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Everything posted by fairfarmhand

  1. I love my own kids, and I really like some kids that belong to a few of my friends. But I do not necessarily like ALL children because they are children. Some kids get on my nerves, mostly because they are ill-behaved and have poor manners. I like kids that are well behaved and polite. I have certain families that I enjoy having over, even though they are large families because the kids are neat and they play well with mine.
  2. I don't feed the neighbor kids. IN the words of my dad. "Did I take you to raise?" And they get to drink water too
  3. I do like Coke Zero myself. (it is my only vice.) But I do typically buy more stuff at the grocery than diet soda and junk food. That is what amused me so much.
  4. the person in the grocery store line buying boxes of Little Debbies, the 1 lb Hersey's bar, Funyuns, and several bottles of Coke Zero. (yep. I actually saw this today.)
  5. would it be offensive to take child by the hand and bring them to the parent saying "Susie is having trouble behaving. I think it would be best for her to stay with you."
  6. I find something gorgeous to wear in the next size down. Hang it up where I can see it each day. Have a plan for when I can fit into it... (going on a special date with dh etc.)
  7. How do you nicely say... "you kid is a brat and since you're not doing anything about it, get out!!!" :glare:
  8. what happens if they repeatedly ignore you and parent is ineffective?
  9. If another person's child is in your home and the parent is not in the room with them, nor are they within earshot, what do you think is your responsibility toward that kid? (parent is in the house, but not nearby) What if they are misbehaving? Being ugly to your children? Being disrespectful to things in your home? Just flat out disobeying the rules of your house? How do you handle these situations?
  10. see, plumbing, electricians, carpentry...they are not "glamorous" jobs. But at 10 pm when your toilet won't flush you definitely want one.
  11. "A few years from now, an hour with a good plumber, if you can find one, is going to cost more than an hour with a good psychiatrist. At which point we'll all be in need of both." here is one of my favorite quotes.
  12. Have ya'll seen this? http://dsc.discovery.com/fansites/dirtyjobs/mike-rowe-senate-testimony.html The fellow makes some great points.
  13. tell me about it... look around people....if it is dirty clean it! not that complicated.
  14. yep... btdt. I understand the hurt...the isolation. My 2 best homeschooling friends went back to work 2 years ago. Still havent found anyone to compare.
  15. yes...I learned this the hard way. All the guilt and expectations sent me into a year long depression. This is good advice.
  16. yes. eventually you will. My oldest is 13. MY baby is 3. For the first time, life is pretty predictable. This is the first summer since homeschooling that I am not pregnant, nursing or have a child in diapers. I am sleeping all night most nights. So it does get better.
  17. I went through 13 years of school without finding a "best friend." but when I did, I married him. Focus on the things your can control. And we do have those 2 extremes of homeschoolers here....I'[ve had a hard time finding a good fit since my 2 best hsing friends went back to work.
  18. :iagree: and people who say you are not doing enough.... the best you can is enough. If they don't like that, they are just going to have to deal with it and get over it.
  19. I go room by room. I won't even leave the room I am working in to put things where they belong. (I'd get distracted and forget what I am really working on) I make piles next to the door or just toss stuff out the door of where I am working in. Then I close the door on that one room. It helps me to at least have one room that looks nice. And it is motivational too to get another room looking nice.
  20. have you used a lighter like this one? http://www.walmart.com/ip/Coleman-Utility-Lighter-2-Pack/13848640?sourceid=1500000000000003260410&ci_src=14110944&ci_sku=13848640
  21. I am so sorry. My mother passed in January and I know how hard this must be for you. Prayers and :grouphug:
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