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Baseball mom

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Everything posted by Baseball mom

  1. I am thankful for a day where nothing is planned other than being lazy with the family ;)
  2. Today I am thankful for all the laughing I am hearing from my dc.
  3. I am thankful to be hsing which allows me to let my family sleep late on this cold day after several super busy days.
  4. I am thankful for the wonderful family outing day we had today. Fun and safe
  5. Sometime the week of Thanksgiving. Usually the day before Thanksgiving.
  6. I am thankful for my children and that they are best friends.
  7. 11 in '11 YEAH BABY WAY TO GO CARDINALS!!! :party::party: It was a really good series and Texas had some excellent plays
  8. Good Morning and hope your day is better today!!!! You mean I have to feed them again :eek::blink: Man I just did that yesterday :lol: Breakfast for me was/is coffee. Not sure what the kiddos ate :001_huh: we are not morning people Lunch will be leftovers from supper or grilled cheese Got to stay home all day yesterday and hope we get to today too. Tomorrow we will be on the go all day :auto: Ok I so need to get moving but don't feel like it. It is cloudy and windy, a good day to lay around and read ;) but I guess we better get some schooling in.
  9. Sorry about your grandmother :grouphug: Yes, pull over for a funeral, radio turned down and boys take caps off. When driving by funeral home during visitation or funeral the radio gets turned down and boys take off caps, out of repect.
  10. I think I saw this the other day at walmart. Not with the regular creamers but closer to the chocolate milk. They had pumpkin and mom peppermint. Breakfast has only been coffee for me and iced tea for the kiddos. Lunch is still not determined but it will be an early one. We don't always eat breakfast so lunch gets eaten early on those days. Coffee is usually maxwell house or folgers or whatever is on sale, but not instant. Oh and loved flavored creamers.
  11. :hurray: Cool finds :thumbup1: I love thrift stores :thumbup:
  12. :willy_nilly::thumbup::hurray:WAHOO CARDS!!!!!!! :party: 11 IN '11
  13. Love these. My teenager neighbor (guy) loves these too. He found my hiding spot and would go to the kitchen and get him 1 or 2 everytime he came over. Yum ....I love them like this too Me too
  14. This is what I do, stock up so I don't have to pay full price. We do use coupons and feel it has saved us quite a bit. Plus I have been able to help my mil when she was short on cash. I was able to give her enough groceries to get her through until she got paid again.
  15. I voted air popper since that is how I usually do it, always with salt and sometimes with butter. What I wish I had was one of those movie style popcorn poppers. Love my :lurk5: and coke
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