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Lightly Salted

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Everything posted by Lightly Salted

  1. thanks - we have to sell the house, that's the big thing - and need all the luck we can get! :001_unsure:
  2. good to know! I actually have 'research best ereader options' as one item on my long to-do list ... thanks for sharing! I was looking at the Nook, but will definitely reconsider based on what is best for life overseas! :D:bigear:
  3. I used to be one of those people who swore she'd never leave books for an ereader ... but now that we're looking at moving back overseas, there's no question that it's a smart decision monetarily. Invest in an ereader/ebooks or spend hundreds JUST on shipping. There's no English library/bookstore where we live, so electronic downloadable books will revolutionize things for us. We weren't homeschooling last time we lived overseas, but I vividly remember how bored I was with the ONE pitiful little three-shelf bookshelf of books we owned. I read them over and over and over until I could find another foreigner to trade books with ... or could get out to some place where I could buy more books. But not too many or I'd have to pay for luggage overage. Now that the amount of checked luggage has decreased and the price of shipping has increased, ebooks are the way to go, I'm grateful they exist, and we'll be getting 2-3 ereaders for the family!
  4. I lost 55 lbs over a year, and the only significant loose skin area is in my abdomen, where I also have tons of stretch marks. It's not outrageous, though, just not meant for a bikini ;) and I'd rather have it than the 55 lbs!
  5. DS is a William who goes by Liam ... and it's amazing how many people have no idea that Liam is a nickname for William. If you like it, go for it.
  6. Can she buy an ereader (kindle, nook) and then get read-alouds via download? I'd be checking to see what sort of educational materials I could get electronically and/or online for that short a time.
  7. yes, ours was stopped Monday-Friday and again for Monday MLK day ...
  8. :) my DS read some aloud to us all tonight, too! Good stuff!
  9. you might also try making a salad dressing with the vinegar, olive oil and whatever seasonings you like - much more palatable that way!
  10. We're doing our usual daily lesson in the stuff in my sig, but substituting handwriting/WWE for handwritten Christmas thank you notes.
  11. us too - I bought it for $12 at Goodwill and it's now a puzzle table!
  12. I tried to give mine a snow day, but DS insisted on having a spelling lesson, stating, "I love spelling!" Silly kid! We'll probably also do read-alouds before bed as usual
  13. we're taking it down tonight, which is really early for us, but coincides with a huge decluttering process in prep for listing (and hopefully selling) the house.
  14. losing weight and going low-carb (gluten-free) has made my acid reflux disappear completely
  15. peanut butter balls (buckeyes) chocolate-dipped pretzels chocolate-dipped peanut butter stuffed pretzels peppermint bark
  16. friends of ours do that ... and every year I wish I had remembered to do it, too :tongue_smilie:
  17. never - DH's parents are 2 hours away and nearing 80 My Mom is 11 hours away and has Alzheimer's at age 60
  18. this guy did, but it didn't work out well for him http://www.examiner.com/county-political-buzz-in-san-diego/tsa-airport-screeners-gone-wild-san-diego-again it seems crazy to me ... I've already had skin cancer and don't want more radiation. I suppose I can convince myself to endure a pat-down, but some of the stories out there right now sound EXTREME! And I'm not convinced I should have to submit. For now we have no planned trips, but several business trips are on the horizon over the next year and I'm wondering if we can drive ...
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