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Everything posted by camibami

  1. OK, I am not really going to "do" much of anything, since we move later this year, so I guess this is more of a rant! I have a friend who's girls go to my youngest's gym. This year they moved up to the team, so we see them at every practice. I really like R- we agree on politics, she grew up in Korea and I love Korea and speak Korean, we have similar interests. I really enjoy talking ot her. She stays at practice, and normally I do, too, because ElastiGirl likes me to and she's young. We get coffee and chat, its really nice. But her kids-! Total brats. They literally yell at her, she feebly tells them to "use nice voices". The coach kicks them out of practice, she coddles them (my DD would be in *so* much trouble for sassing the coach, not that she would!) One of them bosses poor ElastiGirl constantly, tries to tell her what to do, despite being far less experienced at gymnastics. They push in line, push to get water, pull stuff out of other kids hands. ElastiGirl mostly just distances herself and rolls her eyes. I admire her restraint- I would have chucked a ball (its rhythmic gymnastics so they have lots of equipment on hand!) at her head a LONG time ago.:tongue_smilie:R does nothing- usually she is chatting or emailing, and she doesn't notice. Or she does, but she's said things before like she wants her girls to be strong and go after what they want, which I guess equates to rudeness-? Believe me, she wouldn't take kindly to being told her little angels are a pain in the rear, LOL. Other than her kids though, she's great. I just can't stand them, though, so I've started dropping Elastigirl off for practice and leaving because if I don't, I'M going to be the one throwing a ball at their heads! Whew-! I feel better now!
  2. One thing to remember is that often enlisting will get you a higher bonus/loan repayment/etc. I know a former DA and a few others with advanced professional degrees who enlisted due to that. All were drowning in post-college debt, and going in as an E-4, while not glamourous, got them loan repayment. Not available if they went in as officers, and down the road they could still go to OCS if they wanted once their original contract was fufilled. This was a pre-9/11 Army though- so it may have changed! Check out the benefits/bonuses/training/schools/advancement offered from *every* angle.
  3. I'll second the dress shields. I don't have that problem any longer, but as an early teen- yikes! My sweat glands were waaaayyyy overactive. My mother actually took me to a Dr and I got a prescription deoderant/anti-perspirant. It didn't work, either, LOL. To give her hope: I am still probably sweatier than average, but no where near like my early puberty days. So her hormones may balance out in a few years, and the problem will reduce. Also, this is weird, too, but shaving my underarms makes sweating worse for me. I haven't shaved my armpits in years for that reason. Unless I am wearign a tank top and raise my arm, you can't tell anyway, and somehow, it helps. Poor kid. Please tell her she isn't alone!
  4. I'm not a vet, but our Lab has arthritis in her shoulders and elbows (the bend in her front legs- I guess thats the elbow??) We took x-rays a few years ago when she started limping, to rule anything else out, and recently did some more since she's gotten worse. Used to be just rainy days, long walks, etc aggravated it, now she limps every day. We started Rimadyl based on her newest x-rays, which showed it much worse. Her hips and back legs are fine, so it is very possible that its arthritis. Frankly, I've never met a 10 year old Lab who *didn't* have some arthritis, so if yours has gone this long- wow! Rimadyl is *much* cheaper in bulk over the internet, by the way- I got our vet to write a prescription so we can buy it that way. Otherwise, we couldn't afford it, its expensive stuff. Worth it though- she's a whole new doggy almost!
  5. I don't know anything about those kind of tumors, but I did have a Lab with cancer. By the time we found it (several lumps on her side and belly) it was everywhere- riddled her organs, etc. We had her put down, and even that was probably too late, as she had had severe arthritis for years and was in pain. Is it possible they are cysts or abcesses, not tumors? I don't know that tumors grow so fast as that, but I could be wrong, I am not a vet! I hope you get good news!Its tough to lose an animal.
  6. I've broken the little toe on my left foot 3 times. (Can we say KLUTZ!?) First time, went to the Dr (I was a teen), had it taped to the other toe. Second time (in the Army) same deal. Third time, was in an Army school I did *not* want to get sent home from and have to start all over again, so I taped the durn thing myself and ran on it, etc. Not the best, but no lasting ill effects. I could feel that the bones in my foot were okay, that it was the toe itself, right at the joint. Every injury was the same- getting it caught on something and bent back and to the side. If you dropped something on your foot, there is more chance something else is broken. I;m not a Dr, nor do I play one on the internet :D but I have broken my toe quite bit!
