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Everything posted by Cortana

  1. Unfortunately, I agree and think that someone's fame plays a bigger part in it all. Same thing with OJ, while yes he's ugly and such, he was also very famous and very rich at the time of his infamous trial. I'd really like to know what the jury's reasoning was for finding her not guilty. Was it a technicality (prosecution didn't provide enough evidence) or did they truly believe her?
  2. My parents live a 1/2 mile from train tracks and they love it. We used to live near the trains and now live so far away that we can just barely hear them late at night when the traffic is quiet enough. We miss it a lot, it becomes a very comforting sound. And I totally agree with july 19, we have bus stops right in front of our house and I despise it! The buses are loud, the people are loud, the buses run every 15 mins, the exhaust is nasty. I want my trains back, lol!
  3. :iagree: My thoughts exactly!!! My oldest two are 17 mos apart, then little sister is 7 years younger than our youngest son. We also didn't plan on it, we went through 4 years of secondary infertility and 2 miscarriages before our dd came along. The funny thing is the boys get along much better with their little sister than they do with each other, lol! I worry for her sometimes that she doesn't really have anyone her age to play with, but she has some little friends at church that she loves and she gets such a kick out of tagging along after her big brothers. Only time will tell if that will continue. ;) I say go for it! Who cares what other people think, this is your family and it doesn't matter what others may say.
  4. I have finally got myself into a really good regular workout routine and I'm loving it! :D The problem is that my feet are killing me. :( I have tried on so many pairs of shoes in different styles, find ones that I think will be the ones only to get them home, do a few days of workouts and have my feet hurting again. I'm know thinking that the problem isn't necessarily the shoes but that I need better inserts, the ones that come with the shoes aren't cutting it. I have high arches and narrow heels, I'm an underpronator. I end up with either my heels slipping up and down or my feet feeling like they are rolling out and away from my arches. I'm seriously considering going to the store and trying out the new Dr. Scholl's custom inserts, but those are so expensive. Can anyone give me some advice, recommendations on good inserts? Thank you. :001_smile:
  5. Here's another idea. http://moneysavingmom.com/2011/05/from-thrift-store-tv-stand-to-adorable-play-kitchen.html We're going to do this with our old entertainment center for our dd.
  6. We'll be married 14 years in August, together 16 years in November (yep, we had one of those long engagements, never lived together before the wedding). :001_smile:
  7. LOL, that's me, too!!! If I posted to all the threads I read, I'd have a lot more posts. :D I never know what to say without looking silly or it's a subject I just know to back away from slowly (I'm not a confrontational person). :tongue_smilie:
  8. I don't have a clean house and it's a rare thing for it ever get to the point where the entire house is clean, not just a room or two. I'm like T'smom, it is very defeating to clean and clean just to turn around and the kids have destroyed it all just like that. With the 2.5yo, it's nearly impossible to keep anything clean for more than 5 mins and I really feel like why did I waste all that time just to turn around and have to do it again. I'm also working on it as I hate the condition of my house. I also tend to have way too much going on at once, I get distracted by something that needs to be done and I never get back to what I was doing. I'm working on a chore schedule for our family in the hopes that we can get a routine going and not have me doing all of it. I also have a dh and 2 boys that are total slobs, lol! To me, a clean house is one that you wouldn't be in a panic state if company arrived unexpectedly.
  9. Our couch is between beige and chocolate brown (we got that color on purpose though I wish it was a bit darker). She just happened to sneak off from the table with her cup and she had V8 juice in it, climbed up on the couch, pulled the lid off and dumped it all over the couch. I knew it was a matter of time, lol! The couches are new and I just found out that the cushion covers come off. Now I'm good and embarrased that I didn't know that before, lol! I will pull them off and toss them in the washing machine. Thanks for the advice ladies. We do have a carpet cleaner, now I know to keep it handy for little girl messes. ;)
  10. 2.5yo dd spilled juice all over the couch and now it looks like it's going to stain. Any ideas/tips/suggestions for how to clean it? Thanks! :001_smile:
  11. I am so sorry that this is happening to your stepson. It's not right, I despise state testing. When I see the graduation requirements that our state has, I am so thankful that I graduated back when I did before all this craziness began. If any of it would truly help prepare kids for college or a job, it would be one thing but so precious little of it has anything to do with college or jobs. I'll be praying for him!!!
  12. Every kid is so different. With my son, Strattera alone wasn't working well (he has both ADHD and anxiety) and he is currently on a combo of high dose Strattera and low dose Ritalin. Definately give the Strattera a try.
