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Everything posted by Luckymama

  1. We're home and back to real life. Our flight was delayed, and we didn't get home until 1:15 :eek: So ahead: --finish unpacking --a bit of laundry (I kept up w it on vacation since we had a w/d in our DVC unit) --plan meals for week (dinner will come out of the freezer) --grocery shopping??? --make sure dd finishes her English assignments for the week (due today) --check my school plans for this week and probably some other stuff. We will not be watching the Super Bowl because, in this house, football=nap. :lol:
  2. On the way to the airport for the flight home :( Sadness :(
  3. Reading this on bus to Epcot---huge congratulations!!!!!!!! :party:
  4. We added a section about food allergy policies and dining plans for dd19's spreadsheet.
  5. But I don't want to leave warm and sunny Florida!

    1. TammyinTN


      We've missed ya...so it's back to reality! ;)

  6. With dd's first class (she was your son's age), I sat next to her for the first class session in case she had a technical problem. I stayed in the same room for the next few class sessions. After that, I just made sure she did the reading/problems ahead of class, did the assigned Alcumus and problem sets, and submitted the proofs on time. She's taken three classes.
  7. If you should decide to have her study a modern language in high school, please let her have some say in the language choice. Dd suffered through two years of French in middle school. I told her to choose whichever language interested her, as long as it is taught at the university (in case she should run out of class options). She chose Arabic and is sublimely happy with a 99.5% after the first semester (online class w TPS).
  8. Learn from my mistake! I had "charges" on my packing list---remembered the ones for the phone, the ipad, and the kindle, but not the FitBit :lol:
  9. I'm on vacation at Disney World, wearing my new Charge HR...and I left the charger at home on the desk :eek: I stopped wearing it at night, in hopes of preserving the battery life. It is almost dead (according to the app when I synced after lunch) after charging it last Wednesday. Have been averaging 7.5 miles walked (much at a leisurely pace), with an average of 75 active minutes (those long stretches of quick walking).
  10. 5 (vacation) miles walked so far today. I had four 20 min stretches of sustained fast walking. More to come after our afternoon break (dh is working and youngest dd is doing English assignments--poor baby ;)).
  11. Hi all :) We're having a lovely trip with all of our kids :) And we've been in short sleeves and (at times) shorts while the weather back home is... :lol: (Sorry, hjffkj---stay warm and comfy inside!)
  12. We've been on vacation at WDW since Thursday. I've been averaging 8 miles walked per day :D Dh and I have yet to visit the resort's gym... :lol:
  13. Ahhhhh, Florida in January!

    1. TammyinTN


      You truly are a lucky mama! :)

      Have fun and enjoy!!

    2. MysteryJen


      Have a wonderful time. Trying not to be jealous!

  14. Almost forgot a haircut appointment at 3:30 :lol:
  15. Yay for a good night's sleep, Negin :party: Off to the gym for the last time before vacation!
  16. On our Great Wall day during our China trip last year, my old Fitbit One told me I climbed 89 flights of stairs :eek: :lol:
  17. This time tomorrow we'll be on the plane :D But before then :eek: so much to do! Dd has --Arabic oral midterm 11:30-1 --Arabic written midterm after --English class online chat at 3 --this week's English assignments to finish, including a test --ballet 6-8 My day --gym in 15 w dh --drugstore --Costco (dh, hopefully) --one phone call --email travel details to dsis --check w neighbors about snow removal (dh) --check library ebook availability for dd --daily things --water plants --clean fridge shelves and bins (it's practically empty) --print boarding passes --laundry... --email APHG syllabus to two WTMers --pick up ds from his rental house (dh? dd?) And pack :lol: :willy_nilly:
  18. Dd had the skin prick testing in the doctor's office. When several tests showed positive, she went directly to the lab for blood testing. No antihistamines can be taken in the previous three (four? five?) days before skin pricy testing. Everything thinks of milk, wheat, peanut, and nut allergies and gluten and lactose intolerances when faced with odd reactions. We never imagined soy! :grouphug:
  19. I just set up my new Fitbit Charge HR. Interested to see how much walking I do in WDW starting Thursday :D
  20. My older dd's soy allergy manifested as intense, writhing-on-the-floor, abdominal pain, usually in the evenings or shortly after bedtime. It took a freaking year of symptoms until she was diagnosed. :grouphug:
  21. I found seats for dd and dnephew to take the AP Human Geography exam in May! So relieved :) Only a few schools in the county offer it (dnephew's school, obviously, is not one of them).
  22. Amazon! http://www.amazon.com/Diaper-Reusable-Absorbent-Eco-Friendly-Accessory/dp/B00308FONW/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1421770940&sr=8-1&keywords=Wine+diaper
  23. Our mindful purchase from this weekend---a new kitchen faucet to replace the one that leaked in such a spot that it could not be repaired (per the plumber). That old faucet was a freebie that came with the new sink we got in December. Stupidness. Dh will try to get some money back for it. I used amazon gift card money to order a Fitbit Charge HR to replace my Fitbit One. And then I ordered a 3 pack of wine diapers (:lol:), reusable zip top protective bags for transporting liquids. We'll save lots of money packing our own wine and spirits in our suitcases to take on vacation. Each wine diaper will absorb 750 ml of liquid should a bottle break in transit. Mindful, yet unnecessary. Oops.
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