  7. Oh my gosh-I am just heartsick about this for your DD! Thats just...just...wow. Can you contact the leader and explain the events of the past year (ie persecution/exclusion by Christians), and explain the extremely tight financial situation you are in, and those things combined make this pretty much the only option for your DD? Maybe talking to her/him one on one will take away the "other"-ness of being (gasp!) Hindu, and make you and DD more "real", as in what their exclusion means to a REAL, feeling child? I just want to cry for your DD! Its just not fair!
  8. Dunno if you are open to questions, but is there a "grace period"? Is it one violation, you are out, or are you warned? I can't imagine me personally insulting someone's religion, but you never know how a thing could be taken.
  9. I get frustrated with the "if you aren't for the war, your anti-American" schtick. I'm a veteran. My husband is on active duty. We have both fought to protect our freedoms- including the freedom to disagree with the administration's use of our service members in this particular instance. Otherwise, what good was/is our service, if our freedoms are so hollow and our country so fragile, that some opinions to the contrary can crush it? Heck, I will vehemently defend the "no women in the military" folks' right to their opinion. SO yeah- #1, I totally agree.
  10. All you both handers are lucky- I am totally righty. I can barely do anything with my left!
  11. I shower every day, but only wash my hair once a week or so. It looks *so* much better since I started that regimen! Growing and shiny and not as broken, and the wave came back with less frizz.
  12. Whew! I thought the whole crossed-wires-in-the-brain theory was a little wacky,LOL. Rhythmic gymnastics involves handheld apparatus, so lots of throwing and catching. She's definitely a lefty for that, which is weird to me since I can do a few things with my left but couldn't catch anything with it! As she gets older, she is more lefty than righty, but when she was learning to write I still couldn't tell, so...I picked the one I was most comfortable with! Thanks- probably a dumb thing to worry about, but I feel better now!
  13. I had to ask DD how many we have now- 26!! They save up for the ones they really want, get them for birthdays, etc. its our "go to" birthday gift, for boys or girls. The neighbor boys all have them, so I am not sure its really a girl thing, at least not here. I don't play, though. They would still rather torture..er..play with the kitten or dog,if they can catch them. SInce they can't, they play with Webkinz. I know the alive pets around here are grateful! :lol:
  14. ElastiGirl never seemed to have dominant hand. My oldest was righty right away, no problem. But I couldn't tell with my youngest, I would specifically hand her things and watch- she would use a different hand every time. Colored with both. Finally started preschool and I just finalyl picked right, because everyone else in the family was a righty. Also a Dr I asked said there are no "true" ambidextrous people- a hand is always dominant. Well, I obviously picked wrong, it seems she *is* a lefty after all. It took her doing lots of rhythmic gymnastics to discover- she jumps left leg leading, she catches better with her left (though can use both almost equally), she stretches better left. Her handwriting is better than her big sisters. It doesn't seem to bother her, she's just used to writing right now. I see no point in changing at 7 years old. But, will it matter later? Is her poor brain all cross wired from the forced switch? (THats a little dramatic, I'll admit. But it did occur ot me!)
  15. Its all about the catchlights! My "stoned" photos come from half-open eyes. His eyes are open wide, so I think he looks fine. And those kicks *are* cool!Now I have "Kung-Fu fighting" running through my head "...those dudes were fast as lightning...doo doo doo doo doo dum doo doo doo..."
  16. DH made endless of fun of me for pausing Cinderella and pointing out all her marketable skills to the girls. As in, what is she waiting around for? Go start a cleaning business, move out of your stepmom's house, and maybe date a few guys before marrying the one who "falls" for you when you are dressed to the nine's and haven't done anything but dance. None of my girls are "princessy" types. Their nicknames are Big and Little, for their birth order. I did refer to my youngest as Mamamaniac when she was little, and my oldest as peaches. It doesn't really bother me, the princess thing, if others do it. We just don't.
  17. I went to a moms group this morning, and I couldn't believe how many moms were thrilled that their dc had started PreK or K. It was almost like finally, I get my house back for a few hours! Well, that what I'd be thinking, and totally unapologetically! I sometimes longingly dream of putting the kids on the bus, walking the dog, going letterboxing, scrapbooking, cleaning the house, going grocery shopping alone or cooking elaborate dinners. Or just listening to NPR by myself. Sounds *wonderful*. But the reality is, those few hours all alone wouldn't make up for the hassle and negatives of group schooling. SO, we homeschool, and I send DH and the girls to his parents in Missouri once a year for a whole week by myself. Keeps me sane.;) I only get annoyed by that question if its from someone who persistently insists the kids should be in school. Like family members who are apparently deaf to my replies, the girls' success as hs'ers, our frequent moves, and the 1001 other reasons why homeschooling is working well for us. Then, I get annoyed, but I've really perfected my bean-dip responses!
