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Everything posted by ScoutTN

  1. Good morning! Taking ds with me to check out the AHG Camporee location today. So just piano and Bible for him, then we are outta here. Need to see how the place is laid out, what trees are in leaf and what flowers blooming, and how the internet connection is. ✅ When we get home: Deskwork? Laundry AHG prep for BOR night! Look over the girls' packets. Double check with dd that she is ready. I actually love BOR night! ✅ Ds to an activity. Last nightfor this! I love it when things that involve a cross-town drive at rush hour finish for the year!!! AHG BOR night. Make lists for Friday before I go to bed.
  2. My kids learn cursive in 2nd, practice in 3rd by doing some work (copywork, spelling, TY notes) in it, then in 4th-6th do all their schoolwork using it. We begin typing in 5th, and by 7th they use the computer for most writing assignments. My dd practices penmanship and calligraphy because she likes to write beautifully. My ds doesn't care and as long as his writing is legible, I'm fine with it. No how am I going to make a boy who dislikes schoolwork practice penmsnship at age 12!
  3. Ha! Well, I put my (full) coffee cup on the glassware shelf in a cabinet yesterday, so maybe dd's fog is just bad genes from me?! I do not multitask well! 😉
  4. Good morning! Late start here today. We are all tired and sleeping long. Dd's hormone fog is crazy! At 8:15 this morning, as she is logging in for her online math class, we have a mad scramble to find her homework, which she corrected at the DR table (where she does school) before bed. The house is fairly tidy. Where could the hw be? In the kitchen trash, of course!?! Thankfully, something large kept the breakfast eggshells off of the Hw. Sigh. After that dramatic start, we hope to have a ordinary sort of day. School ✅ Orthodontist appt for d.s. ✅ Pick up milk ✅ Check in on my mom. ✅ Make kids fold and put away their clean laundry! Piano lessons ✅ Errands on that side of town. (No church tonight bc Holy Week services tomorrow and Friday. Dinner might be the cassoulet I had intended to make yesterday. But I'm craving fish or something lighter, so maybe I'll change the plan when I run errands this afternoon? I am ready for spring food! Directions to campsite. Budget/bills.
  5. Sold three large shopping bags of books to McKay's used book store. Got a nice, big store credit!
  6. A good day until my mom called to say that my aunt (her sister) died early this morning. Not unexpected as she was 84 and in poor health, but still sad. She was my favorite aunt and we were close while I was growing up. Might mean a trip cross country with my mom for a funeral.
  7. No hunting, but yes baskets. For both: Good chocolate and jelly beans with no artificial coloring. Chick-fil-A gift card. For Dd13: calligraphy pens, notecards, nice soap or lotion. Ds11: mini nerf gun, toy submarine, sunglasses
  8. Today: Dh is still not feeling well. Drop dd at tutorial. ✅ Take ds to do school elsewhere - library, coffeeshop, park? ✅ Haircut for ds. ✅ This was "recess". He walked down from Starbucks, got trimmed up and came back to finish up. He is getting so independent. Nice! Michaels? Ds to/from Science class. ✅ Call mom ✅ AHG Camporee prep ✅ Pick up Dd. ✅ Dinner - cassoulet and green salad
  9. Ds: Mini Nerf gun, sunglasses, baking soda powered submarine toy (He still loves to take a bath with all his action figures, Playmobil ship etc!), stress/squish ball, Chick-fil-A gift card, chocolate, robin eggs and Trader Joe's jelly beans (no artifical coloring, which he is sensitive to). Dd: Calligraphy pens, Chick-fil-A gift card, chocolate, robin eggs and jelly beans. Need to add a few things - notecards and maybe some nice soap or a piece of jewelry? Maybe some other art supplies? I think she wants to pick out her own sunglasses. Maybe movie tix/gift card? Teenagers are harder than youngers!
  10. What does he want to do? Any strong opinions or interests? We are doing the history of rock and roll next yr for 6th because my ds is not a motivated student and this is what he loves.
  11. Well, I got most of my morning list done. Though Easter basket shopping was only moderately successful. Still need some dark chocolate and another small git for Dd. Also returned an overdue library book (The Faithful Spy!) and picked up another load of WW2 books. Dh has a stomach bug, so can't do his colonoscopy tomorrow. Poor thing - he feels awful. I disinfected both bathrooms and have attacked the house with Clorox wipes. Breathing shallowly. Sent the kids outside. Thinking I will take Ds to the library or Starbucks or both for school tomorrow. Dd will be at her tutorial all day.
  12. We just had this from the library and it it good. Still weighty, but not so bleak and dark.
  13. Mailed a thank you note and two Easter cards. Conquered today's portion of decimals with ds.
  14. That looks yummy! I have a similar recipe from Southern Living that I haven't made in ages. Need to look for an excuse to make it this spring!
  15. Good morning! Cool and sunny spring day here! School with ds. Check in with dd about her schoolwork and help her keep on track. Ds to/from swimming. Quick Walmart trip. Finish Easter basket shopping. Order something for mom from Amazon. ✅ Dinner is leftovers because dh is on colonoscopy prep and can't eat. P.S. HopeistheWord, I would skip that bookfor a 13 yo.. Plenty of other holocaust/WW2 choices that are not so intense, overwhelming.
  16. Made in 1939 by Frank Capra. Oscar winner for Best Picture, I think. JS is so young! The ending is too quick, after a two hour movie, but overall it's a super movie.
  17. Genius use of tension rods! Definitely stealing that idea. Finally cleaned out and reorganized my linen closet. (intended to two weeks ago) Two large bags to thrift. Next up: seasonal clothes switch out The Shed! Maintain the lovely, organized family room closet by removing stuff dh has randomly put in there recently.
  18. Sunday evening has become our family movie night lately. Mr. Smith Goes to Washington was tonight's movie and we all enjoyed it. Dh and kids had never seen it before. Kids know what a fillibuster is now! 😉
  19. My kids are making lemon bars. The rest is ham, hash brown casserole, green beans, spinach and strawberry salad. And some chocolate, of course!
  20. Well, I got tired of being in bed, so after everyone left for church, I made some breakfast, listend to an excellent Palm Sunday sermon by Ligon Duncan and then started doing things around the house. Done: Pork roast in the oven. Culled and reorganized the linen closet! Two large bags for the thrift shop in my car. Washed bath and kitchen towels. General tidying and picking up. Watered my Easter lily. Made the bed. Next up: Ginger lemon tea with honey. Catch up on some Literature so I can discuss it with Dd this coming week.
  21. Staying home from church because I'm sick. Resting, reading Prep for the coming week.
  22. Kids are not being cooperative, so I gave up for today. No more tackling for me today!! Next up: Shower, read, maybe listen to a podcast. Go to bed early and sleep late. Not going to church tomorrow because I still have this terrible cold.
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