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Everything posted by fairfarmhand

  1. why not cut out white food? I don't know anything about Atkins, but try keeping everything in your diet but white flour, white sugar, potatoes and rice. I've had great success with this. If you feel your milk supply going down, then you may want to see an nutritionist.
  2. I read the article in the Salon last weekend. The end of it speaks as to how she had a friend say, "Hey, you are wasting time, hoping your dd will become something else. Why not accept her for WHO SHE IS... You;re her mom. She needs to be able to depend on you" This mom ends up learning to give her daughter space to be who she is destined to be. For whatever reason though it is hard for her to step back and love her dd without trying to "fix" her dd. (ie. make her into someone "better") It seems harsh on the tv segment, but the article is a little better, Here is a link. http://magazine-directory.com/Redbook.htm It does seem like this mom has horribly unrealistic expectations of what a daughter was supposed to look like and had difficulty letting go of that. Most of us moms do the same thing (unrealistic expectations) but we learn quickly to back off and see what a neat person our children can be. ETA: I couldn't get the link to go directly to the article. I clicked on the Moms and Kids Articles tab at the top of the page and it took me to the page with the link to the article. It is about halfway down the page
  3. robin egg blue, it is not cold at all, but I do have brown drapes and spread on the bed, it is so calming to me. ETA: It is very close to the Williamsburg Blue referenced above. I can make a picture of my room if you want to see it on the walls?
  4. have you tried grading her papers later in the day, when she cannot see them. Then the next morning you can go over the mistakes with her.
  5. see, I am from the South, live in the South and that makes me boiling mad. I hate stereotypes..."southerners are racists." and people who make comments like that just feed them. Do you ever respond. "yes, I am from the south, but no, I don't know what you mean."
  6. Yesterday I looked in the closet where my dd (13) keeps her sanitary supplies. I found FIVE empty packages crammed back in there in various places. So for 5 months she's just been piling the new pack on top of the old empties. This is not unusual. I have found 2 or 3 empty shampoo bottles in the shower, empty shaving gel cans..... How do I get her to toss the oldies? I am not sure if it is laziness or just being oblivious, either is completely possible. Suggestions?
  7. today? the weather could be classified as "flaming hot" Usually it is late June before it gets REALLY hot, but we went from a cool comfortable may to mid summer weather already. July and August are generally uncomfortable, but September and October are gorgeous.
  8. Do you step up and correct someone who says things like this? Do you mention it at all? What if they are a parent or grandparent? Does it make a difference if your kids are around? Usually when family members say this stuff, if the kids aren't around I just roll my eyes and let it slide. I would be more likely to say something if my kids are around.
  9. nothing, most of the time. She would rather stay home and babysit than drag through the store with the rest of us. I do some special things for her like pay for extras for camp and things like that. Just so she knows I appreciate it.
  10. I have family like this. It crawls all over me. Is it kind? Is it thoughtful? Is it the way you think Jesus would talk? If not, then keep your fat trap shut, especially if it is in front of my children.
  11. no, I do not allow my kids to choose. Mine tried that crap about 2 years ago. Lots of drama and whining about how miserable she was how she had no friends blah blah blah. (this was after almost all our church homeschool friends went back to school and their moms went back to work. I was feeling pretty lonely and bummed too) I also got to hear about how real school was all sunshine and rainbows and our house was the equivalent of the dungeon of a castle. She still things that school is sunshine and rainbows, but she's cut the drama. We got super involved in 4-H and found another homeschool group to be a part of.
  12. I try to exercise. A pulse pounding sweat dripping in your eyes 45 minutes of panting workout. It distracts me from myself and wears me out so I can take a nap.
  13. my dd's piano teacher sends an invoice at the end of each month. Parents are required to pay the bill in full before the next month's lesson. Period.
  14. the first link I clicked had a tshirt that said "I'm known for my books." I was thinking of the WTM forum analogy of bOOks. I just can't see myself wearing that shirt now!
  15. I have found that I can squeeze in some pilates more often than not. Even if I don't make it completely through a workout, some is better than none right? http://www.exercisetv.tv has some great 20 minute freebies, and I've been stunned at how effective 20 minutes can be. The plus of pilates is that while challenging, it is not a workout till you drop, cover you in sweat kind of workout. So if I could not shower immediately, that is ok. I won't be stinking up the house in the meantime.
  16. perhaps it is just that hot dogs in general most of the time give me a gag reflex. About twice a year I can eat one and enjoy it. Otherwise.:ack2:
  17. My brother sent me this link. http://steamykitchen.com/15676-most-creative-way-to-serve-spaghetti.html I find this absolutely disgusting....
  18. pilates.....\ http://www.exercisetv.tv has some good freebies
  19. I just have to comment.... I am envying you your weather.....sigh (says the person who has not seen a day that was less than 90 over the past week) I too am fair skinned (ok...more like pasty white) I use Aveeno moisturizer w/SPF 15 every morning. It is not sticky feeling and so far I haven't burned yet. For my hair-part, I have been known to use the spray on sunscreen. And I wear cute straw hats that my mom used after chemo. However baseball caps stay on the best
  20. :iagree: and I linked your blog to my facebook page. Those are some moving pictures.
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