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Lightly Salted

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Everything posted by Lightly Salted

  1. I have a friend from Mongolia named Tseren, but I'm not sure how to describe the pronunciation. The r is a flipped r, with almost a slight d sound.
  2. I don't know, but have had similar questions, so I'm bumping this up. Hopefully someone else will chime in :D
  3. 34 weeks, China to Thailand, but I was going there to deliver.
  4. Mine was priced at $500 (in 1995), but was a gift because DH's (very generous) aunt gave it to me. She also gave him his wedding ring, and sold us mine at cost. I cannot imagine paying some of the prices I see on tv, and worry that kids will come to expect such extravagance due to the shows. :001_huh:
  5. Teach Your Child to Read in 100EZ Lessons I have a brand new copy sitting here, really should sell it! :lol:
  6. That works for my DD too. My DS is much more motivated by the loss of his half hour of iPad or Xbox time.
  7. Where I am now? 9 months. Seriously. Where I was when nursing littles? Overseas almost all of my expat friends nursed for at least 14-18 months, and I knew a few people who nursed into the toddler ages. The locals were divided: the rich did NOT nurse; the poor did because formula was expensive. It was becoming more and more popular to give formula, though. What I did? Nursed til they were 3.5 and 5. :D We moved back when my youngest was 2, and though he nursed for 3 more years, I doubt anyone here knew it, since we didn't NIP much past 2.5.
  8. I have some 1st and 2nd grade readers that a friend gave me for free. My kids don't enjoy them as much as they do their Sonlight readers, but they read a little each day because I like that the chapter/ unit wrap-ups cover things I hadn't thought to cover at that age (Internet searches, fire safety, test- taking strategies). I wouldn't necessarily buy them over other homeschooling materials, but they have been a good supplement for us.
  9. I can't help you with IEP concerns, but the recess issue was one of the main reasons I started considering home-schooling. Mine were in preschool and kindergarten, and were almost always sad that recess (for the whole class) had been cancelled that day due to someone's misbehavior. Added to that, they often cancelled specials (like music for the entire class; I was the music teacher) for misbehavior. AND to make matters worse, when I tried sending healthy snacks, I was asked specifically to bring "a sweet snack" instead of a savory one. So, we had young, sugared-up, bored children whose recess and special classes were cancelled ... and the solution was to make them sit still for even LONGER without expecting more boredom-induced misbehavior?! :001_huh: Now we love our trampoline-spelling lessons, hour-long lunch recess, and 5 minute activity breaks between subjects! :lol:
  10. Mine get to call Daddy at work to celebrate the completion of any book/workbook. We take a trip to the local Stevi B's pizza restaurant at the end of each school year (upon completion of our SL core or 180 days, whichever comes first) :D
  11. Mine are 21 months apart, and we've combined in cores A-C so far.
  12. I have never once in 5 years seen ANYONE nurse a baby in any part of our church. And it's a good thing we weren't here when mine were little because I would have bucked that trend! Really, here it is considered abnormal (aberrant?) to nurse beyond 6-9 months ... My IRL friends have no idea that I tandem nursed, or that my kids nursed til 3.5 and 5 years old.
  13. I love coconut oil - I'll eat a spoonful by itself, in a smoothie, or well, in most ways listed in this thread. I had stopped taking it daily, and the brain fog came back in a most overwhelming way, but now that I'm starting the day with a spoonful in my coffee, it's all good again! That sounded really weird to me, but if you read the labels on powdered coffee creamers, most are made with either coconut or palm oil, so I figure it's just a little more! :tongue_smilie:
  14. We do mostly 4 day school weeks around here. Friday is usually DH's day off, so if he's off, we're off - one of the perks of homeschooling (made easier, of course, while the kids are young; might not always be the case). If, however, he has to work, we do as well. Of course, most of our read-alouds are scheduled for Saturday during sports seasons, to and from games, and I save messy science experiments for weekends with Daddy so I sometimes count those as a day of school. We school from July - May, taking off for a short summer before it's outrageously hot, and have never had any problem making our school year of 180 days, even when working only 4 days a week most of the year.
  15. I usually tell them that my DH is a Baptist minister, that we share and appreciate their concern for sharing their religious beliefs with their neighbors, but that we are not likely to agree with them doctrinally, so I won't take their literature. I then wish them a good afternoon (or whatever) and send them off with a smile. We've always had amicable partings, and usually get fewer visits in each place where we've lived. I've heard all sorts of mean-spirited ways to 'get rid of them' but do NOT want to say "I'm a Christian" and then act ugly - what kind of example would that be?
  16. Seconding both of these, and eliminating grains :grouphug:
  17. Today was 72; we'll do 180. I'm slightly behind our pace from last year, but I figure we'll get it all done at some point :tongue_smilie:
  18. Kajukenbo, because their Daddy holds a 7th degree black belt and teaches classes at our church. :D
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