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Baseball mom

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Everything posted by Baseball mom

  1. Today's goal is catch up on laundry and do some cleaning on the house.
  2. Melissa -- hope tomorrow is better. I don't think you were a terrible parent. I think you are human
  3. Everyone picks their favorite frozen appetizer we fix them and snack all night.
  4. WOO HOO :party: AWESOME NEWS :party:
  5. We didn't have leftovers. We went to other family members for meals Christmas Eve and Christmas day. They cooked everything.
  6. Night Elf -- YOU ROCK :thumbup1: :thumbup: When dc were small we had to rush from one family home to the next on Christmas day. Don't get me wrong I am glad we have family close but sometimes I just wanted to stay home. It was see what Santa left then about an hour later leave it all laying and the race began. Some years I felt like we were running in a house, throwing gifts and off again (dh's dad was always changing the time at the last minute) We have always done Christmas with my mom on Christmas Eve. We don't go anywhere else on Christmas Eve (unless dh has to take his mom Christmas shopping on Christmas Eve before we head to my moms. He was NOT happy about that one) I am lucky that dh's mom and family isn't strict with time. Yeah they say 9am but if it is 9:30 they will tease but not get mad. Also my step mom is very laid back. Can't come at 10 but can come at noon. Great! Dh's dad and step mom are a whole other story. If they say 1pm they really mean noon. And then complain you are late when you get there at 12:45. :banghead:
  7. Not bratty at all. I too love giving gifts. We have been married 22 years and have always bought all the gifts for all family members. I do try to get dh's input but most of the time the answer is "I don't know". My stocking is either filled by me or not filled. For years my gift was bought by me and wrapped by me. Yes I gave hints or down right said "hey I want that" Then a few years ago dc wanted dad to take them shopping for me. They didn't want dad to "pick up" my gift and bring home for them to wrap (me buy my gift and hand to him like he had been shopping). Dh agreed but I had to tell him exactly what I wanted and then when he got home he told me what they bought. As dc got older they started really paying attention to things I looked at or mentioned liking. So when dh would take them shopping I knew they had some ideas. Dh would still ask me what I wanted and I would tell him then say "they know, they were watching" Dh just doesn't pay attention. It just doesn't register (no matter how many times I have said it). I would like him to fill my stocking.
  8. Use to be breakfast at MIL's but now due to custody rules etc. Everyone will be at MIL's in late afternoon. Guess I need to think about breakfast, other than stocking candy ;)
  9. General ballpark range of equal cost but not always even number of gifts.
  10. My teen boys wanting me to tuck them in at night. Meaning I sit on one of their beds and talk with them before they go to bed. Sometimes it is serious stuff, sometimes funny stuff but I love it.
  11. And Way to Go on getting that job done :hurray: :hurray:
  12. This is what I do too. I even wrote everyone's name on their bag and put some hooks in the laundry room for the bags to hang on. When doing laundry I can zip the sock bag and toss in wash. Then hang another bag (everyone has about 3 bags). Made life so much easier.
  13. Infrared heater Food -- favorite snacks Beer Waffle iron Crossword books
  14. I busted out laughing. My guys wondered what was wrong with me.
  15. Dh is getting Crocs with the fur in them - for houseshoes Wallet - his is tearing up Candy
  16. My boys have wore the WalMart ones (post link earlier) and they work great. When they outgrow we pass them down to the neighbor boys. And before they hit men size they still wore the kids boots from WM that look like those.
  17. https://www.walmart.com/ip/Men-s-Krugge-Winter-Boot/36069822
  18. I love to receive cards, photos & letters. I display them until I take down Christmas decorations. The last few years after I take them down I tape them to cardstock and put in a binder.
  19. My brother works at Wal-Mart and he says some people are horrible. I try to be nice and smile.
  20. This is a very tight year for us too. I did no black Friday shopping. I wouldn't look at sale ads or click on deals. I didn't have the money and didn't want to see what I was missing. I spent the whole weekend watching hallmark Christmas movies and eating popcorn :thumbup: I like hm movies and popcorn ;) and it didn't cost me anything I have done some shopping the last couple days but that was because we were blessed with some people helping us. Dc asked for useful/needed items for the most part. So I am trying to get those items and use the money wisely. Niece and nephew will probably be upset with our gift to them this year. But it is what it is. PinkMint -- I am sure your dc will learn to enjoy the small things. Mine have.
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