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Everything posted by ScoutTN

  1. Church ✔️ Pick up Rx Take medicine ✔️ Grad school assignments Call a friend ✔️ Dinner is leftovers.
  2. ScoutTN


    Nm. Go to the other thread.
  3. Nope, not a drop. Looked stormy in the evening, but no rain.
  4. Printed my articles and read 3 out of 4. Listening to an audiobook and having a snack. Decided not to try for early service tomorrow.
  5. Dinner was good. Did about 3/4 of my lesson planning. House is not clean. I don’t have time. Guys did not do it. Dh did wash my car and do two small chores, after I asked. Got a shower. Rewashing (in oxyclean) a football jersey that has a green mark on it. Helmet paint, I think. Definitely not grass stain. Printing the reading for grad school. I hate real reading on a screen.
  6. Did lots of computer chores. Some personal/household and some work. Made taco meat and boiled some eggs. Prepped veggies for dinner. About to do the pork roast. After dinner will be lesson planning. Might not get to grad school stuff today. ☹️😰
  7. Done: groceries and some prep cooking making late b’fast for me and starting on YNAB
  8. What has she already done for high school English? Does she have any particular interests?
  9. Good morning! Sunshine here. Boo. I was hoping for the predicted and much needed rain. Maybe a storm this afternoon? Nice to get up and not have to be leaving right away. I have made coffee and have bacon in the oven. This morning will be household things, YNAB and grocery shopping. This afternoon will be an email to my students’ parents and lesson planning. This evening will be grad school work. Plus an easy dinner and a shower. Need to call both my mom and MIL.
  10. I had some oral exams in grad school and loved them.
  11. 🏈🏈🏈🎉🎉🙏🏻🏈🏈🎉🎉 Hooray for Friday Night Lights and a big win over a rival school. New coach and new QB (Junior who just transferred In this week!) The game was close for a while and there were lots of exciting plays. 29-13 final. So fun! After last year’s 2-10 season, with huge losses, and a so-so season despite loads of talent the year before, this is an enormous sea change. The kids - players, band, cheerleaders, student section were so happy. The band kept playing and kids were dancing, til the home team kicked us out. 😎
  12. School was ok. Not great, but not horrendous. My hardest kid was out of my room for most of the day because he threw a chair. Not at anyone, thankfully! LOTS of work to do over the weekend! Spent about an hour after school organizing some new shelves in my room. Got home too late to get to the bank. Had leftovers for a snacky supper, but will need something more substantial. Too tired to do YNAB tonight. That’s for early in the day tomorrow. Doing a bit of housekeeping. Laundry, dishes etc. Gonna change clothes for the football game, eat more, and make lists. Need to leave in about 45 minutes for the game.
  13. What’s with the “hot”labels on so many threads now? Anyway, today has a short list: school bank YNAB football game bed
  14. Made warm cherry tomato salad to add to my lunch. Tidied the kitchen. Moved laundry Got a snack Math is prepped I have time to listen and unwind a bit.
  15. Grad school class was good. Next up: finish packing my lunch ✔️ move my laundry and pick clothes ✔️ prep math lesson ✔️ listen to an audiobook
  16. Today was moderately better. Dh is making dinner. ❤️He texted to know where some staple kitchen things are. Y’all, we have lived in this house for 20 years and the waxed paper and brown sugar are where they have always been. 🙄 Zoom class begins in about 45 mins. Only a bit of math lesson prep to do tonight. Need to start my laundry.
  17. Good morning. Today is school and then grad school class. Then bed. Hoping to do any needed lesson planning at school today. Super high heat index and poor air quality here again today. We desperately need a few days of rain. My front yard is dusty, it’s so dry.
  18. I’m on Ozempic, but for T2D, not weight issues. I have lost about 20 lbs.
  19. Church was lovely. Dinner was yummy, my friends are kind and caring, the 5th graders in my class are interested, polite, and fun. (I wasn’t actually teaching tonight.) But I am still exhausted and utterly discouraged. And have a sore throat. Taking vitamins, drinking water, and going to bed. No how can I tweak lesson plans tonight or email parents about their badly behaved children. Got gas on the way home. Packed my lunch Put trash at the curb Started the dishwasher. Got out the heating pad to help me relax; my back and neck are very tight. Too tired to read. My favorite thing and I can’t even do it. 😢
  20. School was a nightmare today. 😢😢😢😢 Headed to church.
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