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Everything posted by Luckymama

  1. Late afternoon update :) --just stretching and core exercises today (day off from gym) --dd ballet 11-1 --find a new kitchen faucet, grrrrrrr --usual daily things --have dd check with dsis about tomorrow's plans (redeeming her bday present of a day out w dsis :)) --suspend library holds for the duration of our trip --schedule mail hold --decide on remaining restaurants --list of food to bring, to purchase --book one-day rental car for the day we're switching between resorts (cheaper than a grocery service) --one more email to WDW Special Diets --adjust FP+
  2. Busy day! --just stretching and core exercises today (day off from gym) --dd ballet 11-1 --find a new kitchen faucet, grrrrrrr --usual daily things --have dd check with dsis about tomorrow's plans (redeeming her bday present of a day out w dsis :)) --suspend library holds for the duration of our trip --schedule mail hold --decide on remaining restaurants --list of food to bring, to purchase --book one-day rental car for the day we're switching between resorts (cheaper than a grocery service) --one more email to WDW Special Diets --adjust FP+ Have a good day :party:
  3. Eesh :eek: 10th grade Arabic 2 from Potter's School. Yes, a Christian provider for my decidedly secular daughter. She loves the current Arabic 1, really enjoys the class dynamic, the language, the assignments, and Mrs. Azeez, and has a 99.8% in the class. She may continue through Arabic 3, depending on the Christian content. If not, she'll switch to the university (they use the same books). AP Psychology I'll write a syllabus for College Board approval. Dnephew may join dd, as he is doing for AP Human Geography this year (he's in public high school across town). Calculus at the in-town state flagship university. She wants a physical class for calculus. We had planned on AoPS calculus with the AP BC test (as others have done), but she wants an unrelated (:lol:) in-person teacher. Kind of sad at ending my math teaching career. She really wants AP Environmental Science (based on Science Olympiad studying and events over the years) but I thinks she should have proper Biology first. Of course, she may already have enough bio for APES. So that's up in the air. (Edited to add: hmm, we could probably do both! I could write an APES syllabus and teach it, and we could use something like Kolbe's syllabus for bio...) English is a big decision. I don't know if she'll be ready for AP. If she is, she wouldn't be able to stay with Blue Tent since they limit classes to 11th and 12th graders. She could do PA Homeschoolers AP Lang, I guess. Or she could take one of Lukeions's classes---the ancient lit or the mythology ones. Any way, I will be outsourcing this subject! And then we have history to decide! It will either be a chronological continuation with medieval OR a more-in-depth focus on a particular civilization (or civilizations) during the ancient period, since that is what really appeals to dd. Ballet will be her all-consuming extracurricular :) Driver's ed will be taken the summer after 10th grade, free through the state.
  4. Today there was a glow on the horizon as we drove to the gym :) Our college senior son accepted a job offer :D We leave for WDW next Thursday :party:
  5. Back from gym---did the routine from the personal trainer plus my core things and some leg machines while waiting for dh to finish up :) Tired in a good way :D
  6. Home from gym w dh :) Up ahead: --breakfast, shower --motivate dd :rolleyes: --my portion of school w dd (math, chem, history, AP HG) --usual house things --daily declutter challenge --email trainer And then the things I didn't get to yesterday (oops): --totes into attic --plan what we'll eat in WDW when not at a restaurant ; order groceries from service --make two phone calls --another email to WDW Special Diets --have dd check to see if her shorts still fit
  7. Dude, yes! That and muffins from Writer's Stop are part of our DHS day :D
  8. Umm, games make me feel slightly uncomfortable. At least when I first meet someone.
  9. Dd and I discussed cupcakes today, the vacation-at-Disney-World type :D
  10. I've solved the problem for this year---we leave for Disney World in a week :D
  11. I use the free app :lol: I started following the original beginner's calendar and then switched to following the monthly calendars. (The link to the calendar is sent in a monthly email. She doesn't spam.) I would either click on the workout links in the calendar on the website or search the workout name on the YouTube channel. Now I just search for the particular workout on the app. The workouts are sorted by type (legs, butt, abs, back, arms, whole body, stretch, HIIT) or by the series (the beach videos etc). I have my favorites saved so I can just click on those :)
  12. Home from gym with dh :) 15 min elliptical to wake up, 5 min rowing machine :eek:, 15 min bike, bosu ball planks, Blogilates core challenge for today, Pilates stretches
  13. Still so dark... For me: --gym w dh in 15 minutes. I am not a morning person (:lol:) --breakfast, shower, decaf --my portion of school w dd (math, chem, APHG, history) --put totes in attic --plan meals for WDW; decide on grocery order --make refried beans, corn tortillas --talk w dd about summer plans/goals --update Goodreads --send condolence card
  14. Can you point me to a "kettlebells for dummies" website? The trainer had me do some things today, and I'd like to call them by the proper names :)
  15. I feel so empowered after my session with the physical trainer :D He says I am much stronger than I thought (past shoulder injury) :party: Dh told me to sign up for sessions with the trainer, so I will start in February, twice a week, after we return from Florida :) I am so excited!!
  16. I will be there :party: I'll bring a non-baked good food to share, either something veggie or fruit based (most likely). Dd will be staying at home :D
  17. :party: Two hours away from me (I have to go out of my way for a river crossing :lol:) So excited!
  18. Sending prayers and good thoughts a few miles to you :grouphug:
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