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Everything posted by NotSoObvious

  1. Do I need a copy of this book for each child, or is it more like a teacher's book? (I don't want to copy the whole book, but I don't mind making a few copies.)
  2. Your house sounds exactly like what we are looking for! :) Where is it?
  3. I just asked my friend about her experience homeschooling in PA because we had heard it was difficult. She said it was no big deal! It's all just hoops. Don't risk your kiddos by doing it under the radar though...
  4. Shhhhhh. Don't go there again. We already hashed this one out. You're on the losing side- with me. :)
  5. Twin girls, almost 10. No competition or anything like that. They are best friends. One of my girls has a pretty severe language delay. She struggles with math and writing, but has more common sense than the other twin. ;) I do spelling, math, and this year writing separately. Everything else we do together.
  6. It's a very sweet documentary. We watched it before going to Lancaster.
  7. We were in the derecho here in Va a few weeks ago and lost power for four days. We are on a well, so the water stopped as well. We are on a waiting list for a generator from Costco (a big one, with a coupon) but we don't have it yet. A big storm just started and my husband is out of town until Friday. AND I have a sick kid! Pleeeaaaasssee don't let the power go out!
  8. Uh. I don't want to spend any more time than is absolutely necessary in that place. Isn't that kinda like getting a pedicure at the dentist? I don't need to frequent my dentist's office, thanks. Or maybe that's how they are trying to get people to get a pap smear! Tricky!
  9. Is it something your building is encouraging?? Are they providing space?? If so, I'd complain, especially if you pay an HOA fee.
  10. The swelling and pain sound like "just" bites to me! Hope you are ok!
  11. Hmmm. What an interesting marketing strategy.
  12. This is exactly what dd has- fever, sore throat (but "just a little"), and a few white spots. It had better NOT be hand, foot, and mouth!!! I know dang well where she got it, too- her WELL CHILD appointment last week. Grrrrr!
  13. FYI- This is a great site for homemade recipes that are healthy. http://www.100daysofrealfood.com/
  14. Really?? Truly??? 3 weeks of eating like that would be torture for me, but so worth it for lasting effects.
  15. Not to hijack... How old do you have to be to have that surgery? I'm waiting patiently!
  16. Surgery. I highly suggest you have it. The endo can grow around other organs and cause major internal problems. Surgery is the ONLY way to 100% diagnose it and once they are in there, they can burn off what they see. I was down and out for about a week. It's outpatient surgery. For a small percentage of women, it doesn't help with pain. Unfortunately, this is me. Apparently they think it can live in your tissue where they can't see it or burn it off. It was all very interesting. My doctor said birth control is the most effective way of slowing the growth and that there is NO cure. I have an awesome endocrinologist who is heavily involved in researching this area. Oh, and my ob/gyn would NOT do the surgery because she didn't think I had it. Thank goodness I found a good doctor. Your normal doctor probably doesn't see many patients with this, where an endocrinologist sees lots. Count your blessings you were able to have children at all. :grouphug::grouphug: Good luck!
  17. Yes! If you have the space for it. It would not have worked in our old neighborhood but it works here! My dd does better if she can run around before focusing.
  18. I'd save the picture and see a doctor. They might put him on antibiotics right away. Apparently you have to wait 30 days before testing for Lyme to get an accurate test. Even then, the initial test they do can be wrong, so demand the better test. Better safe than sorry! You want to catch Lyme before you get it! Anyhow, that's what I've been told. We live in Virginia and the whole tick thing still freaks me out. We do NOT go to the doctor every time we get bit, or we'd be there all summer. (Seriously, I think I found 6 ticks on my girls over a two week period.) But if I had a rash like that and my kid rarely got bit by ticks, I'd be going to the doctor just in case.
  19. I think my house was cleanest the first year I started homeschooling because I was bright-eyed and bushy-tailed and was excited about "doing it all." Now?... I told my dd I needed her to help me clean the house today and she asked, "Why? Who's coming over???" :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:
  20. We did 18 months on Concerta and it literally saved us! It also gave my dd time to develop some self-monitoring skills and it gave us a more accurate picture of what she was and wasn't capable of. It helped her to solidify her reading and math skills. She's off now because she can be, but I have exactly FIVE pills still in the cupboard...just in case. :) There are days! I am SO glad we tried meds because now we know it's a solution that will work for her if she/we ever feel like we need it again. Congrats! It's a beautiful feeling!
  21. Guaranteed! Saxon has been around for a long time and it well known in the education world. While there are many schools who use Singapore now, I had never even heard of it in the public school world until about 2004. There is no way it's Singapore, and furthermore, there is no way there are enough kids in college now who have been exposed long enough to Singapore to have it make such an impact on their skills. ETA: Plus, there are many educators who HATE Saxon. I mean, with a passion!!! (I hate it too, only because it was a BEAST to teach. I think it could be great for a homeschooler though.)
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