  13. This is what we are going to be doing for Father's Day. http://www.ourbestbites.com/2011/06/tin-can-treats-fathers-day-edition/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+ourbestbites%2FdjLu+%28Our+Best+Bites%29
  14. It's in the upper 60s/low 70s today, partly cloudy and the wind is picking up. It's been a long, wet spring and we are tired of being cooped up inside. We're planning to go camping next weekend and praying the rivers/creeks will go down some and things dry out before we go (major snowpack and lots of rain). Our summers are normally hot and dry (temps hit the 90s in July and stay there until early to mid September, with a few 100 + days mixed in, yuck). Not sure just what to expect, the weather forecasters were wrong on our winter forecast so I'm more in a wait and see frame of mind.
  15. I like it between 75 and 80, low humidity and a nice pleasant breeze blowing.
  16. There was a dr in the town I grew up in named Dr. Richard Head, he insisted everyone call him Dick. I kid you not! He even got invited to appear on The David Lettermen show for a Top 10 segment. The sad thing was how proud the entire town was, lol!!! :lol:
  17. I went back and they were gone already. :crying::banghead: I knew I should have gotten them last night but didn't realize until after we got home that I could have afforded to get all of them. The most frustrating part is that there are about 10 outfits that aren't complete and are missing pieces and a whole bunch of shoes with no clothes. I'm certain the other pieces were in the other bags, the sorters at Goodwill probably just stuffed handfulls of outfits into bags no realizing they were mixing things up. Dh even said maybe post a listing on Craigslist explaining the situation and maybe find the other people who bought the clothes and get everything matched, lol! :tongue_smilie: Oh well, dd could care less, she's mixing and matching everything anyway. Yep, dd is going to have a very fun summer. She is really getting into playing with dolls, they had to go to bed with her last night and I had to tuck them in with her. :lol: I'll just be keeping my eyes open for more clothes. In the meantime, I found a few Build A Bear outfits mixed in and 2 pairs of American Girl pants and an American Girl shirt. If anyone wants them, pm me and they are yours for the cost of shipping. :001_smile:
  18. I'm really thinking about running back to that store and getting the other bags of clothes, dd is having such a blast with her new babies, lol!!!!
  19. We've been working with her since she was 18 mos, she just did not get it at all. We've always done the word association part that you explained, but for some reason she's just one of those difficult kids that it did not click at all. She's not being willful, it's just not coming easily to her. K is an extremely active little girl, that may be part of the problem, I don't know. :001_smile:
  20. LOL! I believe the only reason I found it was because dh was with me, he has this amazing knack at finding incredible deals for pennies on the dollar. He's the only person I know who could turn a $1 lottery scratcher into a $50 guitar bought at a garage sale and then trade it in and get a $700 guitar. :tongue_smilie:
  21. As long as the receiver and speakers work, yep you should be golden! :D All you need are the right cords to connect your tv and receiver. Oh, don't forget speaker wire so the speakers can be connected to the receiver. There are lots of tutorials online to help you get it all connected and setup correctly. My mom has the same problem in her sewing room. She has a tv, dvd player, vcr and video games set up for the grandkids so when she watches them she can keep sewing and not be interuppted to go check on them. But when the sewing machine starts up the kids start yelling that they can't hear, lol!
  22. Okay, I may be wrong here but I'm going to try anyway, lol! If I understand correctly, you are looking to get a surround sound sytem (aka home theater system) for your tv meaning a stereo receiever and speaker components that can be set around your room in various locations. If this is correct, then it has absolutely nothing to do with tv signal. All a surround sound sytem/home theater system is for is sound. More or less, replacing the speakers in your tv with bigger/better/louder speakers you place around the room for the "surround sound" effect like in a movie theater. Your antenna is going to continue to go through your tv, you will not hook it into the stereo receiver. Where the reviews said the sytem isn't digital, that means that it doesn't have an HDMI hookup, you will use RCA hookups to connect the tv to the receiver. Also, some radio stations broadcast a second signal as digital, so if you don't have a digital receiver you wouldn't receive that second signal. You'll still get regular radio signals. Our current tv is an LCD HD tv and we have a non-digital surround sound receiver system so I know it works just fine. :001_smile: I only know this stuff because my dad and my dh are home theater junkies (build their own speakers) and I've picked up a lot from their conversations. :tongue_smilie:
  23. I want to read it too!! Our 2.5 yr old wants to wear her undies but we are having fits getting her to use the potty.
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