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Everything posted by LaissezFaire

  1. So do I to an absolutely crazy extent. When people are so gaga over Edward in Twilight I think to myself. Hmm...they must never have met Jamie. Jamie is a real man. LOL! Actually DG refers to him being smelly on many occasions and Claire as well. LOL I am LAUGHING about the kissing/gagging thing...my last pregnancy I could not EVER see characters kiss on tv or a commercial...instant puking. Weirdest pregnancy aversion ever.
  2. I confess that even thought I am well into my 30's I still walk into the dark bedroom at night and do a superman leap into bed so that my bare feet are never near the edge of the bed. The monster's underneath might grab my ankles. My husband who is already asleep in bed at this point is not a fan of my superman leap.
  3. There are 8 of us in the family and I drive a 12 passenger Chevy Express. I LOVE my van.
  4. You must live near me. This is crazy (and cool!) weather.
  5. Slice. As in...and I can barely type this, "I sliced off my fingertip." {{shudder}} I also really dislike the word Phenomenal. Green. I hate the word 'expecting' when referring to being pregnant. Absolutely HATE it. Tunafish.
  6. Around age 2. My kids either got too heavy or preferred to walk around that age.
  7. YES!! My kids love that they have plenty of books to choose from if we cannot make it to the library (or it's closed, ours has very limited hours). I have tons of classics on hand that I got at the Goodwill and years of other really great non-twaddle books to choose from. I don't completely ban twaddle from the house but it doesn't stay here long. If they are going to re-read I would rather it's good literature or at the very least well written.
  8. A nerf dart. A random mercenary probably shot it into my purse from across the room. I tried the small purse thing but I have to carry snacks for my diabetic child so I always go back to the bigger purse.
  9. I love my nook BUT I do sometimes miss the feel of an actual book. I am reading Liping Ma's book (which is a physical book) and it feels nice to have a whole book in my hand again. However I reread the 7th Harry Potter book and I was WISHING it was an ebook because it is so heavy! I think the one real advantage of having ereaders is for school. I have been able to download a lot of the books we need free or if I have to buy it I have a copy for everyone for the price of one (both my older girls and I both have an ereader). So, maybe since you spent the money on it you can use it for school to get your money worth?
  10. We don't eat them so we hot glue them together. That way they are super sturdy and it holds fast.
  11. Honestly I think the molded cup ones are really great for girls in early phases of development. That is what I buy for my girls (they are an A cup) because it masks the 'breast bud' and makes everything nice and smooth. I found the thinner training bras still made their breasts look a bit obvious. I don't know if I am describing this correctly.
  12. I am laughing because I also know a "Joy" who has never ever exhibited a moment of Joy before. She is an absolute negative nellie.
  13. Cafe Firenze in Moorpark, Ca. If anyone watches Top Chef it is Fabio Viviani's restaurant. We've been going there for a few years and it's kind of fun to say we knew him and his restuarant before he was (reality TV) famous. :lol:
  14. I did this with Water For Elephants but then they started filming the movie on my street and I thought, "Well, maybe I should read it because now I am going to want to see the movie." It ended up being one of my favorite books. Sometimes I wonder if the books I gave up on too soon were actually really great? :lol:
  15. The Shack was my worst of the year but I didn't totally finish it. Next would be Running with Scissors but I didn't finish it either. I don't have a problem not finishing books that I am not enjoying. Some of my favorite books are in this thread. LOL! The Book Thief is probably my favorite for the year and Outlander is one of my favorite all time. I think this thread just shows how different personalities gravitate towards different types of books. I love that. I do have to disagree that the Outlander Characters have no depth. There are some people who fiercely care about them, then again they have been reading about them for about 6,000 pages so maybe more of the character development comes gradually throughout the series.
  16. I just got mine but I do love it. I knew I would because my parents and my in laws also have one. Ours has a water maker that isn't in the door which I like. It's a little button on the inner wall. It also has a dispenser that fits a 12 pack of soda, a meat/cheese drawer that is huge, 2 crisper drawers plus one extra drawer that we designated the "leftovers drawer" so they never get lost in the fridge. It has an ice maker in the freezer drawer. I also love that now my 2 year old cannot reach anything in the fridge. In the old fridge she would sneak pieces of cheese ALL the time. I really do love it a lot, I can't even think of anything bad to say about it! Here is mine (ours is black) http://www.sears.com/shc/s/p_10153_12605_04602139000P?mv=rr&i_cntr=1292818678267
  17. It does depend on the girl. I think my girls would like to do something special. They talk about it (getting their period) on occasion. I think they are close. They are both 12.
  18. I made it about halfway. I was reading it in the tub and I had just had enough. I threw it at the wall so hard that my husband and all my kids came running to see what was going on. LOL
  19. I also have ordered from them for years and I have always had excellent service.
  20. I don't have a problem searching for the answers. I am getting the Instructor's guide and i don't plan on just sending them off to do their lesson. I strongly feel that they need Singapore approach. They need to get the whys of the concept more than just do this step and that step and I think Singapore will really help with that. Worse case scenario we can always go back to Saxon. Believe me I have thought about it. I do not begin anything without really thinking it through, I've been at this homeschool game awhile now. ;)
  21. We went back and did the assessments starting around 2A and they maxed out at 4B so I think you are pretty accurate about that. I think we will start at 4B so they are sure to learn all of the concepts before moving on.
  22. I am in the process of testing my 7th graders into Singapore math and it's very obvious their level in Saxon is far higher than what they will test into in Singapore. Does anyone have experience with going from Saxon to Singapore. If your child was in 7/6, which Singapore level does that pretty much correspond with? My girls are struggling with the assessments partly because of the metrics and partly because Saxon just hasn't covered the material on the assessment test. (I was giving them 5A). I am tempted to start at the beginning even though they are 7th graders. (They aren't particularly mathy but have always done ok with math until this year where they seem to be not 'getting it'). So any advice or comments on going from Saxon 7/6 into Singapore would be greatly appreciated.
  23. Amazingly one of my sons was born two days after my birthday and the other was born 5 days before my husbands so we always just piggyback on their parties. (sing and presents or whatever). We never have big parties for adults. Sometimes we might do a dinner out.
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