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Everything posted by Cortana

  1. If you have a Carl's Jr nearby, they do a carb-less burger and I REALLY like it! They have also started doing turkey burgers and dh likes them a lot. Another thought with breakfast items is that Jack In The Box does breakfast all day long. I had a friend who's mom was really into low carb and she would only eat out at Burger King as they would make for her whatever she wanted. She would always order a grilled chicken with no bun and they always accomodated her. You can always go to the different restaurant websites and look at their menus, then you can make a list of what options will work for you for each place and store it in your phone or whatever you use.
  2. We asked my parents and dh's parents what they wanted to be called. My mom chose "Mamaw" and my dad chose "Pawpaw". Dh's mom is "Grammy" and his dad is "Papa James".
  3. It couldn't hurt to call the guy but I agree with the others that say it may not do any good. My cousin had to have a home inspection done to secure the loan and they guy was great about hitting all the exterior issues but missed some major interior issues. Like the fact that the entire floor by the front window had rotted through. My cousin found out when he fell through the floor. Thankfully my cousin has experience and was able to repair the flooring himself. The inspector's response when my cousin called him: "So? What do you expect me to do about it?"
  4. We've been there with all our kids. Our oldest didn't even start hitting the 5th percentile of weight until he was nearly 5 years old, he was just tiny. Now he's more than caught up and we are actually having to watch his weight. Our younger son and our daughter are both very tall and skinny for their ages and always have been. Thankfully none of the doctors at the pediatrician has any issues as long as they are both healthy and happy. As dd's favorite dr puts it "hey, someone has to be in the 5th percentile or there wouldn't be a 5th percentile". We love her! :)
  5. I notice simply because I like to look at pretty rings. :) But I don't make any assumptions about marital status. Plenty of times I took mine off for something and forgot to put it back on. Dh is always forgetting to put his back on.
  6. Sorry I took so long to get back and post an update, been really hectic with the cancer tx I went through and the kids having to spend an entire week away from home until I was safe to be with them again. All 3 lymph nodes came back benign. :) The one they were worried about just had some characteristics but upon further study the pathologist said it was nothing. Phew! I did my tx for the thyroid cancer this last week, I was lucky that only a low dose was recommended so I was able to do outpatient and go home right after taking the pill (radiated iodine). It did mean the kids had to stay with my parents as I wasn't allowed to hold them or hug them or kiss them and of course that's all they want, especially our 3yo dd. It was hard being away from them for so long but worth it to know they were safe. I go this Friday for a full body scan to make sure that they got any residual thyroid tissue and/or cancer and to also make sure there's no other cancer lurking around in my body somewhere. I'm pretty sure I'm going to get an all clear, that's what I'm praying for anyway. Thanks for all your thoughts and prayers, I know they worked!
  7. Nope, not alone. I feel this way all the time. That's why I don't have much of a post count. :tongue_smilie: The few times I've responded made me feel so bad that I just don't respond anymore. But I'm insecure like that. I do a lot of thread reading instead. :D
  8. I hadn't wanted to post but just really need some peace of mind. This past October I was sent for u/s for a large lump in my breast and an enlarged thyroid. I wasn't overly concerned about the breast lump and thankfully it turned out to be a benign tumor that was removed in December. I have hypothyroidism, it's very prevalent in our family and my mom is a thyroid cancer survivor with a few other relatives that have had thyroid cancer. So, I wasn't suprised when I was told after the thyroid u/s that there was a nodule. Biopsy was done, 90% probability of cancer, recommendation to remove thyroid. I had the thryoid removal done on Tuesday (with my family history we decided to remove the whole thing), surgeon confirmed it is cancer. The surgeon took out 3 swollen lymph nodes he found. Here's where I need the peace of mind. 2 of the lymph nodes were negative for anything. 1 of the lymph nodes (the one right next to the tumor) has an initial assesment of positive for lymphoma. We're supposed to have the results by Monday on that lymph node. If anyone could please spare a prayer for us, I'd appreciate it. I'm trying not to worry but this lymph node thing completely caught us off guard and I will be honest, I'm scared. Thanks. :001_smile:
  9. We haven't had near enough snow here, either. We've only had a couple of storms that amounted to more than a dusting and even that didn't last more than a few days before it was gone. We're supposed to finally start getting hit with some steady snowstorms over the next 1-2 weeks. I've been enjoying not driving in the snow, the kids are thrilled they'll finally be getting winter, lol!
  10. Check to see if there's a Just Between Friends consignment sale coming up in your area. http://www.jbfsale.com/default.cfm
  11. I love the books for this reason; they got my 10yo ds w/autism who is a couple grade levels behind in reading and hated reading to give it a shot and challenge himself to try reading harder words and try reading by himself. We found book 1 and book 3 at a thrift shop and he packs the books everywhere he goes. It nearly brought me to tears when he proudly told me the second day after he started reading them "mom, I'm on page 10 and I can read it!" :D
  12. Thanks again. We're going to sit down and go over the pros and cons of taking the trailer and camping vs. staying in a hotel. As for the weather, that doesn't bother me, lol! Where we live and go camping it's the same kind of weather conditions. When our neice and nephews came up last August for a visit we told them to pack for camping shorts and tshirts for the day but jeans and warm coats for the nights. Our trailer has a heater in it, so we'll be good to go. :) We also have a generator so it's not an issue to not have electric hookups; run the generator during the day, use the battery and lanterns at night. We have this kind of setup due to when we go camping, we go for up to a week at a time. Again, thanks everyone! Keep sharing, I'm enjoying reading everyone's posts. :)
  13. You can easily transfer money from your Paypal account to your bank account and it's free. Takes a few days for it to show up (about 3 days is the average I've seen). I do it all the time. :) You have to make sure you have a bank account linked to your Paypal account. Here's the info on withdrawing money (whether you transfer or get a check, it's all in this link) https://www.paypal.com/helpscr?cmd=_help&locale=en_US&countrycode=US&_dyncharset=UTF-8&t=solutionTab&ps=solutionPanels&solutionId=58782
  14. Thanks for the info. We're most likely going to stay somewhere outside the park. I'd love to go camping there, we have a tent trailer and are considering using it but not sure yet, it's close but still several hours from here and it'll cost a lot more in gas to take the truck hauling the trailer. I don't want to go in July or August simply because of the crowds. I'd rather go in late May or early June. We'll figure it out. :) Thanks again. ETA: for those that have camped, what did you camp in (tent, travel trailer, tent trailer, rv, etc.)?
