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Everything posted by ScoutTN

  1. Thanks force taking the time and energy to update us. It is great to hear how well your kids are doing. Congratulations on your new grands! You and your family are an amazing testimony of Love and Grace. Praying for you all this morning: the peace that passes understanding and provision for all the needs.
  2. Good morning! I have done some housekeeping, had coffee, and culled my inbox. Today: Meeting at church ✔️ Phone call ✔️ Trader Joe’s and WF PT appointment ✔️ Take a tomato to my mom? Meal planning Dinner is taco salad/nachos. ✔️ Finish a podcast ✔️ Read
  3. My retreat at the lake was nice, but I am glad to be home. Made dragon noodles, did some kitchen tidying, took out recycling, unpacked, and washed my towel and swim suit. Read my emails, but otherwise trying to mostly ignore real life and work until tomorrow morning. Next up: A very small piece of cheesecake and a podcast.
  4. @wendyroo Well said. We too went with general parenting approach, then kids’ activities. Location also played in a bit too for us, as I wasn’t up for driving across town often with littles.
  5. Did the diagnostic math test and got an 82%, so not as bad as I’d feared. Going to the lake a bit more relaxed. With some solid studying, I could probably take the math test next week. Need to knock these exams out asap and move on!
  6. @mommyoffive Praying for your kid with a health concern.
  7. Good morning. I’m tired. Woke around 4:00 and never really went back to sleep. Stressed about this coming year. I think grad school and first year teaching is too much, but there do not appear to be any options or alternative schedules. Will email HR (work) and licensure (university) people this week to clarify. Wondering if I should stay, skip the lake (today and tomorrow), to study for another Praxis exam? These will likely be my only two days of real vacation until Fall Break or Thanksgiving. My wicked dog snatched the zucchini bread from the counter when Ds left for practice! I heard a weird noise - dog licking foil to get all the crumbs.🙄 If I go: Finish packing, including a lunch leave for the lake with friends . If I don’t: Begin studying for the math exam. Need to make coffee and have my devotional time.
  8. Homeschooling community doesn’t have to be WTM or classical people. And definitely doesn’t have to be kids in exactly your kids’ grade.
  9. Visited with a neighbor. Made smoothies for b’fast and packed lunches. Moved some laundry. Reread the packing list. Got a snack. Gonna read and wind down.
  10. Church event was good! Lots of young families.
  11. Leaving the dinner prep mostly to Dh. I thawed the beef and left seasonings on the counter. He’s gonna have to step up for cooking dinner some when I am working ft, so he might as well begin now! Got some church stuff done and am headed out. Our event got moved inside due to storm threat, but it is hot and sunny and indoors is boring compared to playing outside in the water! Not my event to lead, just a worker bee…
  12. Good afternoon! Mostly a tackling day today, since I will get to retreat to a nice lake house with a group of women from church on M and T. I’ve been to church and done a few AHG things. Next up: eat lunch and do dinner prep. Dinner is burgers, sausages, and veggies on the grill, plus roasted potatoes and a green salad. ✔️ Later: Serve at a children’s ministry event. ✔️ Prep curriculum items for printing/copying/assembling.Will drop this at church early tomorrow. ✔️ Pack for the lake! Choose a new book to read. Something light, as life is intense right now and for the forseeable future.
  13. I got it from a local vendor at the Farmers’ market. It’s tasty, but not hot enough.
  14. Sigh. I love a good ending to a novel. Need to find a new book tomorrow.
  15. Dinner was good. Baked zucchini bread. Made Ds do chores despite lots of whining and evasion. 🙄 Registered to take another exam next week. Folded some laundry. Reminded Ds that I am going to early service; no mom alarm clock tomorrow! Next up: my book!
  16. Got a snack. Back to the list!
  17. Out of a necessary bathroom cleaning product. Off to the store. Will get some additional lunchbox items for Ds for this coming week too. Football is all day and he needs to take a lunch.
  18. Headache. Drinking water, taking meds. Ugh. Grad school stuff took forever. Directions in Canva, which I could not enlarge on the screen. Still need to turn in vax records and get a photo with a plain white background for an ID. Gonna clean next bc I am tired of sitting at my computer.
  19. Good morning! I slept late and have had b’fast and coffee. Today: Finish an Amazon order for my mom. And email or call her. ✔️ Do grad school onboarding, set up email etc. ✔️ Work on church curriculum. ✔️ Study for an exam. ✔️ Clean a bathroom. ✔️ Prep clothes for tomorrow. Dinner is pork chops, sweet corn, asparagus, and tomatoes. ✔️ Might finish my book tonight? I got too sleepy last night.
  20. It’s an old saying! Ruth Beechick has a good book by that title.
  21. Did several hours of test prep. The History is pretty easy. Will register tomorrow for actually taking the test. Discussed tomorrow’s schedule with Ds and Dh.
  22. Chx shwarma is made and ready for salads or sandwiches. I had a snack a while ago and am not too hungry. Baking choc chip cookies while Ds is at work. Doing test prep.
  23. I used AAS, but not exactly as it is written. I have a natural speller, for whom I did a super-abridged version. I also have a poor speller who is a get ‘er done sort of student, who needed the detail and the multi-sensory aspect. For him we did the first few levels as written, then adapted, using less stuff. No stuff here for reading, writing, or grammar.
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