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Everything posted by ScoutTN

  1. To Kill A Mockingbird Homeward Bound Secondhand Lions LOTR Miss Potter Pride and Prejudice Secretariat Kate and Leopold Roman Holiday
  2. AHG was good. Ran a quick errand on the way home. Checked on Ds when I got home. Still asleep. Since about 2:30. He’s definitely sick. I pulled the blanket over him, put a glass of water on his nightstand and felt his forehead. I don’t think he has a fever. I plugged in his Chromebook and his phone, just in case he wakes up fine and does go to school tomorrow. Did some housekeeping and general tidying. Got a snack. Time to read.
  3. This reminds me that I need to make hotel reservations for June for camp drop-off and pick-up. Tomorrow!
  4. Ds came home from school early saying he feels sick. No fever. He took a shower and some Tylenol and is napping. Definitely no football today. Laundry is working. About to start on the taco meat.
  5. Yep. Second semester senior year is for fun things. My Dd had two APs, but other than that the workload was super light, even though it may not have been obvious on her transcript. Let it go, let it go….
  6. May is crazy! I foolishly thought it would not be because I don’t have a senior this year. Less so, but still very non-routine. My simple goals: Check in on mom frequently. Continue pursuing job possibilities. Order a new swimsuit. Plant flowers at the mailbox. More challenging: Exercise! I really need to be getting both cardio and strength-building workouts. Nothing very rigorous, just consistent.
  7. Eggs are cooking. Enjoying my coffee now bc the hostess for the brunch makes weak coffee and usually does not have any unsweetened, high fat dairy product to go in it. Love my cream or half n half! Not gonna have time for a shower.
  8. Here, people often use “Coke” as a synonym for soft drink. We attended a sports team dinner last night. The host said, “Cokes are in the white cooler on the porch.” Several brands of drinks were in the cooler. Everyone understood that would be the case. Nothing remotely offensive. Where I grew up, soft drinks were commonly called pop. Same thing. Of course, when ordering at a restaurant or offering choices, one would specify because people like different things. Duh. Nbd. Using a brand name as a generic is common and not being rude or inconsiderate. Different usage than referring to a specific brand.
  9. A somewhat different day here: PT appt. ✔️ Make food ✔️ Shower? Brunch ✔️ Do paperwork for literacy assessments and turn it in. ✔️ Ds from school to practice? Dinner is tacos ✔️ Help Dd? At least check in. ✔️ AHG tonight
  10. Soda? You mean soft drinks? They are all “Coke” here. 😆😆 Soda is leavening, what I put in cookies and quick breads. I agree about correct names for medication!
  11. The lax team dinner was fun. Only a handful of parents showed up, and a few players were missing, but everyone had fun. The food was good and the coaches appreciated their gifts. I chatted with Dd, packed a lunch, washed a load, prepped stuff for the morning, and reminded Dh that he is doing the morning school drive. Gonna read and go to bed. Tired!
  12. Changing the brunch food plan from quiche to egg muffins bc they are simpler and faster and I can do the prep tonight.
  13. There are 13 and 17 yr broods overlapping here this year.
  14. We can hear them, loudly, but do not have zillions in our actual trees. My MIL, in Franklin, has SO many!!
  15. I need to get my tires looked at too!
  16. We want to hear about your adventures when you get back!
  17. I liked having different handwriting papers as my kids matured, growing them into regular lined notebook paper over time. We just printed what I wanted at home. Many curricula come with downloadable paper templates.
  18. Doing literacy assessments at a Waldorf school this morning. Interesting school, but not very organized. Waiting on my 8:00 student. Later: Buy plastic knives; cut brownies ✔️ Make salad ✔️ Ds from school to practice ✔️ Tutor ✔️ Lacrosse team dinner ✔️ Check in with Dd ✔️ Make sure I have quiche ingredients for tomorrow. ✔️ Read
  19. Possibly, over time, though I do try to keep my car from getting too hot bc the dashboard is black. So far, they’ve always been effective when I needed them. I usually have some OTC medications in my purse too. And we go through sunscreen quickly in the warm months.
  20. You are doing great! I love that you have put in so very much so the girls can go! You are a rock star. It will be fine. Enjoy the adventure!!
  21. Did PT exercises Baked brownies for lacrosse team dinner tomorrow. Realized I have no plastic knives. Listened to The Literary Life podcast about Agnes Grey. Asked Dh to get the milk tomorrow morning. Prepped for the morning: computer, tutoring bag, clothes
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