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Everything posted by NotSoObvious

  1. I was not a reader in high school, but I read this book at least three times on my own and loved it. Maybe I need to read it again. Maybe I'd hate it now. ??
  2. Great question. I was just thinking about this. I've been getting up at 6:30, waking the kids at 7, and leaving for swim team at 7:30 every morning this summer. It's been great. I hate when the alarm goes off, but I feel good once I'm up. My former self would smack me upside the head. We all used to be dressed and out the door for school by 7. That thought makes me want to vomit now. :) During school I have a harder time getting up. We all usually get up around 7:30 and start school around 8:30. I NEED time to myself in the morning though, so I'm going to try to make an effort to be up by 7, at the latest.
  3. I think I have it all in my signature now.
  4. Your daughter sounds a lot like mine. Have you researched dyspraxia at all? I'd start asking around for either a good developmental pediatrician or a pediatric neuropsychologist.
  5. You can remind yourself that school just replaces the problem with a new set of problems. :) Sometimes one is easier to handle than the other, but don't let yourself believe it would be all roses and puppy dogs. And, if enrolling her in something a few mornings a week helps keep the peace, then go for it!
  6. I'm always surprised at how people think it's their business to ask my children questions, especially when I'm not there. However, because I was a teacher, I probably would have said something to the boy after he pushed my kid- something like, "Excuse me! Do NOT touch my child." Although...maybe it wouldn't have been worth dealing with the mother, who sounds like a loose cannon. I never feel like I said what I should have though. I'm usually just shocked by the other person's behavior!
  7. This is an excellent program if you have a teacher in your area. http://www.radkids.org/ They deal with some heavy safety issues in a very age-appropriate non-alarmist manner. It was the best class my kids have taken and came highly recommended by our therapist.
  8. Critical thinking company! Lots and lots of reading Starfall for your dd7 Dreambox for dd7
  9. Yet you are still saying they are sinning. And that's why this argument can never even begin, let alone end.
  10. Soccer $100 a season Swim team $150 for the summer Science $50 a month
  11. I just saw that email! We are excited. We love Dreambox.
  12. Exactly. Thank you. I'm loving this thread on judging. Irony at its finest.
  13. Oh there are lots of places in Southern California that would fit your needs. Look at the wealthier suburbs outside of Los Angeles. You might be surprised at how many conservative pockets you'll find. We live just outside of Charlottesville, VA and I think it would fit your needs. Charlottesville offers all of what you are looking for (though nowhere near as diverse as L.A.) and the surrounding county is conservative. Tons of homeschoolers and adoptive families here!
  14. That was my thought, too. Totally just a side thought though! It in no way makes it less tragic! Just very unfortunate.
  15. Very poorly written, very good intentions. I would provide feedback. Funny, I almost offered something similar in my notice of intent I sent off today. Here I am, a former teacher, homeschooling my kids. I think the district could benefit from hearing and learning about homeschooling. Most people in the system know noting about homeschooling. The letter truly sounds sincere and respectful. I think they are just trying to understand homeschooling and how they can be a better resource for families. Think about what they could do, knowing that SO many of us leave because of special education. When the information is truly desired, it will get analyzed, and maybe change will slowly start to happen. Good for your district!
  16. We mummified the chicken two years ago. So...once every two years? :D
  17. I'd love to know how this is not the case where you live in the US. We've lived in three different states in the last 10 years and I always have a horrible time getting a new doctor. It's insane. I practically have to beg. I called to make a dentist appointment last week for ANY day or time, just the soonest available. I can't get in until Sept 5th. Also, it took me 3 weeks to get a referral from me pediatrician's office because the woman was such a ding bat. It was so much easier in our previous state. One call and they'd fax it over. I really think individual areas can vary greatly and it probably has less to do with UHC vs. insurance.
  18. Here are some pictures from when we did this: http://homeschoolfortwo.com/homeschool/egyptian-mummies/ http://homeschoolfortwo.com/homeschool/wrapping-the-chicken/ My girls still talk about this!
  19. Actually...we also decided we were done for good, so perhaps that is part of all of this for me. Hmmm...
  20. Not an option for us. We spent thousands trying this year but it ain't ever going to happen. Our girls are adopted. Good idea though!
  21. I want to order Latin Prep. He will really send me everything without payment, then trust me to send a check?? Can I just get a few words of encouragement that this guy is legit?
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