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Everything posted by ScoutTN

  1. School Meal planning Grocery order Dinner is sloppy joes Ponder my first week as a school teacher and make lists. Make sure my alarm is NOT set!
  2. School was good in the morning, less so in the afternoon. Got some good tips from another teacher to make our afternoons less sitting and more active learning. Headed home. I am averaging about 7000 steps a day at school. Dinner ✔️ Pack my lunch Planning ✔️ Grad school admin tasks ✔️ Laundry ✔️ Go to bed early
  3. Put the trash at the curb Checked in with Ds and read a syllabus. Got a shower Moved the laundry Doing some lesson planning before reading. Last night I had a lot of sciatica, manifesting as a shin splint type pain. Woke me up 3x. Hoping for none of that tonight!
  4. Got Chinese take out for my dinner and picked up a couple grocery items at Publix.
  5. School was ok. Got to chat with the moms of my crazy wild boys. Rearranged some desks, organized kids’ folders. We have halved the car-line time since Monday, down to 30 minutes. (For about 200 kids) At home, moved the laundry, fed the dog, read the mail, took ground beef out to thaw for tomorrow. Ate some food to keep me going. Headed out to the football parents’ meeting.
  6. School Housekeeping Football parents’ meeting Shower Read Bed My guys will get dinner at church? Or at least Dh will. Dd will be out of town til Friday.
  7. Listening to my audiobook while some laundry runs.
  8. Dinner was good. Grilled burgers (frozen, not homemade) with corn and tomatoes from our CSA box. My energy level is crashing. Gotta work fast so I can unwind before bed!
  9. Today was better, but still super-challenging. Got to speak to the moms of 2 disruptive students. Hope to see improvement tomorrow. Organized my supplies and planned science and history. Listening to the British version of Harry Potter in my car. Next up: Dinner ✔️ Pack lunch ✔️ Planning ✔️ Relax and go to bed early!
  10. Yes, using the Wilson Reading System. Worked ok with wiggly ones, well with focused ones.
  11. First day was rough. I have three that are constantly in motion, under their desks, falling out of their chairs, etc. More practice on procedures tomorrow. Tonight: dinner prep for tomorrow pack my lunch shower bed
  12. @LifeLovePassion Yes! I have 18 in my class and may get one or two more.
  13. I’ve done all that I can. Reading a bit before bed. Hoping for a good night’s sleep. I have been waking up tired lately.
  14. @TheReader The camp internship opportunity sounds great! I think my Ds might follow a similar path, in a few years. Our summer camp has both gap year and intern programs.
  15. I am almost all set for tomorrow. Will reread my plans after dinner. Definitely going to bed early!
  16. Good morning! Dh gets up early on Sundays to get ready for choir, so it’s hard for me to sleep in. He’s gone to church. To Do: Shower ✔️ Coffee and b’fast ✔️ Sunday school promotion day! ✔️ Worship ✔️ Library ✔️ Take stuff to school ✔️ Register for grad school ✔️ Lesson planning Dinner is whatever Dh got at Costco yesterday. Go to bed early!
  17. Dh grocery shopped at our regular grocery and Costco bc I am swamped with work. Eye-opening. He got lots of wrong items. I will need to write clearer lists. 😱🤣
  18. Not normally expected! My school is new. It’s a classical charter school. PD was replaced by recruiting when applications did not turn into a sufficient number of registrations. We got the numbers by Wednesday, but have not had anywhere close to all the prep we need. Safety and security training is non-negotiable, and this morning was partly that. Our Open House was today, so some of the morning was prep for that. School starts Monday! I am definitely in over my head!
  19. I am getting lunch (gyro, yummy!) near school before This afternoon’s open house. We had PD this morning, open house details and car-line practice. I left lists for my kids and Dh early this morning. I am not managing any meals at home this weekend or this coming week. Idk how long it will take for me to get some routine and reasonable working hours? Later: Finish lesson prep for this week! Laundry Go to bed by 10.
  20. It was a good day. Very busy! Headed to bed. PD in the morning and Open House in the early afternoon tomorrow. Most things related to school feel wildly out of control to me. Headed to bed.
  21. Thanks! Second grade in a brand new classical charter school. I am terrified.
  22. @Terabith Idk, but we are about to find out. I am jumping in as a new teacher, after a ministry career, then homeschooling. School starts Monday and grad school for licensure requirements the next week. Dh and Ds17 are going to have to do some grocery shopping and cooking!
  23. Spent some time organizing my school materials. Loaded some stuff into my car. Library run Made a quick dinner and did a bit of other kitchen work Did flashcards with Ds for his history quiz. Ran a load of laundry. Next up: Reading for PD Shower Novel
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