  15. :iagree: We have issues with socks, too. Other than that all 3 wear different sizes, the only thing to do is to either buy the each different color socks or different brands or different styles. For the baby, I have always washed the baby socks in a lingerie bag, otherwise they seem to disapear in the washing machine. I hated that. Using the lingerie bag was the only way to keep that from happening. The other things I've had suggested is pinning socks together with safety pins before washing, washing each child's socks in a seperate lingerie bag (one bag for each kid), writing names on socks with non-washable marker.
  16. Dh and I have pretty much decided to go to Yellowstone this summer. I've been once a long time ago, dh and the kids have never been. We are looking at staying 4 or 5 days. Could use some tips, advice, etc. on the following: What's a good hotel/motel that isn't expensive (would like to keep it under $100/night if possible)? Doesn't have to be brand name chain hotel, I know that independant local places can be just as nice if not better sometimes. Should we got in May or June? Anything else we should know? Thanks!
  17. We have a "caboose", lol! 2 boys followed by a little sister. We honestly didn't care, we did the suprise with our oldest and I was more happy to finally just have a baby, didn't matter if it was a boy or a girl. He's a boy. Now with our younger ds, dh dearly wanted a little girl. When we found out at the 20 wk u/s we were having another boy his response was "are you sure?" lol! With our daughter we were just so happy to be having another baby after a difficult time getting pregnant that we really didn't care, was more concerned that the baby was healthy. With the majority of people I know irl, I'd say the opposite is true. Most everyone I know wanted/wants a girl. One couple I know the wife was dissapointed to find out they were having a boy, she wanted a girl badly. A good friend of mine is hoping to find out tomorrow what they are having, she and her husband are really hoping for a girl.
  18. We had no trouble on our trip last March getting one room for the 5 of us. Our kids were 10, 9 and 2 at the time. On the road we just called whichever hotel and explained the situation, nobody had a problem with it. The kids slept in one bed together and did fine. When we got to our destination we stayed in a Comfort Inn that allowed me to book a room for 5, 2 queens with a crib. DD was so excited to see the pack and play set up for her already, she was squealing "my bed, my bed for me?" lol! I would call the hotel/motel directly, explain the situation and book through them. Before you do, check the rates online so you get the best price. On our trip, besides Comfort Inn we stayed at Howard Johnson and Ramada Inn, they were all very accomodating. The only reason I was hesitant to fib and say family of 4 was in case of a fire at the hotel the fire department wouldn't have a correct head count of the guests and somebody could get overlooked. But I worry like that. :P As the kids get older, we'll go with a 2 queen/pullout couch or rollaway. I was suprised to find there are even some hotels that have 3 queen size beds in a room, not that many out there but I do know that Comfort Inn has some.
  19. It's a wonder my kids even know their names as I'm constantly resorting to calling them "hey you" because I can't for the life of me remember their names. ;) Personally I think it has more to do with being a busy mom than age or health or anything else. There isn't one mom I know that wouldn't be writing the same exact post.
  20. We're an "other". We met when he was in 6th grade and I was in 8th grade, he was in the same class as my brother and I was in the same class as his brother. Dh was one of my brother's best friends. We didn't run in the same circles and didn't really take notice of each other until after high school when we were both in the same church college & career group. He was 19 and I was 20 when we started dating. We got engaged about 6 mos after we started dating but didn't get married for another year, he wanted to wait til he had a good solid job and was 21, lol! He said he wanted to be old enough to have a glass of wine on our honeymoon. ;) We'll be married 15 years this coming August. Dh and my brother are still very close friends. :)
  21. I am a huge Elder Scrolls series fan, dh got me Skyrim for Christmas. I have Morrowind and Oblivion also, if you don't want to spend the bucks on Skyrim go for one of the older versions which are just as fun and you certainly won't be beating them anytime soon. Also keep your eyes out for a used version of Skyrim, they are popping up out there already (proof is the one dh got me was a used copy which is fine with me since we didn't have a lot of money for Christmas and needed to make our dollars stretch). The Final Fantasy series is another good one. I agree with the pp that mentioned Zelda: Twilight Princess, I am not good at complicated controls but I have been able to learn TP pretty easily. Dh really enjoys the Dragon Age games (sequel to the Baldur's Gate series which you might also like). The Prince of Persia series is another that I like. I even like the Lego Star Wars games, lol! We have a ton of games, these are all I can think of off the top of my head. :P
  22. I don't know how "natural" the ingredients are but I have horrible dry skin, especially in the winter, and I use AmLactin. It's what was recommended by a dermatologist for my kids for their skin condition and it has worked wonders for my skin. It's not heavy or greasy feeling. I got it at Walgreens. Good luck finding a product or making a product that works for you, it's frustrating trying to find something that works and isn't super expensive. :) Eta: I use it for my face and hands, same with our kids. :)
  23. This is what I do, comes out perfect everytime. So moist and fluffy and sooooo delicious!!!!
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