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Everything posted by 2cents

  1. If you decide to withdraw, what you might do is contact her advisor on campus if she has one and explain how continuing the class may be jeopardized by your treatment schedule and see if there is a way they can withdraw her 'with special considerations'. Is there any possibility of switching to an online version of the class and completing it that way?
  2. Personally, if it was my son and talking to the Prof didn't clear things up, I would let him drop. Economics doesn't have to be that frustrating. It doesn't sound like the Prof is following a path that corresponds with the intent of the class description. That is not good. Having to purchase a text that was not being used would anger me to no end as well! Can you check to see if there is any feedback on Ratemyprofessors.com? I view the ratings with some skepticism but it may give you an idea if this issue is something others have had with this particular teacher.
  3. :grouphug::grouphug: Sounds like you have all your ducks in a row. I hope it turns out well.
  4. We don't take the summer off. We do make the studies a little different and the days are also shorter. This summer is: Math, Finish up science, Finish up Lit lessons from LOTR, Spanish II and a study of the US between the Industrial Revolution through the Depression and a study in Cryptozoology because the girls are into that right now.
  5. :iagree: I have noticed that too and it is really annoying! There is a specific place to rate sellers and they should be using that.
  6. Starting a diet can be so challenging. :( But once you get over the first week and see the scale inching down you begin to feel a little better. I started a strict no-carb (in reality just very low carb) diet in Jan. The nice thing about very low carb is that you lose a lot of the cravings that make a diet so hard to deal with. The results have been great not just in terms of weight but I've stopped having joint pain, allergies and migraines too. I am in WW too but I don't do their plan. I go for the meetings and weekly weigh-in. The weigh-in and meeting is just another motivating factor. When I hit my goal I'll be a free member too. What jump-started my diet was reading Gary Taubes book 'Why We Get Fat and What To Do About It." It was a real eye-opener. :)
  7. I think that she needs to be informed. You might approach it with saying that you were surprised to hear that what was ok in your youth was not ok now. It gives her a little bit of an out and may avoid defensiveness. Personally, I don't see how a chiropractic adjustment was so necessary that she would leave them outside like that. I kinda have issues with mine being in a strange waiting room too. You can't guarantee the receptionist will watch them and strangers may be going in and out. It was an unsafe situation all around and she needs to be gently clued in.
  8. Have you seen this site: http://www.getbodysmart.com/ It has some nice interactives!
  9. WOW! That is the world's largest Slushee!! Amazing amounts of ice and it was moving so fast. I'd hate to get caught in the way!
  10. WHY oh WHY do people do these things??? The dangers of that particular area are well documented and I just don't understand why people take risks like that. It is one thing to risk your own life but when you make these choices for children and put would be rescuers at risk too---well---(just shaking head). I fear for that family. :(
  11. I 2nd FLVS!!! Florida Virtual School is FREE and you retain your homeschool status and you can find everything you could possibly want right there. I too admire your strength and I think things will start to turn around for you. Florida is a great state to be in to homeschool!
  12. I was reading about cinnamon and there are differences and some are definitely better than others. I use Frontier brand that I found on Amazon. It was good tasting and aromatic and the price was reasonable.
  13. Ohhhh....low carb cheesecake sounds yummy! I think we would love that too!
  14. :iagree: I totally agree about the snacking on fat that you mentioned. It is the carbs that will get you. In our house, we're doing a very low carb diet and I do use the keto strips to monitor the sugar. I really like the low carb because I don't have the urge to snack at all. When I was getting too much sugar it was like a merry-go-round...eat...hunger pangs...eat.. Seriously, all I thought about was my next meal or snack. I think it was all linked to too much sugar/carbs. Gary Taubes book Why We Get Fat and What To Do About It explains it all really well.
  15. Hey! They have Flatland by Edwin Abbott too! I've been wanting to get the girls to read this. So excited! :D
  16. Before we put in a water softener we used to get the hard water ring too. I used a pumice stone and scrubbed it off. Worked great! For soap scum, the BBC How Clean is Your House ladies used a lemon. They cut it in half and rubbed in right on the shower door and left it for a little while and then rinsed it off.
  17. That is interesting! So many of the diets now recommend many small meals to keep the body fueled. Makes me wonder if it is just sustaining a 'sugar rush'. I'm only eating 2x a day and no snacking and it has worked wonders for me. I think there really is something to this.
  18. What an interesting life! I bet he was a joy to talk to. The part about him working for the White Star Line caught my eye. Titanic was one of their ships. He would have likely been too young (for work) at the time it sank but I bet he heard some stories when he did start work there.
  19. Cool! I use a mix of vinegar and water to wash the windows. Instead of a cloth, I use old newspaper. You'd be surprised how well it absorbs and doesn't leave streaks. I used to watch a BBC show called 'How Clean is Your House' and they used a lot of less chemically concoctions too. It is a great show if you can find it.
  20. This is what we do. We cut out sodas and fruit juices and no more dairy drinking. I wonder if she is including coffee and tea in the 'water' category? I couldn't do without my coffee! :)
  21. Anyone have any opinions on 'The Hunger Games' ? There are 3 books in the series and they seem to be very popular.
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