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Everything posted by reet3

  1. We don't allow, but all are 13 and under. Actually my 8 yo DS is hearing the real things from peers and sadly, read them on bumper stickers. So we've been having lots of discussions about those words lately. I just stress that there are less rude ways of expressing yourself, even when mad. However, there are times...:tongue_smilie:
  2. I agree with the previous post. I've had great success with the SL suggestions.
  3. I felt (feel) exactly like you. Here's what I did. When my DD and her friend was in 5th and 6th, we used SL core 3 and 4. I read what they called big book (the SL spine) out loud and they "took notes." It was never a very long reading and after, I'd use the SL notes to make sure they noted all the important things. They read the readers on their own and we discussed them. We also read the read alouds and I'd pause occasionally to point out how it connected to the "big book." I also included History Pockets books for hands on. (there are several which fit into Am. History nicely) All this took about 2 hours three times a week in addition to the time they spent silently reading. Looking back I wouldn't change a thing. They don't have all the exacts dates down, but they understand what happened very well and have a fantastic sense of that era. We live in a very PS oriented neighborhood and they know way more about American History than most kids. If you think about it, kids learn best through stories. Actually, all of us do--that's probably why there are so many parables in the New Testament. So relax and try not to worry about the "rigor." Now, if I could only take my own advice:lol:
  4. I hadn't thought of it that way. I'll check it out
  5. My daughter did pretty good with Easy Grammar. She didn't love it, but she learned alot.
  6. I know that look. I'm thankful too and can't wait for my DH to agree to pull our twins out of PS. So many of the children say they wish they could be home schooled.
  7. Dirty socks dropped on the floor right next to the laundry basket instead of IN the basket. :001_huh:
  8. I am one of 8 and my mom has had her share of rude comments. Since your MIL had 5 she probably has also heard a few. Maybe you could remind her of that. Not so tactful, but maybe very effective, would be to ask, "which one would you have preferred to not have." Good luck.
  9. Thanks for the heads up. I was going to go without checking, since the original seemed ok. Eternal vigilance--
  10. I have to admit that I wanted to read those romance novels when I was a teenager. That urge does go away eventually. I was curious--you know. Maybe getting her those non-fiction books that discuss those issues would quell some of the interest. I've run across some historical fiction that has romance--Mara, Daughter of the Nile, Beduins' Gazelle, for example. It's not Pride and Prejudice, but it's historical. Hang in there. I got tired of Harlequin romances and your daughter will too.
  11. IMO, introverts take a bit more effort on the part of us parents. Mine struggles feeling comfortable with new groups. Then it becomes a vicious cycle and makes it harder for her to reach out the next time they meet. One thing I've found that helps is a regular schedule of frequent and extended time with others. Then it becomes almost impossible not to relax and have fun. And having a specific purpose, chore, or activity seems to help too.
  12. We just completed our third year. I took my oldest daughter out of PS after 4th grade. My 8 year old twins are still in PS but this should be their last year if i can tolerate it for that long.
  13. I do it exactly like TapTapTap: "I mico hot water in a glass 4 cup pyrex measuring cup. Then add powder, stir. Then add cold water and pour into what ever pan I plan to let it set up in..." It does take alot of stirring even with the hot water. I probably stir for 3-5 minutes to get most of the powder dissolved.
  14. I know what you mean. It is wonderful to choose. I have two sisters who are teachers in PS and the bureaucratic headaches for them are non-stop. Glad to be a hs for one, hopefully for 3 soon.
  15. We used SL for American history and loved it. But I wanted to delve into world history over a four year period. Tried TOG, and it was good, but I'm trying Biblioplan in the fall. It's less expensive, less overwhelming, less space on the shelves:)
  16. How about some fun lip gloss, or a pair of those gloves that you wear after you put moisturizer on your hands? Maybe you'd enjoy something from Bath and Body Works. Or a shiatsu massage pillow for your shoulders (good for after a hard day). I'd go for something to pamper yourself. Happy Birthday!!!
  17. I live in North Texas, NE of Dallas, in a heavily wooded suburb. We see them under trees all over our neighborhood.
  18. We're in North Texas in a Dallas suburb.
  19. I used Saxon pre-algebra with the DVDs from Art Reed. He is a calm, relaxing teacher and uses lots of tips. My daughter has benefitted from his short lessons.
  20. I know it's not a "spelling" program, but it introduces new words every week and requires that the student write the word multiple times throughout the week. It is very easy for me to implement. My daughter does it all herself and i monitor and test. It is a workbook program that she actually enjoys.
  21. Cheerios, fig bars, cheese sticks in a mini cooler, wheat thins crackers. These produce minimal crumbs if you are careful. Have a good trip
  22. I explain to the annoyer that we're in a small space (i'e. a car) and we have to make sure that we treat each other with that in mind. Then I tell them to stop. If they don't a privilege is taken away. Works most of the time, but not always:001_huh:
  23. If so, contact your local homeschool association to see if they know of co-ops or even a business run by homeschooolers that offers labs to homeschoolers. I live in the DFW area and there are multitudes of sources to get science labs done without having to do them at home. I think that most charge between $50 to $75 per month, unless you join a co-op where you put in some of the work, but get a better price.
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