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Everything posted by Luckymama

  1. Both dh and I didn't sleep well so we skipped the early gym this morning. :D But I'll have to squish something in later today. :( Up ahead, another busy day: --plumber at 8:30 --bake baguettes for dinner --school w dd (my part: math, chem, history, APHG) --another gazillion emails --daily house things --limoncello --drugstore --library --dd ballet 5-9 (hmm gym then, perhaps) --etc But first, a quick shower before the plumber arrives :willy_nilly:
  2. So much still to do---all the emails, booking the rental car, making limoncello, starting baguettes for tomorrow! :eek:
  3. Dh and I use My Fitness Pal. My fitbit "talks" to it. The Runkeeper app dh uses also works seamlessly with MFP.
  4. Oh sweetie, I hope you don't need their services :grouphug:
  5. I have an AP Human Geography syllabus (approved) that I could share with you, if you'd like. The assessments and other assignments are scheduled but not included in the syllabus.
  6. Gym workout: 20 min elliptical, 5 min rowing machine :eek:, 30 min bike (was going to be 20 but I was interrupted in the middle), core things, stretching I signed up for twice a week personal training :D I am going to be fit for our Alaska trip this summer!
  7. http://www.home-storage-solutions-101.com/declutter.html :)
  8. Yesterday I ended up doing a Fitness Blender Pilates whole body workout. It was good but I think I prefer Blogilates. A dude talking through the exercises isn't as interesting as some background music :lol: I'll definitely use FB for non-Pilates, though! Today: gym at mid-day, cardio of some flavor(s) plus core
  9. Only 2 things left to do on the January 365/52 calendar :D (I'm working ahead because we'll be gone on vacation.)
  10. Normally this would be a day off school (we take off all market holidays when dh doesn't have to work), but since we go to WDW on Thursday... :D So: --gym at noon today (dh is meeting w the trainer then) --usual daily and Monday things --school: math, history, chem review (without me: English, Arabic review for midterm Wed) --write chem exam for tomorrow --book rental car --a zillion emails... --perhaps library for holds (or tomorrow) --make another batch of limoncello because the organic lemons won't wait until we're back Better get started :willy_nilly:
  11. I'll report back--my Charge HR will be delivered tomorrow :D
  12. The icy rain really messed up my day. Accomplished: --exercise using Fitness Blender videos --tracked down some email addresses --worked on AP Human Geography planning for February --finalized food lists (to take, to purchase) for vacation --planned week --usual daily routine --made dinner
  13. Arabic 1: Alif Baa http://www.amazon.com/Alif-Baa-Introduction-Arabic-Letters/dp/1589016327/ref=sr_1_6?ie=UTF8&qid=1421617060&sr=8-6&keywords=Al+Kitaab Arabic 2: Al-Kitaab, part 1
  14. Way too icy to go to the gym :( Will find something interesting on Fitness Blender instead!
  15. The ice is still bad so no going to the gym today :( I'll do my usual core work and then find something on Fitness Blender. It's just too cold in the basement for our elliptical and free weights :eek:
  16. Gym w dh once the roads are no longer icy. Trying to decide what to do :)
  17. Everything is still icy so we haven't left for the gym yet. I made blueberry muffins :) Up ahead after gym: --write a midterm --plan AP Human Geography FRQ boot camp for the beginning of February :D --library --book rental car --adjust FP+ choices for one day --make dinner Good enough!
  18. Good job on the clothes! I think it's really important to feel confident in what you wear. Last year I decided to only wear what I feel good in :) I got rid of so many clothes :eek: but gained a few really nice pieces that I just love.
  19. I suppose I should have done my core work and stretching before cracking open a home-brewed peach amber... :lol:
  20. Wait, what? Heated backs? I need a link!!!!!! :D We're going to re-do our master bathroom within two years. I need a deep tub!!!! Right now we just have an extra large shower with some wasted space, and the kids' bathroom has a standard tub/shower combo which is NOT deep enough for soaking. I need to soak! With jets! And wine! And a book! And no one bothering me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (I think that's more exclamation marks than I use in an entire week :lol:)
  21. Tablet link from ipad posting. I'd fix it, but I'm also on an ipad :lol: It's the Kohler Greek 4' soaking tub.
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