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Everything posted by gaillardia

  1. Jumanji Invictus The Day the Earth Stood Still Pan (LOVE this movie) Signs (scary for some but we like it, a little language)
  2. Love Secondhand Lions. Sahara (2005) Interstellar Into the Woods Arrival Dr. Strange Life of Pi (for your daughter but my dh likes it too) Hugo (listed as a romance but still a fun movie...Johnny Depp appears several times but you wouldn't notice him) Super 8 (Lots of language!) The Green Lantern War Horse Prince of Persia Hidalgo
  3. Here's my weird/not weird thing as I've gone through mpause: I would have a crying jag or feel very tearful and upset, then I would have a hot flash, sweating, then I'd feel better. However, my dd told me that is an anxiety symptom. I don't really have much in the way of crying jags and hot flashes too much anymore.
  4. I do not know that yet. Many questions yet to be explored. I drove past their house today and saw that the one across the street is for sale, no money down, no closing costs. !
  5. Carol in Cal.: I like/don't like your post. That's really sad. That's the kind of story I'm talking about with people taking unfair advantage. I guess that's part of my issue too. I don't want anyone to screw our friends over. They are not necessarily gullible but I would hate for them to be in a position where the only buyers are realtors or home flippers who have no interest in making it a home for themselves. This is a tight market, or at least it was a year ago and I haven't been watching things too closely. Two homes in our small town neighborhood had for sale signs up and taken down in less than 30 days. I'm feeling motivated.
  6. Thank you for responding, DawnM and mom2samlibby. We want to do this for a couple of reasons. For one, the price we are paying for rent now is too high when compared with the price of what a mortgage could be. We're in a small older home. We got in a bad situation and ended up with nothing for a down payment, unemployment and no place to live. It was that hard to find a place to live (to buy or rent) in this area, it is a tight market. We are going to be here for at least 2 more years if not the rest of our lives and do want to own a home again. DawnM: Our friends who may be moving owe nothing on their home but are in a bad situation too. Unemployment for a long time. We haven't spoken to them about doing anything like this but I am certain the guy will be making enough money when they relocate that they could do more than "get by" without having sold the house. I have never known anyone as frugal as they are and I know a lot of frugal people. The thing is, they'd end up using a realtor to help it move. If they didn't do repairs they would definitely be low-balled. We're not concerned with repairs because my dh knows how to do a lot. We're not sure about getting a loan, just wading in slowly with ideas. Our current property management company knows our situation and recently sent us a letter asking us to consider buying a home in which we'd have a mortgage payment at half the monthly price of rent. I would never want to screw up our friends' situation and wouldn't expect them to repair everything and hand over the house. Like I said, there are a few things wrong with the house, but there are also a few things very good about it, repairs and upgrades that they already completed. Our first home we sold to our neighbors without going through a realtor, just a lawyer. Easy. mom2samlibby: it doesn't sound like it has or is working out very well for you! Unfortunate for your friend. But the other people? I really get tired of people just acting so ...what is it? competitive? market advantage? Greedy? I hope you can hang on and get what the right price is for your place. Thank you both for your insight, experience, and advice.
  7. I do not and will never (I don't think), but I have a friend in her 30s who has a tiny little diamond thing that is at least half-way up the side of her nose and it is so tiny it's almost not noticeable. I like the way it looks on her. I can't imagine how it stays put, it looks permanent. I've never asked her about it. She wears makeup, dresses nice and always has a well-trimmed hairstyle. She doesn't really wear any other jewelry, maybe a delicate chain with a little something around her neck.
  8. My favorite high school teacher, Mr. W. He was cool, he had a great moustache, was always enthusiastic, and knew his subjects. I had him for Anthropology, Man and His Environment and other social/humanity type classes. He treated me like my opinion mattered and he always gave me decent grades, which I deserved. His classes were fun. A friend and I would sit and draw little figures of life-like figs with faces, etc., passing them back and forth every class time, while he lectured. We never got in trouble. A neighboring classmate would write insulting/kidding remarks on our papers. I still deserved my decent grades. My other favorite high school teacher, Mr. G., was my Business English teacher and I think I had him for Math once too. He eventually went into the judicial field. He was professional and business-like in his behavior and took everything seriously. He also gave me decent grades, which I definitely deserved. There were more boys in the Business English class than regular English classes.
  9. Or were you the owner of the property? What can you tell me about your experience? We know someone who may be moving if a job possibility falls into place. We are currently in a situation of renting but paying twice what we paid on a monthly mortgage payment. Their home is paid for but has a few issues that would make it difficult to sell to an average home buyer. Market value of their home is assumed to be between $80,000 to $90,000. It is between 50 and 60 years old. I'd like to talk to them about our renting their home from them with option to buy, meaning that we would be able to buy it by the time a year is up. We do not have a down payment but are not first time home buyers. We are not looking to flip the house. Can part of the year's worth of rent count as the down payment? If you don't use a realtor, can you use a real estate broker to handle the transaction so that the broker is being compensated in some way? How about a property management realtor? Have you used one of those in this type of situation?
  10. what she said. not a very good plan though, is it?
  11. A friend of mine who worked in a lingerie dept. of a major department store (Nordstrom?) said it is the most important thing to do: get fitted for bras. Have I? No. And it doesn't mean you have to buy from them, but what a surprise it would be to find out you've been buying the wrong size.
