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Everything posted by ScoutTN

  1. Jean, I hope you feel better soon! Selkie, I can still do Legos for ds, but dd is past stuffed bunnies and it does make Easter baskets harder! I need to get that shopping done this week! Today: school house cleaning that didn't happen Saturday. Ds to/from swimming. AHG stuff Prep cooking for later this week? Watch basketball!!!! Dinner is reuben casserole and rye toast.
  2. I lsaw a bumper sticker last week that said, "Welcome to Nashville! Y'all go home now." The growth in middle TN right now is crazy! State and local gov't are scrambling to have enough infrastructure support: roads, schools etc. Plenty of former CA people, but also lots of immigrants from many countries. Lots of people who come here for college never leave. I grew up in the midwest and have lived all over the East, New England, mid Atlantic, NYC, Deep South, and TN is my favorite.
  3. We watched The Scarlet Pimpernel tonight and my kids loved it! Fun to see a young Ian McKellan. Ds is imitating Sir Percy. He is hilarious!
  4. Dd and I went to church and had lunch. Guys got back from campout. Tent and other gear is in my family room for a couple of days until we get a sunny day to dry everything thoroughly. Laundry started! Dh took dd to make piano recordings for music camp application. Corned beef for tomorrow is simmering. Vacuumed Dinner is salmon cakes, green beans and some other side. To do: Dinner prep Call a friend Read! Watch a movie with kids?
  5. Sunday - salmon patties, green beans, rice Monday - Reuben casserole, rye toast Tuesday - Chx fajitas Wednesday - dinner at church! (Chx with a cream sauce and veggies) Thursday - Soup and sandwiches/salad Friday - Pulled Pork BBQ, slaw, baked beans Saturday - something with ground beef
  6. My dd will be starting this soon! Exciting to hear of success other kids have had!
  7. Yes! It is worth it to be patient and go back several times to find a treasure. We usually go Monday or Tuesday mornings. It is across town for me, about a 25 minute drive. I wish there was a coffee shop next door or even a good food truck in the parking lot!
  8. Good morning! Our guys are camping, so dd and I have a quiet day by ourselves. Today: meal plan and grocery shop vacuum clean bathrooms get directions and go to a play send printing order to Office Max watch final four games! ✅ Wahoowa! church prep
  9. Done: Put gas in my van. Library Bought ds new Keens for the summer. Size 11 1/2!!!!
  10. My kids are pretty much coasting for the next few weeks. Ds has his AoL and is camping this weekend. Crossover is at the end of April. Dd will have her BoR in two weeks, then get her Harriet Tubman and crossover to Patriot in May. She will get the presidential service award too. A hike, some orienteering, and Camporee coming up soon. She signed up to do Home Care and Repair, Outdoor Skills, Pen and Paper Arts, and Cake Decorating badges at camp.
  11. Angelina's classes fill FAST and registration was in February.
  12. Happy Anniversary, LisaK! Today: Make sure ds does piano, catechism, and math. Print ds' updated script for Drama. Ds to tutorial and maybe swimming. ✅ Help my guys get out the door by mid-afternoon for a CS campout. ✅ Encourage dd as she works through a big pile of school work today. ✅ Write TY notes. Budget/bills? Figure out dinner. ✅ AHG badge prep and some school prep tonight.
  13. Good morning! School ✅ Give ds some suggestions on packing for his campout. ✅ Arrange a ride to AHG for dd. ✅ Meeting. ✅ Pick up dd from AHG. ✅ Pick up dinner for me and ds. ✅
  14. Tutoring makes decent money here, esp. if you can do high school level or can help kids with LDs (reading).
  15. This is similar to my Dd. The first round made room for permanent teeth to come in relatively straight. Then the second round is fine-tuning and adjusting her bite.
  16. Because it is too expensive. Not worth the money. Costs way more than we would pay for two check-ups a year. My kids have good teeth and we normally do one dental visit/cleaning a year. We save the money dental insurance would cost into our HSA, in case we need a filling or other dental work. Dh has bad teeth, so we keep the dental on him.
  17. Dd is almost done. 2 rounds of about 18 months with a year in between. Ds is just beginning, 3-4 yrs straight. Our insurance pays $1500 per kid. Once it has paid, we drop the dental on that kid. We use our HSA to pay. Our orthodontist gives a sibling discount, 5%, and a teacher discount of 10%. Their practice is clear, organized, and reasonably flexible about the money and sets up payment plans with no interest. We had to put about $800 down for each kid at the very beginning.
  18. Good morning! Math with Ds Pick up milk FT to Nature Center Lunch and RA ✅ Piano lessons ✅ Church ✅
  19. Dishwasher run and unloaded Sheets washed and beds remade. Recipes printed. Called mom. Next up: snack head out for afternoon activities
  20. A spelling lesson just doesn't seem very important on this glorious spring day. Sending my boy outside right now to enjoy the sunshine and birdsong!

  21. Good morning! Baked oatmeal is in the oven and coffee is brewing. Dd to tutorial. School with Ds. Early afternoon appt. ✅ Class at Science center. ✅ Pick up Dd. ✅ Dinner is Tikki Masala, rice, and spinach salad.
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