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Everything posted by ScoutTN

  1. Good morning! Housework Help mom with some things and visit for a while. Trader Joe's for two things Make food for tonight Make food for tomorrow - taking a meal to someone. library laundry (mostly remind Ds to do his own) Dinner at SIL's with all of Dh's family. Church prep Dd is sick, on the first day of her Spring Break. She has a temp, chest congestion and feels crummy.
  2. Edith Nesbit's Book of Dragons is a good choice for youngers. Lovely writing. Also, if you like Michael Hague's illustrations, this is good. Short stories and excerpts. Nice in hardback.
  3. I might consider Anne McCaffrey's Dragonsinger, Dragonsong, Dragondrums trilogy for younger than teens, but not her other books. Se*ual content and themes. Not graphic by any means, but certainly there. Also the later books by MCaffrey's children are nowhere near as good as the earlier ones. Ymmv!
  4. Agree. Fun adult or mature teen reads, not for 8 yr olds. Some of her books are quite gritty and dark. The whole series begins with Assassin's Apprentice, if I remember correctly.
  5. I love the beach! Sigh! Wish we could do the two to four weeks every summer that I got as a kid! So relaxing. But, as Hopeistheword has pointed out, vacation is still work for moms.
  6. Good morning! Dd has just light school today, mostly art, since her Spring Break is next week. She has been working hard and needs the rest! Ds to/from tutorial and swim. Take dd to shop for a gift. Reread the invitation and it says no gifts. Hooray for less driving across town in the cold rain! Dd to a birthday party. Text a friend about tonight. Update YNAB. Aldi ✅ Dinner for dh. Probably soup. Concert! Fernando Ortega is one of our favorite singers and he is playing at a church right around the corner from us.
  7. Roy Speed, Angelina Stanford, and Center for Lit all have discussion only Lit classes. Roy Speed's are Shakespeare intensives, 6-10 weeks long. Angelina does Great Books, deep not broad and just Lit, no history books, political essays etc. Center for Lit classes meet once a month.
  8. Done: Ordered badge stuff for AHG Updated YNAB Printed several things Shower and ready for the day! Next Up: Second breakfast for me (first was just hot tea and a smidge of a bagel) ✅ Math with ds ✅
  9. Good morning! School this morning. ✅ Dd's musical theater mini-performance. Across town. This will take most of our afternoon. ✅ Take ds to an activity. ✅ AHG leader mtg. Dinner?! No clue.
  10. Does he use Quizlet for vocab review now? Very easy and most curricula have study sets already made.
  11. Good morning! The beach is lovely, Hopeistheword! Math and writing with ds. Make a plan for the day with dd. Errand run: orthodontist, bank, mom's, milk, bagels, library. RA and history Piano lessons ✅ Gas in my van. ✅ Scout store. ✅ Church ✅
  12. Angelina Stanford rocks! Her classes are just Lit, no writing, no output except discussion. If you are interested, be quick, since her classes fill fast! Have you looked at Wasko Lit?
  13. With ds, getting his hair cut while Great Clips has a $6.99 sale. Next, pick up dd and try to figure out dinner. Ready for spring, grill time!
  14. Not live, but to add to your back-up options, Science Shepherd has a streaming video course now.
  15. Not only is your family unique in it's homeschooling needs, goals, and desires, but each of your children will have his or her own path. And even that will change as they grow up. So while your philosophy of education will likely not make huge shifts (though it may!), exactly how it manifests year to year can vary widely. Know who you are and don't worry about what others think of your choices.,
  16. Checked math and helped her plan her study time. Started dishwasher and laundry Fixed Webelos uniform Paid a couple of bills Eta: Afternoon plans set. Moved the laundry. Sent an important email.
  17. Good morning! Sunny and cold here. Cold for TN - nothing like what you get, Selkie! Quiet morning here. Kids are sleeping in a bit. Regular school work to do. We have two things with the same start time later today, so I need to figure out how to juggle the transportation. Dinner is something with the pork tenderloin in my fridge.
  18. I make Mrs. Mungo's recipe for baked oatmeal and it is basically a pan-sized, flourless, oatmeal cookie.
  19. Dinner was meh, but no one is still hungry and it's all cleaned up. Guys are gone to Scouts. Dd is doing math. Checking acct. is reconciled. Weekend plans clarified. I am enjoying a cup of peach tea and my lazy-boy recliner. Trying to figure out a weird pain in my right hip/upper thigh that has been bothering me lately. Next up; read!
  20. Ds is at swimming. Hopefully exercise will improve his attitude! Meatloaf and bacon are in the oven. Kitchen is tidied, pots n pans washed and put away. Helped dd with some school things. Next up: hot tea super quick grocery run ✅ pick up ✅
  21. Have a great move-in day, Pink and Green!!
  22. Good morning! A little bit slower week here, since Dd's tutorial and her online Latin class do not meet. Next week is our real Spring Break, though many of our activities are off the third week of March too. I wish everything would take the same week off. Thankful that several of our things take two weeks! School My laundry Pick up Rx Get some breakfast sausage. Ds to/from swimming Email/deskwork Return movie to library
  23. Nice day. Church, read, work a puzzle, watch part of a movie with kids, listen to Close Reads. See ya tomorrow!
  24. Spring Break! A day trip to the U.S. Space and Rocket Ctr., a morning at the used bookstore, an all day hike at the park, breakfast at the Waffle House, watchin a movie or two, maybe a couple days to sleep in. Less driving and more sunlight!
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