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Everything posted by fairfarmhand

  1. Do you like the color ones? I hate them. We have all the black and whites on DVD, but can't stand it in color.
  2. Does the Cosby show count? My all time favorite is The Andy Griffith show.
  3. I wonder...do cows have 4 femurs or are only the back legbones considered femurs?
  4. I just read that except for camels and llamas, no ruminants have top teeth in the front. now we both know!
  5. Most people don't realize that cows have NO FRONT TEETH on the top. They really can't bite you in the same way a horse can.
  6. we do bury our chickens that die. But a 1200 pound cow requires too big of a hole.
  7. MY kids continually amaze me! Last fall we lost a cow. As farmers do everywhere, we dragged her carcass off to the back forty to let nature and the scavengers do their work. This afternoon my girls were riding the 4wheeler back there and when I went out, they had piled a huge mound of cow bones in the driveway. They are planning to try to reconstruct the cow's skeleton! I cannot believe this! I'm grossed out by it, but glad they are interested and curious enough to try.:001_smile:
  8. Could you call social services? There are programs in place in many states to assist people who really want to get their lives on track. If you had even a part time job, your mother would have to call home health and you would be able to honestly say, "well, since you can't pay me, and I need a plan for the future, then I HAVE to work." I am so sorry you have to go through this.
  9. My mil went for years, but was miserable. Eventually it had to come out when she could barely eat.
  10. yep. He didn't mention it to her (she would have been mortified had he mentioned it) , but I figured he should know. none of us are immortal. If something were to happen to me, he needs to know some stuff.
  11. Please tell me that there is another place I can find really wide shoes for my toddler boy. I really don't want to spend $50 for one stinkin' pair of shoes. I hardly even pay that for my shoes, and I don't outgrow them!
  12. I'm an engineer's wife too; I've had to practice on ways to make my feelings heard by his heart, not just his head. He naturally thinks more with his head than his heart. Then we would get into long explanations by my dh on why my feeling a particular emotion was not logical. As if emotion is ever logical! "Yeah, it doesn't go well when he tells me I shouldn't be upset. He also told me recently that my child birth labors were easy :glare: That was not good. Tell him to pass a kidney stone that weighs 7 lbs. Then he can say that! Seriously, when addressing these kind of situations I say " Hey, this might seem dumb to have my feelings hurt, but this is the way I feel. Whether you meant it that way is irrelevant. I felt rejected. I wanted to spend time with you, tried to arrange it, and the twenty minute drive decided it for you. That hurts." He's getting much better, and he's learned that making his wife a priority pays off in "other ways". Not that I use certain things punitively, but I do get in the mood more when my feelings aren't being trampled.
  13. It happens all the time. Ask your ob/gyn how many pregnancy checks they have to do at the post partum exam.
  14. find a good organization and get rid of them. Or you could always e-bay the nicest things too.
  15. I'd be tempted to call the police on the 16 year old. really.
  16. If it bugs you that bad, then sell it. How often does it work out for you to be hauling that many people? You could also go for a larger sedan type car. They sometimes have more space in the back than many other vehicles, and many have a middle seat up front too. They are great for elderly people to get in and out of too. I can haul more stuff in the trunk of my sedan than I can in the cargo area of my Kia minivan.
  17. I had these problems when I was pregnant. Is that a possibility? I would do yoga before bed so I could relax more fully.
  18. 10-11 year old girls are bad too. At least mine was. After THINGS began happening, life got much easier. She's a pain only 4 days a month instead of all the time. Don't know what would help a little boy though.
  19. I just asked my 12 year old about the pants. She said no she wouldn't wear them; I asked her what she thought a bout another girl close to her age wearing them and she said they would be ok for a littler girl, like 8 year old, but not for a teen.
  20. I'm so jealous of you guys who've been there. Yet for the record, I'd kill my daughter for sneaking out to smooch her sweetie, even if she could dance with a sprained ankle!
  21. The first time is so much fun! They will probably start laying in 5 months or so. Exciting stuff. Just wait till your kids come racing in with their first eggs. It is awesome!
  22. It's ok. I felt the same way last year with my dd 8. Around the middle of second grade she finally had something click in her head. SHE WAS ALMOST 8 YEARS OLD! I was so relieved. Each child is different. Let her read easy stuff. Let her read shopping lists, write funny things on the pavement in chalk for her to read, take turns reading sentences in the hard stuff with you. My dd LOVED the I spy series of books and I tricked her into reading them while I was driving. "mommy's driving; can you try to sound it out?" It made it worse since her older sister taught herself to read at age 4! I know it is harder on you since you have people commenting to you about it. WHO CARES WHAT YOUR MOTHER THINKS? Hang in there! She probably hates it so much because it is SO HARD for her.
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