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Everything posted by ScoutTN

  1. Poetry lecture was excellent! Ds called. 😊 I am SO ready to be home. One more day, one more night. Two training sessions and a fun social left. Three meals. My shuttle leaves for the airport at 5:00 am Thursday.
  2. Swiss will add pull. My sister and I used to call grilled swiss “pulley cheese” sandwiches.
  3. Did afternoon training and then enjoyed dinner with my coworkers. Texted with my family. Going to a lecture tonight on teaching poetry.
  4. More training on the literacy curriculum. Still slow and similar in presentation. 🙄😐
  5. @history-fan I am sorry about your cousin.
  6. Literacy training was disappointing. Excellent curriculum, NOT well presented. Picnic was ok. Andrew Pudewa was fabulous! Got a shower. Had a snack. Next up: read curriculum ✔️ read for fun finish a podcast
  7. At training conference. Literacy curriculum today through Wed. Penmanship today, because this is an orthography first program. A bit dull so far; looking forward to reading/decoding tomorrow! Picnic tonight and Andrew Pudewa is speaking after dinner. Checked in with Ds. He made it to lacrosse camp. He has my car for the week and is enjoying his independence. Ordered him a watch for next week’s youth group beach trip, bc phones are not allowed.
  8. Got a shower. Trying to decide whether or not to leave the window cracked tonight.
  9. Read for a while, then got a nap. Dinner was nice. Not bad Mexican food. Good company and conversation.
  10. No, but my mom has them in her assisted living place to prevent theft.
  11. It rained hard for a while, so I didn’t walk to church. Did have a very interesting conversation after b’fast with another homeschool mom who’s now jumping in to teaching at a Hillsdale classical school. Running my laundry. They brought us clean towels. Rain has stopped and the sun is in and out. Temperature and humidity are much lower than they were the first few days - more like what I expected in MI. Have the windows open! Took my medication. Plugged my headphones in to charge. Next up: Move the laundry ✔️ Eat lunch ✔️ Call mom ✔️ Call Dh ✔️ Walk Read Think about tomorrow. ✔️ Keep writing down questions.
  12. @Eos What kind(s) of pie did you make? 14 is a lot!! Work trip is going well, though I miss my family, my bed, and better food. (We are staying in college dorms and eating in the cafeteria.) I have been mostly good on goals, though walking may be limited by rain today. Will call my mom this afternoon. And Dh!
  13. I slept in and had b’fast. Gonna go to church, then do my laundry, read, and nap. Hoping to have a call with Dh later.
  14. @mom31257 Glad they got your phone working again! There was a trivia game after dinner. We came in 7th out of 19. It was fun and interesting to see who knows what sorts of things. In my jammies and winding down now. Gonna read. Thankful for a day off tomorrow!
  15. Got the Wordle in 3. Texted with Dh and Dd. Updated YNAB. Headed to a reception, then dinner.
  16. Training is over for the weekend. My mind needs a break and time to process. Food and relaxation are on the schedule between now and Monday morning. Working on figuring out a way to get to church tomorrow.
  17. Conference day 3. Singapore math training.
  18. I am bot familiar with ACE, but at that age I’d go with Analytical Grammar.
  19. Got in a nice walk and enjoyed dinner with my co-workers. A fun crew! Next up: PT exercises ✔️ Shower ✔️ Read Maybe listen to a podcast?
  20. At work conference. Enjoying it, but a little tired bc I slept poorly.
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