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Everything posted by idnib

  1. I guess I have Great Courses on my mind due to the Audible sale. :) I was imagining a high schooler watching a history great course for 50% of the content, reading associated books assigned by the parent, writing papers on the videos and assigned books graded by the parent, and taking the parent's exams. I was wondering if you would consider that "outsourcing history" or something else.
  2. We did not write a letter but we received one when we sold. We sold the house to that buyer. Who knows if she was lying, and that's on her own conscience, but it nudged us when she explained her elderly father lived around the corner and she took care of him and wanted to be near him. We've had that situation in our family before and it was nice for the elderly person to have their own space and autonomy but also walk over for meals and such. Letters are very common around here in the SF Bay area. But houses get many offers and see quickly unless they are junk or in a bad area. We made several offers before buying our current property. The other properties had 20-35 offers each. When houses go for $150k over asking, you've kind of already given up and hope of negotiating so people add the letter as a personal touch. I might not include it if I had the chance to bring the price down. On the other hand, sometimes people are willing to give up their negotiating ability if they really want the house. That's a business decision some might be comfortable with.
  3. This caught my eye. What do you consider teaching-type textbooks? Ones that "speak" directly to students, like AOPS or WWS? What about the transition from parental involvement to self-sufficiency, but working at home with books, not outside materials? If a driven high school student s working their way through Campbells' Biology with no input from the parent, do you consider that outsourced because Campbell's is a teaching-type textbook? Also, how would you describe a hybrid course? For example, what would you say if your student was doing a class that was partly video instruction, partly textbook,and partly parental teaching? I'm not trying to be argumentative, just genuinely asking. I just see so many shades of gray. :)
  4. If people ask at all, they will only ask about it for the first few weeks and then stop associating the birth of your baby with the royal baby. I don't even remember the other royal baby's name or when it was born, exactly. Or when William and Harry were born.
  5. I was visiting a small man-made stocked lake with upright pilings lining the edge where people sat to fish. I sat on a fish hook and it went into my behind, barb and all. I was maybe 7 or 8 years old and was there with my friend and her mom. We had to go to the restroom and she couldn't pull it out because of the barb. She ended up having to push it all the way through, creating a new injury when the hook exited, and putting a bunch of tp on it to keep it from bleeding until we got home. When we got home my mom bandaged me up. It's funny, as a kid I didn't think it was that big a deal but I can see it now from her perspective and I would hate to have to deal with that for my kids' friends. I would feel so bad and wonder about tetanus and whether it was my fault. I do remember her taking it in stride, though, like a true 1970s mom.
  6. :grouphug: I think a lot of threads can be like that for different people. Some people would be depressed on a thread about great kids or meaningful work. I get depressed when I read threads about people having things that are deficient in my life, even though I am happy for them. And maybe a bit jealous.
  7. I'm sorry your headache is back. Hopefully the appointment Wednesday will shed some light.
  8. Here are some Smarter Balanced rubrics for writing. Not the official ones, but someone put them in an easier to use grid.
  9. Enchiladas are pretty easy. We buy a big can of sauce, pour some in a 9x11 pan and some on a plate. We dip corn tortillas in the plated sauce, fill with shredded cheese, roll up, and place in a 9x11 pan. When pan is full, top with extra sauce and shredded cheese. Bake 350 for 40 minutes. You can also add ground beef, shredded leftover chicken, etc. Sometimes we top with black olives. Lots of good chili recipes out there too, from regular chile to black bean, to white bean. Sometimes we take bone-in skin-on chicken thighs and coat them with almond flour mixed with salt, pepper, and dried herbs. 375 for 1 hour. Start skin-side down and flip at 30-minute mark.
  10. I also bought 4. Thanks for the heads up!
  11. I finished The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe and started Prince Caspian. I'm quite enjoying these and they are refreshing breaks from more difficult reading. I also finished The Ocean at the End of the Lane and I loved it. Really loved it. I'm on Canto V of Inferno. I can see I'm going to end up reading each twice, once before reading the goodreads discussion for each canto and once after. I can also see I'm going to have to follow up The Divine Comedy with the Aeneid. I'm almost done with Book 1 of The Pilgrim's Progress, which is about 3/5 of the book. My whole life seems to revolve around Christian allegories right now. :)
  12. That's good to hear. I was probably thinking of something else I read.
  13. I've seen some rubrics but I cannot find them right now. They were based on grammar, sentence flow, language mechanics, organization of topics, topic sentences, etc and were quite comprehensive. I did feel that they were idealized, though, and would not be applied that carefully by pressured readers with thousands of essays.
  14. I wouldn't, but I do think it would be good fro DH to remarry and I've told him that. Every time I see this thread title, I hope SeekingHim's DH doesn't inadvertently see it on her screen!
  15. Best reason ever for not getting much reading done!
  16. Sorry, yes, I should have worded it better. It's relatively new, but not something new to CCSS. I was just trying to clarify that because the CCSS was mentioned in the first post.
  17. I'm sorry this happened to you. I would distance myself.
  18. Hmmm. I would be inclined to just distance myself because everyone who engages with these types seems to decide to do that eventually if they want peace. So why not proceed directly to the end game? It would be harder for me to not say anything if what he did was directed at my kids, despite knowing it was better not to. It's hard to say w/o details, although I understand why you're being vague.
  19. Yes I love being married! :001_wub: Marriage doesn't make me miss the autonomy of being single. I still feel very autonomous. If anything, having kids has made me less autonomous than being married has.
  20. Yes. I didn't know about the details of how many times they stopped, picking up the extra person, taking care of them first, etc. Like I said, I think it's worth watching.
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