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Everything posted by LaissezFaire

  1. That is great! Her life will change so much...for the better. My dd loves her pump and we can't imagine ever going back to shots. :)
  2. I'm not sure, maybe any family bigger than mine? We are a family of 8 and I do not feel like a large family but everyone around here considers us one.
  3. Flowers in the Attic was definitely the Twilight of the 80's. And far more disturbing actually. I liked it then...but I was 12. :lol:
  4. :iagree::iagree::iagree: Fight Club was pretty tame (and even had moments that made bile rise in my throat. But from the reviews I have read on his other books...people have had to leave readings to go throw up. Not at all something I am interested in reading!
  5. I am prepared to be an outcast. I loved the majority of the books in this thread. LOVED. The Red Tent The Kiterunner The Book Thief Unwind The Handmaid's Tale Water for Elephants (Which has my favorite ending of any book ever) Outlander (My top favorite) Life of Pi Into the Wild (Although I agree with PP's take on his character, I don't have to like the person to like the book.) The last time there was a thread like this I reserved a bunch of the books people hated and ended up loving them. I am not a fan of fluff or overly happy books, I like strange and dystopian. I will agree about The Shack which is my #1 most hated book of all time.
  6. Mine never have. Even my girls who are going into 8th grade. None of them have ever expressed a desire to go to PS or any school for that matter.
  7. Standard Edition Could you look at page 190, problem 3a and 191, problem 3d and tell me if you get a different answer than the answer key gives? I have built the model with linking cubes and I get a totally different answer than the key does. (I checked the errata page on Singapore but these problems were not listed.) (Example: I do not see how a cube structure with 16 cubes 1cm cubes in it could possibly have a volume of 20 cubed...but that is what they say it is.)
  8. I don't think there is anything wrong with backing up. Often when you back up they can work faster to catch up to where they should be but get a refresh learning past lessons. I had to do this in math this year. I bumped my 7th graders down to level 5 Singapore so they could get a better grasp on the concepts. They can complete a weeks worth in a day however.
  9. I completely agree with watching the plays. I think they should be watched first rather than after as a reward (the way they did it when I was in school). Watching it after made no sense to me at all. It's much better to see it and then read the detail and be able to picture the nuances and the hear the flow of the language in your mind. Watching them after is more like, "Oh, NOW I get it." So that is my advice watch first. I took my 7th graders to see Much Ado About Nothing and it completely made them fall in love with the bard. One of my dd's has read the play 3 times in the last month and is creating masks to do her own video version. I think a;; students should see the plays performed, it brings them to life...literally. I think the best ones to start with are: Midsummer Night's Dream The Taming of the Shrew Much Ado About Nothing Twelfth night
  10. Story of the World Horizons Math (younger levels) A Reason for Handwriting I think in a few years I will be able to add : First Language Lessons Singapore Math Tapestry of Grace We have only been using these a couple years but I love them.
  11. Yep. The front cover of the notebook has our school calendar for the year. I have the days off marked in red on the calendar and then I have the weeks color coded by term. Inside I have what course each kid is taking, course descriptions, the weekly calendars that I make up to schedule each subject. Also I have pages with ideas for next year and curriculum I want to check out later.
  12. Wow. I am a history nerd so that boggles my mind. I shouldn't be surprised I suppose. I don't think history gets it's fair share of time in the world where technology and science are at the forefront.
  13. I am thinking it was somewhere around 18 hours but it's hard for me to gauge exactly when labor started. I went to the hospital around 9pm and had them (twins) around noon. No interventions.
  14. Nope. My husband who knows about nuclear 'stuff' (obviously I do not. LOL) says it's not even an issue for us. He just spent the last couple days in a class for work with a bunch of nuclear experts as well and they are also not concerned at this point. He explained it all to me but it was way over my head.
  15. I buy most of them. I wouldn't buy the TG for Penmanship and sometimes I skip the TG for spelling if it's a lower level and not needed for completing the lessons. (i.e. teacher prompts). Otherwise I do use them though.
  16. Huge, HUGE fan here. Saw it in Los Angeles and it's coming back for one month this summer! I am so excited. I know the entire thing by heart as do my older girls. I also wept through it and I never weep over plays or movies.
  17. Well that depends. if you are talking about paint it is a long /i/ if you are talking about a book it is a short /i/
  18. I teach multiplication in second grade and by the end of second they are starting division. Conceptually there is some multiplication and division earlier than that but mostly through manipulatives only, teaching grouping and regrouping. Long division begins in 3rd or 4th grade.
  19. I always tell people up front before they ask me to keep something a secret that I share everything with my husband. Then they can choose whether they want to tell me. Unless it's a secret involving some sort of surprise for him. It's much too hard for me to have secrets from my husband so I am honest and up front about it. My best friend and I just know that when we tell each other something, we are also telling the husband essentially.
  20. My 7.5 year old dd is SUPER tiny too. She is about the same size as your 8 year old and my 5 year old DS is the same size as she is. My older DD's are pretty short too so that is likely why I don't panic too much but it's funny because she was my biggest baby out of all 6 of them and growth-wise she is the smallest.
  21. I will tell you all a secret. Usually when I read a thread title I reply in my head with what I'd really like to say and then speculate what the replies would be. It's my dark humor I guess.
  22. I m definitely in the join 'em camp. I have no desire to fight against the zombies.
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