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Everything posted by Luckymama

  1. But see, there are people who don't even go online to check their accounts or bother to look at their statements. I consider those of you who do check without doing the arithmetic to be balancing your accounts :) It's the others that make dh, a Certified Financial Planner, bat#^%! crazy :eek:
  2. Oooo I like those core videos! I've done planks w arm reach in Pilates. Full plank on hands and toes. Extend one arm in front of you, sometimes w lifting the opposite leg (I can't do that well--I wobble :lol:), then switch to the opposite side.
  3. I wear pjs that look like pjs to bed. I change every day into whatever fits my day---could be gym clothes if I'm going late in the day, could be jeans and a hoodie, could be nicer jeans and a cute top or sweater. I always wear shoes. Lately I've been changing out of my pjs into gym clothes for early workouts, and then I change into my day clothes. I'm sure some of you are shuddering :lol: Dd sometimes wears purposeful pjs and sometimes wears yoga pants and a t or just a tshirt. She changes out of whatever she wears to bed into whatever she wears during the day (sometimes yoga pants, sometimes jeans, sometimes a dress in the summer). The clothing change signals the start of the school day. It's probably because she did leave the house for school from K to fourth grade :)
  4. Quill, go check the Goodwills as soon as you can. If you don't find any pants, order away! Can't help you with the hair---my gray still hides inside my dark blonde/light brown hair.
  5. My day: --meet w personal trainer at 11:30 :eek: --school w dd, my portion (chem, math, APHG, history) --usual daily things --declutter challenge activity --order ds's textbooks for his final semester :D --email WDW special diets w request for allergic dd --put totes of decorations in attic --contact last two schools on list about AP test --update Goodreads Ttyl :party:
  6. Dh and I are going on our first cruise this summer (Alaska) :) I hope you have a great time, Dawn!
  7. So home from gym: 15 min treadmill, 5 min rowing machine (omg), 15 min elliptical, core for 15 min (incl Blogilates core challenge), Pilates stretches Whew Trainer tomorrow :eek:
  8. I'm doing the 365/52 challenge as well. Since we'll be away for the last 10 days of the month, I've been doing more than one daily mission a day :) (Kitchen is easiest for me to declutter :D)
  9. Off to gym in 10 min :eek: Back for: --breakfast and shower --school w dd (APHG, math, English, chem) --regular house things --daily declutter challenge --schedule haircuts --vacation things, including contacting Special Diets about dd19's soy allergy --library for returns, holds --pick up ordered graph paper pads at Staples --rent French textbook for dd19 --update Goodreads for the last few days --dd ballet 5:30-7:30 --reschedule dd's costume fitting for the spring ballet (Cinderella!) --contact more high schools re AP testing
  10. I didn't sleep well either :grouphug: Heading to the gym w dh in 15 minutes, blech.
  11. I read this and enjoyed a few weeks ago :)
  12. :party: He'll be working in an academic setting on (stable for the last 20 years) government contracts. Most employees have been there 15-20 years, and now they're hiring the next generation. Unfortunately he won't ever be able to tell us what he does ;) Computer science major, cyber security focus. Had a great internship last summer with Cisco. :party:
  13. We collect Christmas ornaments or items that can be ornament-ized while on trips. The kids like to reminisce while decorating the tree :) Dh collects watches. The girls and I collect books :D
  14. I don't finish books I don't like! In fact, I have a Goodreads shelf titled "did not finish". Life is too short to read bad books :D NA stands for New Adult, a bridge between YA (Young Adult---middle school and high school topics) and true adult fiction. NA books tend to focus on protagonists in college or just entering the working world. Many NA books involve oodles of trauma and/or angst. I can't stand that!
  15. Rest day here---just stretching and the Blogilates ab challenge
  16. Well... Semi-discretionary spending: $24 at Ulta for liter shampoo and conditioner While we were that far away, we drove a few more miles to Whole Foods for the wild rice I can only get there. Dh added a new-to-him hot sauce and a pound of coffee beans :rolleyes: Costco on the way home for fruit, veg, eggs. We also bought another set of Pyrex storage containers (w leakproof lids) as we're trying to eliminate plastic food storage when possible. I guess that was a mindful purchase :)
  17. creekland, I hope the surgery is smooth and successful! For me: --ignore the sinus headache (thanks, nasty rain!) --school w dd --just stretching and some ab work today; day off from gym --usual house things --bring boxes and totes down from attic now that it's not freezing up there --pack away Christmas things that we gathered in dining room --prep dinner --some vacation things (10 days...) Have a good day :)
  18. Before this month (joining a gym--it's now free w dh's work benefits!) 1. I worked out, on average, 5.75 days a week in 2014 :D (it was 4 days a week in 2013) 2. 2 challenging, the rest maintenance Now, this month 1. 6 days a week, yay us (dh and I!) 2. 4 challenging, 2 maintenance I drink about 48 oz of decaf coffee and 32 oz of decaf or herbal tea a day, with maybe 16-24 oz of plain, boring water. In hot weather I drink my morning decaf and then 48oz+ of decaf sun tea and/or icy cold water.
  19. Kareni, you must read the first two books in the Ivy Years series! Those two were in my top 10 of 2014-----and I have a very difficult time with NA books, having two NAs of my own :lol:
  20. (I noticed the user name change yesterday.) Today: gym w dh for lower body weights and squats etc, Blogilates ab challenge, and some serious stretching. I may need to roll. My lower back is feeling very tight right now. Tomorrow is a day off from the gym. On Wednesday I meet with the trainer :D
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