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Everything posted by Luckymama

  1. This morning I walked to and from the gym for my training session. Rotator cuff muscular issue is progressing nicely (my range of pain-free motion increases every day), thought the trainer called me out on favoring the owie shoulder. He says thst corresponding trap is overcompensating. I need to roll it well before each stretching session and have dh give me a massage each night. I can get behind that :D
  2. It's going to be gorgeous today :) Ahead: --exercise: walk to/from gym session w trainer --school w dd: math, chem, history, APHG --daily things --Monday-specific tasks --plan meals for week --order ds's cap and gown for graduation :eek: --register dd for June SAT subject test --check seed selection at local garden supply store --order seeds as needed --finish library book :D
  3. Noooooooooo soror :grouphug: A total day off for me. Yummy food and wine :D
  4. Seconding Jean (though I found a store brand version)----those tablets helped me between the onset of pain and when I could get a Rx.
  5. Shhhhh ;) Actually it's not technically prohibited. If her room were closer to the kitchen (she's on the fourth floor and the kitchen is in the first), she'd prefer to use the rice cooker in the kitchen.
  6. I mindfully did not buy any Easter candy this year! The girls didn't want any (dd20 is sensitive to sugar anyway) and ds never replied to my text. Instead we got some gift cards (starbucks for dd15, local growler store for ds) and that rice cooker for dd20 (to help her eat gf in the dorm). I bought a Kindle book ($2.99, on sale from $7.99--I had borrowed it three times from the library already) and a used environmental science textbook ($4.60 incl shipping) for next year. So no expenses this past week other than those, groceries, and gas. I have no idea what this week will bring :)
  7. We were at church from 8pm until midnight :eek: Our parish really "does" the Vigil well, with tons and tons of music. Now the gluten-free cinnamon rolls are rising (fingers crossed!). Dh is cleaning the house :D A keeper, that one ;) The girls are still asleep :lol: Up ahead: --brunch (rolls, eggs, bacon, sausage, fruit, mimosasa!) once ds gets here --make dinner food (ham, cheesy potatoes, asparagus, green beans, wine, flourless chocolate cake) --enjoy the meal with the kids and two of our friends --return dd20 to campus as spring breaks ends today --dh and I are considering a trip to the gym :lol: We didn't hide eggs or do Easter baskets for the first time ever. Instead, we are giving a rice cooker to dd20 to help with being gf in the dorm, a gift card to the growler store for ds (this place fills 64oz glass jugs (growlers) with a constantly changing assortment of craft beers), and a gift card to Starbucks for dd15 :)
  8. A pre-planned, packaged curriculum would be the wrong fit for dd :eek:
  9. Dh is doing the Costco and grocery store run for me :D I need to --go seed shopping --read through the gf cinnamon roll recipe for tomorrow morning --do some daily things --exercise somehow --make dinner --go to Vigil Mass tonight. All 2.5 hours of it. I'm sure I'll do some other stuff as well :)
  10. It gives our EFC as being more than $10K less than it is this year. We do not have substantial non-retirement assets. We also do not have anything funky like a business or a farm or investment properties than throw off calculations. He didn't address the fact that need-based aid can come in the form of loans, did he?
  11. FaithManor, you and your dh are such powerful influences in your team members' lives. I am proud to "know" you. Congratulations :party:
  12. Dh said he'd do the grocery shopping tomorrow for me :D I had my usual holiday breakdown over missing my parents :( I may skip church tonight because I don't handle Good Friday services very well since they're gone. I still "see" them in church even after 3 and 5 years. The girls are clothes shopping together. Dh is napping after working out. The house is sooooooooooooooo beautifully quiet now :)
  13. I don't think sharing the absolute numbers helps anyone. The person on the lower end may feel disheartened when they read about higher end scores. The person on the higher end is often accused of bragging (even when asked in person by someone she knows very well) or is accused of forcing their child to study or not letting their child have a real life. Anyway. Looking at one student's scores in relation to the score range of accepted students at one particular college or university is more instructive.
  14. Simple day: --APHG group meeting this morning --plan meals for the weekend --go shopping --go to the gym with dh --daily things --church tonight
  15. It will be rainy and stormy all day so I won't be able to do anything outside. Instead, I'll go to the gym with dh later today for a cardio workout, either elliptical or bike, and some stretching while he does his weight thing.
  16. Well, I forgot that I had agreed to go shopping with elder dd so...no playing in the yard for me! Instead I shopped for shoes at DSW (I found clearanced hiking sneakers---one of the benefits of wearing a size 6 :D) while she replaced her holey Keds and broken sandals, and then I spent an hour nodding sympathetically while she tried to find jeans that fit (we're both curvy--v frustrating finding pants).
  17. Are the EA dates in November? If so, I think an Oct date for SAT subject tests would work.
  18. I don't know how many people will answer with actual numbers---that's often something kept private. We tell our kids to not divulge test numbers (only AP scores) nor to share income information. I will say that DS took the SAT once (not counting the 7th grade sitting) and scored above the number he had in mind for college admission and scholarships. Older dd wasn't happy with her first score (neither was I, frankly) so she took it a second time and was very happy :)
  19. Today I'm going to walk to/from the gym for my training session. It's about 2 miles away. I have wanted to do this since we learned in January that this gym would open :D My shoulder is a bit better. Flexibility has definitely increased since Sunday---I now can hook my bra and get the ticket from the parking lot dispenser pain-free :party: (I need to stretch it before leaving. Thanks for the reminder ;))
  20. Today dd has a break from the subjects we do together---happy spring :D So I get to --walk to/from the gym for my training session --go buy seeds --play in my yard and garden But I also have to --do some school-related work and planning --go to church tonight --do the regular daily stuff
  21. Squeezed in a 3.5 mile walk while one dd was at ballet and the other, home for spring break, made dinner :party:
  22. My two were only offered unsubsidized loans. I assume it was due to our income.
  23. The only thing I like about April 1 is the April Fools story (or stories, if we're lucky) that NPR does :D That's it. I reminded dh and the girls last night that anyone who pranks me would be in a world of hurt.
  24. No headache this morning :party: Tomorrow is going to be the first gorgeous, dry, over 60F day of the year. I am going to tell dd that she can have day off from my subjects :D (She'll still have English work and Arabic class.) So today: --a nice long walk for exercise this afternoon --school: math, chem, history, APHG --daily things --Wednesday-specific tasks --mail reimbursement form --choose pictures for enlargements (we're framing family pictures from past WDW trips :)) --library for the book I forgot yesterday :rolleyes: --decide on Easter meals --reserve something for the Alaska trip --dd ballet 6-8 --read :D
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