  18. I'll be honest, though DH and I are registered members of 2 different parties, I have the most influence on the kids. I am doing my part to make 'em good little Democrats- DH would say socialists! He rarely talks politics with anyone except me, so they hear mostly my views on things. I present both sides, but they always, always ask what *I* think. Apparently my opinion is pretty important (which is cool, and scary!) because they then announce they agree with me. I guess the Jesuits had it right on that "give me a child until he's 6" thing! Will they always? No idea. I am much like my parents politically;DH like his but a tad more liberal. Niether of us was raised by a mixed-politics family though, so who knows how that will play out. I imagine they won't always be so adamant that Mom is always right, unfortunately.
  19. Nope. To my knowledge, we never have in anything other than local elections. We just cancel each other out. It works for us. :D
  20. I'm a big girl, and have learned a whole lot of "deflection diplomacy" over the years. It ain't easy being a military wife and homeschooler, and Democrat! But I *am* getting tired of people or other children asking my kids about who they would vote for, at hs'ing events. Thats the only time it ever seems to happen. Because, my girls are too young to do anything but parrot my approval of Barack Obama, and then kids tell them he's a Muslim, or he wants to let babies die (!), etc etc. And the girls are really flummoxed, because, well, they are *kids*. They could grow up to be Republicans or Libertarians or Socialists, but they are basically apolitical now, so please leave them alone, or at least don't get into a political argument when they answer a candidate you don't like! They are 10 and 7 for pete's sake!! Whew- I feel better. I tell you, I have had a regular carnival of freakshow events happen recently, from witnessing family arguments at church to unsolicited political advice to my 7 year old. I am beginning to see the benefits of being a hermit!!
  21. Yes, I forgot, and its actually about to ruin a friendship. I have a friend who has a DD a year older than my PiedPiper. They get along *famously*. They met while waiting for their little sisters at gymnastics- they both love Harry Potter, playing in the woods, reading, etc. G___ is in middle school this year- 6th grade. I have been bothered by her mother (a ps teacher, but I don't know if that is really relevant or not) harping on G___ for her weight (which is fine, really), dragging her shopping for "cool" clothes when G___ prefers something else, inviting a boy to her birthday party simply because she wanted her DD to have a co-ed party, not because G___ wanted that. But the icing on the cake was this weekend, when my friend and G___ got into a crying argument because she is *making* G___ go out for cheerleading. Why? Because her mom wants her to be popular, so she can be invited to the cool parties. Seriously! DH and I were *aghast*. She often says things like "Oh, you should send PiedPiper to school, she'd be so popular because she's so pretty" and whatnot. Uh, NO! Poor G____ just wants to build forts in the woods with PiedPiper, not be "cool". My friend insists she is preparing G___ for the "real world". I just feel sad. DH and I both are trying to figure out how to end this friendship, which is tough since they go to our church and our girls are so close. I am pretty sure DD is glad I forgot to make her into something she isn't, either by my own hand or by subjecting her to the artificial Lord of the Flies world of middle school.
  22. This is kind of cheesy and embarassing, but I scrapbooked them! I did one "losing teeth" page, and made a flower shaped shadow box to put on it. Only, instead of glitter or beads or something, the shaker box has my DD's teeth in it! DH thinks its gross. I just couldn't think of what to do with them! Its only the wee baby teeth- my oldest has been losing molars and they are too big and groddy to keep. But both girls have a tooth shaker box lurking in their scrapbooks.:tongue_smilie:
  23. I have a 5th and 2nd this year. I am having a terrible time keeping Pied Piper in work! She is flying through everything, and since Elastigirl still requires quite a bit of hands-on time with me, PiedPiper is finishing all her work them just hanging out. I can't imagine adding anything else, our schedule and day is quite full, she just finishes everything much faster. I am toying with the idea of signing her up for an at-your-own-pace digital scrapbooking class, because she would enjoy it. Or Angelicum's Socratic Discussions, but its just too $$$. She wrote her first report htis week, a character sketch of Harriet Tubman, and I've really noticed a large leap in her writing ability. Finally!:party:
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