  12. A bunch of guys that most of you do not know of but 8 million or so other people do know of... Plus, I saw Hal Linden and Bob Hope at a parade; met the guys from Crack the Sky (okay, you guys probably haven't heard of them either); got to hear and see SWB (at a SWB conference in MD); met grandchildren of the Johnson & Johnson family through a mutual friend (big whoop); Mario Andretti, a race car driver and Paul Newman, also at the races, both smiled at me. Whoo hoo. George Thorogood, also at the races. He waved back to us and smiled from his big travel bus. I've spoken to David Christopher on the phone a few times (School of Natural Healing in Utah).
  13. :wub: :party: Congratulations!!! You're expecting a little bundle/big parcel! This is cool. I love babies, we all love babies. I wish we could have a shower every time someone announces a pregnancy here. There are many of us here who will listen to you when you need to vent about the rudeness of people. My mil told me after I had each child that it was enough, as if I had asked, as if it was her decision. I hope that you can either develop the thick skin or the ability to mentally carry a stampy note that reads "IGNORE!" when someone says something to you that is none of their business.
  14. C'mon, Quill! Where is kitty? What will you name him? It's not about how you feel. This is about a cat needing a home.
  15. I didn't believe much. My outlook was that I didn't ask Jesus to do anything for me so the atonement and his sacrifice were zero for me. As a teenager I had a couple of spiritual experiences and knew I was loved by God and Christ. I didn't follow through on it at all, for years. Finally, after enough worldly experiences, I was scared and tired and was looking for answers. I was feeling the presence of the Holy Ghost, the assurance of the reality of what I was being taught, the peace I was able to feel even though some really sad things were happening in my life. (While before this, I was expecting signs and miracles to be shown to me without working for it. When it wouldn't happen, it disappointed me, discouraged me and made me think none of it was real anyway). Curiosity was one thing, but having the deep, inner desire to know God, to have the desire to turn from the path I was on, was the direction I had to be heading. I have had too many experiences to deny there is a God and a Savior. I guess that's my story in a nutshell, not to minimize the changes, but this is a forum and I don't like to go into too much detail.
  16. So sorry you are having to go through this. May you find the help you need to help him.
  17. I have no suggestions, just an opinion. I hate the San Diego traffic but I did enjoy walking around old town by the beach. Fun stuff. Love U2. Oh, we ate at a cool little Greek place. One person worked there, on a Friday night. Very good food, forget the name. That is all.
  18. :001_wub: :001_wub: :001_wub: What a beautiful girl. Congratulations to you and your fam! I hope you're feeling much better and things have simmered down a bit.
  19. Why would they have been provoking the truck driver? I'm not going to get into an internet debate. They shook hands and went their separate ways? And that one guy had to pound the crap out of the biker repeatedly? I still think there was a lot more going on than what we see and what has been told. Case Dismissed!
  20. That you have it all. I haven't been satisfied or happy with our insurance sometimes because of how much it costs and how much a deductible costs and how much each person has to accrue to apply towards it and how much this and that and this...yeah. If this is JAWM, I agree. For instance, a few years ago I had a condition which I thought was X and went to the doctor for it with insurance. He examined me and said I was probably right, it was probably X. He suggested a scan for which I would have to fork out $500 because of the deductible, which I didn't have on credit card, couldn't afford any extra payments anywhere and definitely didn't have in my fast cash envelope for emergencies. Fast forward two years and it was J. (These are just random letters, they don't represent a specific illness/condition). I had to be admitted to the hospital from ER for surgery. It wasn't EVEN X.
  21. That was a planned ambush. One more pick-up truck was waiting, one came rolling onto the scene, and are instantly bad ash. All kinds...what rednecks. So, apparently they were already informed and got themselves there as quickly as possible. Rural gang life. And I don't get why the guys on motorcycles had to start talking to the guy in the truck. Confrontation is never going to end well. I think I would have changed my route. Clearly, to me, the guy in the truck was in the wrong for not letting them go by, had to prove his point. A few years ago my dh was in a situation where 2 guys in a truck were tailgating him because he had passed them. The driver kept taking every chance he could to cut dh off, cutting in front of him, constantly changing lanes to keep pace with dh, in front of dh. Approaching an intersection, dh put on his signal but did not get over. Road rage driver cut over again in front of dh, dh started steering the car, little VW bug, toward the turn lane, driver jumped into the turn lane ahead of dh, other traffic is right there all around them and dh quickly darted into slow lane amongst other traffic to scoot on through the light, which then turned red and the idiots were stuck turning at the light. DH then turned on a back road to get over to where he needed to be, as he crested the hill approaching our lane he could see the truck sitting up ahead on a different road, on past our lane, situated like they were sitting waiting for DH. He drove a little faster down the lane that day and drove the car through the grass and around back of the house close up. Ran in the house. WHAT.THE.FRICK. I felt violated that day after he told me the story. So, there you have it.
  22. Happy Anniversary!!! How many years? I've got no helpful hints, never been north of PA/NJ. Sounds like a sweet trip.
  23. Having used a blend in a diffuser as well as using herb teas, glycerin tinctures and capsuled herbs, I say yes, EOs work. When the kids used to catch a flu-bug or virus with lots of snot, coughing, headaches, we would use this type of treatment. It lessened the symptoms and shortened it from what it used to be. I know it works. Sometimes I wouldn't have all the herb teas, tinctures or capsules needed and we'd make due with EOs. A friend who worked at a hospital and would get sick multiple times every winter started using EOs on her feet every day. She never gets sick now. I think it was the 40 thieves blend.
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