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Everything posted by Cortana

  1. Besides WTM, what other books would you recommend for parents that are looking into classical education methods? The more dh and learn about classical education, the more we like it.:D
  2. Anybody have any advice/suggestions for a good telescope? Our boys are going to study astronomy next year and we are looking for a good, affordable telescope but have not got a clue what to be looking for, lol!:tongue_smilie: Thanks!
  3. Anyone from the Evergreen State? I'm in eastern WA.
  4. Howdy! I'm so excited to find this forum! We have 3 children. Ds, 9, has down syndrome and has been homeschooled since Nov. 2009. Ds, 8, has high-functioning autism and will be homeschooled next year. Dd, 18 mos, will be homeschooled too.:001_smile: Dh and I had discussed homeschool since before the children were born (he was homeschooled himself) but after the boys were diagnosed we didn't think it would be possible. Of course, we've since learned otherwise. ;) Our oldest did great in public school until last school year. He was forced by the school district into a different, higher level class and did horribly. This year started off even worse with some bad behavioral issues and the teacher not handling things well. Our final straw came when ds had a potty accident at school and the teacher was more concerned with defending herself than with ds and if he was okay. We brought him home that day and never went back. :D Our younger ds has been doing fairly well in public school, he has a wonderful teacher but this year has turned into a mess of ds being bullied and tormented by the 2 boys he thought were his good friends and more or less being labeled as the "weird kid" by most of the students. This will be his final year in public school, he is coming home for good. Our dd is an unexpected suprise (we thought we couldn't have anymore children). She is a blessing to us and adored by her big brothers. She's a handful but I look forward to homeschooling her, too. I can't wait to get to know everyone and share this incredible journey. We have our good days and our bad days but I love having our older ds at home and can't wait for our younger ds to start (he is very excited!). :001_smile:
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