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Everything posted by NotSoObvious

  1. Nasco. It was recommended to us at a hs conference by a pediatrician who is now a homeschool mom and science teacher. http://www.enasco.com/science/
  2. Perfect! I made chili last night and I'm loading her up on fruits and veggies. I didn't know that about beans! Thanks for the website!
  3. My dd with ADHD had a blast at camp, but now she is a complete zombie from lack of sleep and all the crap she ate. I can always tell when she's had junk because she starts doing these little obsessive eye twitches. It's crazy. So what's the best way to get her system cleaned out? We're doing lots of water and good food, but is there something specific I should be giving her? Poor thing- it's like she's sick!
  4. :iagree: my dd isn't hyperactive at all- quite the opposite. But, a brief period (even 15 minutes) of exercise really gets her brain going. Even having her take the trash out seems to wake her up. Ditto on gum chewing and exercise balls!
  5. Nope, you have to get it through the mail. This was my biggest disappointment of the year. :(
  6. If they were Mormon, they might have been looking for a specific house. They aren't always out knocking on every door. I'd actually say *most* times, in many U.S. places, they are actually following up with referrals. They also have specific address where people have asked them not to come back, etc. I can call them for you if you'd like. ;)
  7. In our old city, you were technically breaking the noise ordinance if someone could hear you from inside their home, period. It didn't matter what time it was. I can't tell you how to handle it though. Our neighbor was a drummer in a band. We tried talking with him, he said he would try to keep it down, but our houses were incredibly close. It was just mpossible. We ended up moving, partly because of this, last summer. I saw yesterday on FB that he is quitting the band and selling his drums. :glare:
  8. Well, if it makes you feel better, I'm doing a 30 week schedule this year. Shhhh :) we travel a lot!
  9. :iagree: they just need to be told. They dont know better. I would not be ok with this either!!
  10. My mom used to tell us to work it out. We didn't have the skills to do that and my sister and I still have a strained relationship as a result. I've tried not to take this approach with my kids - granted, my twins rarely fight. But part of the reason is that I help my weaker one assert herself and I try to help my stronger one get what she needs without taking advantage. We try to model empathy and put relationships ahead of being right/wrong. Kids can develop the skills they need without being left to flounder on their own. I can't imagine if I went to my husband after an awful encounter with a colleague and he just said, "work it out." We all need help and support. :)
  11. I haven't used Xtramath but the one thing I like about CLE is the order in which they teach their facts. They group them in a logical way. If Xtramath does the same thing, it might be a nice way to break up the lesson. I know my dd needs the practice of writing out the answers though. It helps her memorize.
  12. Oooooh! This post was going around FB today. Maybe food for thought for your hubby! http://www.thetwincoach.com/2012/07/movies-violence-and-parents_29.html
  13. Yes, we will have our car since we are driving from Virginia. Thanks!
  14. 8:00 here. It looks like it will be diving, then swimming, then gymnastics.
  15. Oh gosh. And here I am having a hard time with my girls turning 10. I guess I will try to relish these years!
  16. Just ignore her. ;) I was a first year teacher once and knew it all, too. People without kids know everything about parenting, too. She'll realize what a moron she sounded like. Give it 5 years. ;)
  17. Thank you!!! We are staying at the Wyndham Palm-Aire, so not right on the beach, but we can take a shuttle to their sister resort on the beach. Our girls will be 10, so they do everything with us and we love to eat! Thanks for all the links and discounts, too!
  18. Wow. Thank you again for all of your helpful posts! I'm reading them all to my husband!
  19. We moved from 4 bedrooms to two. My girls are in bunk beds. We sold our big furniture and bought used stuff that fits. I got rid of 70% of my kitchen stuff. I was sad but now I couldnt tell you what I got rid of!! Throw. Away. Toys. Now!!! Seriously. In a tiny house, things are easier to access, so they'll play with what they have even more. You won't miss the extras. Get one bookcase for your homeschool stuff and make it fit. Get rid of excess, don't buy more unless you get rid of more. Make sure everything has a home and your kids know where the homes are. Everyone should be able to clean. Teach your kids to clean the bathroom with rags and vinegar. Have them do this everyday. It will help keep it clean in between deep cleanings. Think about meals and how you cook. You may have to simplify. I don't do things like Homemade pizza crusts anymore because there isn't anywhere to roll it out. You only need 2 wooden spoons, not 8. You only need 10 towels, not 18. ;)
  20. People do this all the time on our local boards! Not weird at all. I would just ask if anyone wants to meet at the park, the take it from there.
  21. We are driving down to see Winter in Clearwater for a day, then spending a week in Pompano Beach. This will be in January. We have never been to Florida and have no idea what to expect. We plan on just hanging out at the beach. Is there anything we should see? Best beaches? I want to go down to Miami one day since we'll be so close, but what should we do once we get there? We'll also be visiting friends one day in Boynton Beach. Thanks for any advice!
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