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Everything posted by Luckymama

  1. Humidity has returned :( I'll drive to the gym for training and some elliptical time after that.
  2. I'm not going to say no, because I have no idea what the future might bring.
  3. We went on our morning hike to the farmers' market. Multiple trees were down across our usual path, so we had to backtrack to a gravel trail. Not nearly as pretty, though we did see a good amount of wildlife. Dd20 accompanied us :)
  4. I'm smack in the middle of writing an AP Psych syllabus and came across an article for which some of the participants were interviewed, forty years later. You might add that. http://alumni.stanford.edu/get/page/magazine/article/?article_id=40741
  5. Scout, you and your dh are always on my mind :grouphug: My day: --finish my decaf :) --water the garden --walk to the farmers' market with dh for the veg I don't grow plus some beef and sausages --pick and pickle cukes (didn't get to that yesterday) --email dd at camp --continue working on psych syllabus while sitting on the deck :)
  6. My bil brought his new-ish puppy to our house one year for Christmas Eve dinner. We keep a pet-free house because my sister's dh and her youngest are allergic to almost every animal. I was gobsmacked that dh's brother would be so presumptive. The puppy spent the evening in our garage.
  7. Just gardening and yardwork today :) It's too nice not to work outside!
  8. :lol: Interesting idea---we'll be celebrating 25 years next fall.
  9. I think I will --play in my garden (talk to the plants, trim back some over-enthusiastic tomatoes, pick whatever needs picking, pull whatever needs replacing, string up some twine trellises, etc.) --process (freeze, dry, pickle, can) whatever garden bounty needs processing --ignore the weeds in the front :lol: --continue working on the psych syllabus --wrap up dd's next care package (cute socks!)
  10. My 30th reunion was a year ago this week. It was awesome to see my old friends, some I had seen a few times over the years (weddings, parties, one funeral :() and some I hadn't seen at all. Most are living interesting lives and has lots to talk about :) I am back on facebook after a many year break because of the reunion.
  11. Hj, when do you want to go? (Did I miss that upthread?) I think with $4K, I'd stick with the US and with airports served by Southwest (since I know you live near two airports ;)) We've been getting good airfare with SW to places like Seattle, San Francisco, LAX, and San Diego------and some of those have been non-stop flights!
  12. I have nothing helpful to add, just :grouphug:
  13. Another gorgeous morning! I was actually cold when I woke up :) My day looks like this: --physical therapy at 9am --email dd at camp --daily and Friday things --make an appointment --pick cukes and pickle them --pick tomatoes; stare blankly at the mound (the dd at home doesn't eat tomatoes, silly girl) --cruise paperwork online --check into dh's reduced price for a subscription to The Economist so dd doesn't have to rely on the library all year --decide on hiking socks; order (it would be much easier if stores here would carry women's small...) --continue working on psych syllabus --daily weeding, yuck --make a veggie gratin to go with dinner (see tomatoes above lol) --walk or hike w dh :)
  14. Was it the regular Eyewitness Plants or the Visual Dictionary of Plants http://www.amazon.com/Plants-DK-Visual-Dictionaries-Publishing/dp/1564580164/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1437701085&sr=8-1&keywords=Eyewitness+visual+dictionary+of+plants ? I had to buy the second for a graduate course :lol: Dd and I refer to it often.
  15. Yesterday was another active rest day. Physical therapy in the morning took two hours :eek: She tried a new stretch/massage of the back of my shoulder that killed me while there, but I had decreased pain and markedly-increased crossbody and behind-my-back flexibility afterward. The flexibility is still present this morning---I usually wake up tighter----so I am very pleased! I'll walk to the gym in about 45 minutes for my training session :)
  16. Jen, best wishes for fast times for your swimmers!
  17. Another prety day :) Pictures (and video) of dd have been posted on the Arabic village blog. Thank goodness because I really don't expect her to write to us :lol: (camp is electronics-free) My day looks like: --daily and Thursday things --pick veggies, remove new blossoms from a melon plant --walk to gym for training --ballet registration paperwork --rebate paperwork --weed... --start working on AP Psych syllabus --research hiking socks
  18. Thinking of you this morning :grouphug: I hope he had an uneventful night.
  19. Busy one! Done so far: --physical therapy (takes two hours!) --two loads of laundry washed and hung outside --daily and Wednesday things --renewed library books --sent email/facebook group message about science festival volunteers --requested wall anchor for the IKEA dresser ds just purchased yesterday (involved in the recall) Ahead: --Costco --garden: pick, weed --syllabus work --exercise: walk or hike this evening --email dd at camp
  20. I'm 49. I have skipped 5 months, 4 months, 2 months, and been late by 2-3 weeks over the past four years. My doctor (female) says it's perfectly normal, no big deal, and to only see her should the bleeding increase greatly by periods becoming significantly longer or closer together than my "usual" 26-29 days. (I had a stretch of two years around 40 when my cycle was 22-23 days. She said that was perfectly normal as well.)
  21. IKEA field trip day :party: Ds is buying things he needs for his apartment in California while still on the east coast, since he has the time now, access to a large vehicle, and his company is paying for his relocation :D We're all tagging along because IKEA. Duh. :lol: Other than that: --physical therapy in an hour (oops, better go shower!) --schedule some appointments for late August --submit another syllabus for approval --move AP Envi Sci syllabus to calendar form for dd's use --water garden as needed --email dd at camp --plan meals... --work on science fun festival plans
  22. I agree with that advice :) My kids practice for any standardized test by (1) doing a section or two at a time, untimed, analyzing all mistakes; (2) doing a section or two, timed; (3) adding more sections; until they (4) take entire practice tests under test conditions.
  23. So training went very well :) I squatted holding 2 45lb weights (one in each hand) :D And then for giggles, i held my arms in the position to hold the weight bar across my shoulders-------and it worked! My arm moves that way now :party: I told my trainer that my next goal is to squat with a bar in September.
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