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Everything posted by Joyofsixreboot

  1. Still hanging in on the theory that even if I feel the same my pancreas is happier. I really didn't think I'd lose any weight as I'm pretty much where I need to be.
  2. I don't know but my dd played homeschool sports, attended events, etc while virtually schooled. No one ever asked or cared how we schooled. I suspect it varies from group to group.
  3. I think you are doing a good job mama. I say at this point do what you are doing and leave it alone. She's 16 not 6. I do like the old advice of parents deciding what to serve ( or what is in the house) and kids deciding what and how much to eat. Hang in mom.
  4. I agree treadmills are a form of torture. My guess is most people won't use them after the initial newness. Don't add some additional layer of guilt or " should" or point of contention when she doesn't use it as you feel she should. I'm not saying you would but she knows how to exercise. Don't be over involved.
  5. Last point, newer studies/thinking is that skipping breakfast if you're not hungry isn't necessarily harmful.
  6. This is I was going to say and what I would have done as a teen.
  7. I haven't read the other answers. My 17 yo dd has an athletic build. When she us in a sport all is well, when not....so, we began walking and got her a gym membership. I instituted sweets for the house only on "S" days by saying it was about me and my inability to avoid. I keep veggies and fruits cut and ready in the fridge. I never, ever, ever suggested any changes were about her. It's either health or the family helping me. I don't ask or monitor her at all. I think that would make her rebel if only unconsciously.
  8. I freeze stuff in glass. Sometimes if I need the container I'll run warm water around the bottom, pop it out and store in a Baggie.
  9. I wasn't excited that my boys had/will have to sign up. Looking at my much more "emotional" daughters I am less thrilled. My temperament is much more suited than theirs. This is coming from the mom of a kid who chose to join the guard. I'm for choice.
  10. My electric mattress pad. Love it! Finding a beater car for my 17 yo and letting her do the chauffeuring.
  11. Sorry :(. I haven't had any sugar and weigh precisely the same as when I eat all the sugar and carbs I want. ~sigh~
  12. Kim, you will enjoy this. The travails of winter running. It's funny because it's true http://womensrunning.competitor.com/2015/12/just-for-fun/25-thoughts-runners-have-during-cold-winter-runs_50944 Yoga last night and a 5 mile run this morning. I warmed up about mile four.
  13. Yesterday was elliptical and yoga. Today, just like Kim, I did 5 miles in an attempt to out run life's issues. Cheap therapy at least.
  14. Still hanging in. Candy and cookies aren't what I miss though. I want a bowl of sugary cereal. It is a comfort food for me and it's stressful around my house right now. I won't have it but that's what my mind keeps going to.
  15. I've developed a head cold courtesy of my kids and the play they are in so I just took an easy run. Otherwise the Thanksgiving marathon is coming to an end. It was great but I'm ready to get back to a few weeks of quiet before Christmas week kicks in.
  16. I took my visiting dd out yesterday for Chinese. I stuck to no or low sauce items but I'm sure there was sugar on some of it. I didn't have any obvious sweets though. I avoided cinnamon rolls and candy at the theater last night. I figure we live in the real world, I'll do the best I can and move on. So far so good today.
  17. I've mostly been working on improving my behaviors. I've been focusing on being kinder and curbing my tongue. It's much harder than keeping up my physical self. Some days I'm much more scarcastic than nice.
  18. Don't be afraid to ask at church, work, hardware/feed store. People will help.
  19. I ate what I wanted yesterday, which included dessert and sweet potato casserole but today I'm back on track. I had a handful of potato chips which weren't good for me but no sugar 😊
  20. So I shared much of this list with the kids. They have added 8yo-refrigerator box( which she got 2 years ago, you can see this is a problem) 12yo-socks 14yo-case of Mt. Dew It's a start😳
  21. Reishy-that looks interesting It was a chilly drizzle this morning ( still better than the snow and 14 on Sunday) so I opted for an hour of elliptical instead. I also worked on my handstand and scorpion. That will be a work in progress for some time. I think tomorrow may just be yoga. I have a hard time mixing things up.
  22. I made turkey& noodles tonight. That broth is better than the stupid turkey. Tomorrow, macaroni and cheese with ham cubes. Leftovers rule!
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