be succesful. ;) One person's dull is another person's greatest fascination. For Che Guevara - what about "Motorcycle Diaries" (http://www.amazon.com/The-Motorcycle-Diaries-American-Journey/dp/1876175702/)? As for the rest - most of my favorite biographies atm are picture books because my kids are younger so I'll have to take a bit of a raincheck since I doubt you want the cartoon illustrated version. I'm a little short on time right now, but I can tackle Mother Jones (http://www.lkwdpl.org/wihohio/jone-mar.htm) in the time I have. If you're anywhere near Illinois, there's always the Union Miner's Cemetary in Mt. Olive where she's buried (http://www.illinoislaborhistory.org/union-miners-cemetary.html). From what I understand, there's a mini museum of Illinois Labor History available by appointment only (http://www.illinoislaborhistory.org/labor-history-museum.html). Actually, the Illinois Labor History site would be a good place to start for almost anyone on my list (http://www.illinoislaborhistory.org/) and probably anyone on anyone else's list. You'll also want to see the incredibly short, but only known video ever taken of her video of her http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=84vSVvaGsE4). There's also her own auto-biography (http://www.amazon.com/Autobiography-Mother-Jones-Mary-Harris/dp/0486436454/), but one of the student reviews said it was "boring" so YMMV. Elliot Gorn has a fantastically done biography, but again there are those who've said it's a bit dry. What about Simon Cordery's book instead (http://www.amazon.com/Mother-Jones-Raising-Consciousness-Biography/dp/0826348106/)? Mother Jones was notorious for being a little...inconsistent in her recollections (her birthday, for instance, is a bit of an unknown seeing as she gave two dates during her lifetime) and Cordery can be a bit focused on those parts - some might say to distraction. Sadly, that just about exhausts what's been written about her with the exception of a few books listed on the first website I linked. Maybe one of those might suit your fancy? As for songs, Utah Phillips has a couple of songs about Mother Jones including one he did with Ani DiFranco on the compilation "Fellow Workers," but there's also one called "The Charge on Mother Jones." Both songs are relatively short, but still worth a listen. You can probably find a video of both on YouTube. As for the strict veracity of Utah Phillip's stories? I don't think he's historian material, but he did keep alive the stories that the people told so there is some value in that. Does this help?
  19. You may be able to get them to reverse it. For the future, you need to change your settings. Enable restrictions, choose a password your child does not know, turn off in-app purchases, and require that it asks for a password everytime someone wants to make a purchase. Slightly annoying for you, the adult, yes, but far less hassle than trying to get your money back. When you want to make a legitimate pirchase, you go back in to restrictions, turn in-app purchases on, make your purchase, and then turn the, back off. Given all the tabs my kids end up having openin Safari and the app store being active after they're done with the iPad, I would say these steps have saved me a boat load of money. Good luck! :0)
  20. We're not gf (or grain free, or primal, or low carb). The four of them often seem to go hand in hand outside of those with actual celiac.
  21. Philip Dray's "There is Power in a Union" (spine) Then I'd consider Mary Harris "Mother" Jones, Cesar Chavez, A. Philip Randolph, Samuel Gompers, John L. Lewis, walter Reuther, Joe Hil, and Eugene Debs to be a handful of key individuals. A few key events: Bay View Massacre (Milwaukee), Haymarket Riot (Chicago), Homestead Strike, the miner's strike in Cripple Creek (CO), the Ludlow Massacre, and the Memphis Sanitation Worker's Strike. Wikipedia has a fairly decent timeline that might help flesh out my tiny list (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Timeline_of_labor_issues_and_events). My list, for example, is missing the big clashes with miners down south (Perry County/Clara Sullivan and her letter to the "Labor News" to highlight just one). From there you can dip into issues related to race, gender, the red scare, and music. A secondary study of protest songs and folks like Pete Seeger, Woody Guthrie, Utah Philips, etc as well as touching on the role that the Salvation Army band played in attempting to drown out union speakers (IWW Soapboxers). Anyway, it's pretty rough, but that's where I'd start.
  22. I didn't notice any sound effects missing per se, but we did have to turn up the volume on the TV quite a bit above where we normally set it i order to hear both the music/sound effects/dialog.
  23. Does it need to be specifially Christian or are you just looking for some structure? GoKaleo (http://gokaleo.com/2013/03/19/moderation-is-evidence-based/) is among the most sane of the folks out there. No specific faith based requirements, but you could always add that back in.
  24. I had to have one before I went to college and far as I know the college still requires it for students today. I don't think it's really out of the ordinary.
  25. It looked about right for our area and explains quite a bit, actually.
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