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Everything posted by Luckymama

  1. (On phone) All you need to do is put the dongle thingie in your computer's USB for the FitBit/computer to start talking. And then follow the set up instructions online :)
  2. So sore after training yesterday. It's a good sore, not an owie one :) Up ahead: --gym w dh (slightly later today--yay!) for mixed cardio --school w dd (my parts: math, chem, history, APHG) --usual daily house things, Tuesday-specific tasks --email SO team members --order water bottle filters for dd19 --show dd19 how to do taxes since her w2 arrived yesterday --library run (it was closed yesterday when we went!) --dd ballet 5:30-7:30 I'm sure I'll do more than that :) Yeah, like --bake the baguettes I started last night!
  3. So sore from yesterday's training session. Who knew I had those particular arm muscles? Today: gym w dh, some cardio---probably moving between treadmill, elliptical, and bike. I don't think I'll be up to the rowing machine today :eek:
  4. Not too shabby :) --exercise w trainer at 11 --school things w dd (math, chem, history, APHG) --grocery and library visits --usual house things and Monday-specific chores --bday shopping for ddAlmost20 --email APHG syllabus I also sent some emails and investigated the summer Arabic program at Concordia Language Villages. Oh, and drove my van to the shop to get the non-working heater looked at! I need to start baguettes for tomorrow.
  5. Session w trainer---I started sweating within two minutes :lol:
  6. Happy Birth Day, hjffkj! :party: So normal life awaits: --exercise w trainer at 11 --school things w dd (math, chem, history, APHG) --grocery and library visits --usual house things and Monday-specific chores --bday shopping for ddAlmost20 --email APHG syllabus Dd and I had a very long discussion last night about her academic plans. I now have many topics on which to obsess :eek: including options for this summer (she'd rather attend a summer Arabic immersion camp than ballet intensive!). You know, it's a good thing I never plan out coursework more than a year in advance :lol:
  7. We were on vacation when this conversation started. I really wanted to comment but found it too difficult to do in my phone. Some of you may know that my dd, now a ninth grader, was all Math, Math, and More Math for several years. She devoured AoPS books, loved competitions, and disdained applied math in her science classes. I was so sure I had a future math major on my hands. Last year she was fascinated by archaeology. I fretted over job opportunities for budding archaeologists. But the math love was still strong. This year she's interested in what makes people do what they do. A trip to China last summer and the AP Human Geography small group class have broadened her horizons. Math is just something she enjoys and can do without much effort. The past few weeks she's been talking about studying psychology next year. And maybe studying abroad. And wouldn't it be nice to add another unusual language? And self-studying computer science might be a good idea. And she wants to start calculus at the university right away instead of taking AoPS Calculus, to have an in-person math class. Last night on the plane, when pressed by her older sister, she told us that possible college majors included engineering (what?!) dude, that's applied math!), criminal justice (which turns out to mean whatever would make her attractive to the CIA/NSA; good gravy!), and something else I can't remember because my head exploded at that point :eek: :lol: We just spent an hour looking at summer Arabic language immersion programs. I am eating chocolate at 11:30 pm. Planning, what planning?
  8. Yes, she completely dropped French during her massive math expansion. We just spent an hour looking at summer language programs for Arabic, Startalk included! I couldn't find any residential Arabic programs funded for this year for Startalk. The Middlebury programs are way too expensive. She really likes the idea of the Concordia four week program. I'll start a separate post for info about any experiences w Concordia.
  9. Thanks for your response. I guess my question is, at what stage of language acquisition is it "safe" to add an additional language? Does it depend on whether the language has it's own script, as Arabic does?
  10. Last night dd and I discussed future classes and academic plans while stuck on a plane. She once again expressed the desire to study additional languages in high school. I'm not sure when would be a good time to start a second foreign language. Should she be at the literature-reading stage for the first language or would sooner be ok? Background--she suffered through two years of middle school French (Galore Park) and is starting her second semester of high school Arabic 1 (The Potter's School online, twice a week live classes). She wishes to study another unusual-for-high-school language like Russian, anything from Scandinavia, or Hindi/Farsi/Punjabi/such-like. She would either start with an online class (Russian only, I guess), an online tutor, an in-person tutor (we live in a university town with students from all over the world) or with Pimsleur (thanks to the other thread I discovered our library has just about every language possible). She could take university classes in Russian in the future (she will be taking Arabic there). I'm exploring options right now, so I can have details on hand for our next discussion :) Thanks for any been-there-done-that help!
  11. Thanks Jen :) I did some forum reading during our afternoon breaks (dh has to work a bit each day on vacation) but didn't do much posting at all.
  12. I took a look at this week's 52/365 assignments and just need to work on recipes :) I'll do a bit each day. I have a binder w recipes ripped from Cooking Light or printed from various websites (all in plastic sleeves for easy of cleaning!). I need to go through the back half of things we haven't tried or only had once. I think I can finally go through my mom's recipe box, which has been sitting in a box since we sold their house 2.5 years ago.
  13. Back from vacation early this morning and will not workout today. Tomorrow is my first regularly scheduled personal training session--I'll be going Mondays and Thursdays through July :D
  14. I've done this w iCal for the past year. When I get stuck on meal ideas, I just scroll back into past months :)
  15. Last week was vacation, so yeah... ;) Mindful spending for the week ahead---filters for dd19's water bottle (plus groceries).
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