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Everything posted by idnib

  1. Personal stories don't help much in this regard, I've found. You'll find an equal number of people who say they quit because they were pushed and who are glad their parents kept pushing. Only you know your kid. But if he does enjoy it more or less, and the only complaint is that you have to remind him vs him doing it on his own? Yeah, he's 7.
  2. I'm not sure how we moved from reusable grocery bags to the extreme of used maxi pads on lawns, but I agree some people might have circumstances that require them to use plastic bags for trash. None of that has anything to do with reusable grocery bags. People adjust and California is still here and people are shopping. Even Chicken Little's gotta eat. ;)
  3. Ahead of time I will be: --Dry-brining the turkey --Making the dip for the cheese and cracker plate --Making the Union Square Cafe nuts --Making the filling for the mushroom tarts (vegetarian main). --Buying gravy, but not making it. I really don't like trying to make gravy at the end. --Prepping the carrots and making their topping, but not combining those yet. Will roast and top on the day. --Making the wild rice stuffing --Making the cranberry sauce --Making the fudge. Pie will be purchased, so that will be ready too. Will make a pear dessert on the day. On the day, once the turkey is in, I'll make the mashed potatoes and keep them warm in the Simple Pot. (Add some cream and butter the insert.)
  4. I say it would be very unusual for a 7yo to remember to practice without reminders. But reminders are different than arguing. If he's very reluctant or whining, or you're having to cajole him, maybe it's time for a rest. Doe he get any payoff? My son started taking over his own practices in large part because he enjoys playing with others and performing. We also made it a condition of attending summer music camp that he would practice without (too much) complaint.
  5. One reason people think buying a reusable bag is expensive is that they don't have to pay the true environmental cost of the plastic bag. If they did, then reducing would suddenly feel cheaper.
  6. Why the false dilemma? If you don't think there should be a ban, just say that. But it's a fallacy to say that nothing should happen because it's only a partial solution. Some people don't overhaul their budget all at once, they start by making their own coffee instead of going to Starbucks before work each day.
  7. I'm doing all the cooking for 17 people, plus I make enough to send home with guests and still have leftovers. Usually my mom helps but she hurt her leg and the doctor told her to stay off it. I think she can help with chopping while sitting at the table, but that's about it. I'm making one dessert, but I'm going to buy the pie. I bow down to anyone who makes a good pie!
  8. Reminds me of Melanie Griffith's childhood lion. of course it's a terrible idea to do this, but it is funny how times change and/or people get away with things because they are celebrities. Not only were Melanie's parents not arrested, I think there were magazine articles about it. The photos she has from that time are crazy.
  9. We are except music practice, because of upcoming holiday performances. We have family in town, and Thanksgiving is in a week and I still have no menu or shopping list done, let alone grocery shopping or pre-cooking.
  10. I live in CA and am glad they are banned statewide. My county already banned them some time ago, and it really hasn't been a big deal. Not to get too political but to address the fact that the statewide ban didn't pass by a large margin, there was another (distractor) proposition put onto the ballot by plastic bag manufacturers. The idea was that grocers could still use them and an environmental fund would be set up by the state. (The Mercury News (San Jose paper) called it the most disingenuous initiative ever placed on the CA ballot.) Anyway, I think some people who liked the idea of an environmental fund would have voted for the ban had the distractor not been on the ballot. You can read more about them here: Prop 65 (with environmental fund) Prop 67 (plastic bag ban)
  11. Re: people from the subcontinent being called black. There are many dialects in this region, but generally speaking people on the subcontinent see black Africans rarely, and so use the word for "black" to refer to other people from the subcontinent as darker than the person speaking. It's generally considered a negative thing to be darker, and people usually mean it in a pejorative way, for example by saying a new baby is pretty, but dark. Or looking for a marriage partner, a person is dark and their children will be dark. Among the women, there is a market for skin lighteners, both artificial and natural. Part of the confusion I think comes from people using the local word for "black" to refer to others in the same region, but then those maltreated people also claiming it as their own, and then entering other parts of the world in which "black" often means "of African descent" or "with African features."
  12. And by other people from the subcontinent.
  13. This happens in all-Muslim families as well. My cousin decided to fully cover with a burqa, gloves, etc instead of just her head, and my dad finds this completely annoying. I finally had to tell him to please just leave her alone because he was doing the same "I knew you since you were a baby" and "I already know what you look like" stuff.
  14. The background of this story, which I either forgot or was not aware of, makes me concerned. :grouphug:
  15. Yes. I do this all the time and have never had an issue.
  16. I can see why you're confused because of the inconsistency, but because nobody has ever has to hug someone if they don't want to, I would just let it go.
  17. But it is! :sneaky2: I don't wear a hijab but I have in the past at various times. My preference is for people to interact with me like they would anyone else, but if people approached me to express support, they always came with a sense of purpose and it made me nervous until I found out what they had to say. So I guess it was a relief to find they were going to say something positive. Here in CA we have many Muslims of Mexican and Chinese descent. I remember a black guy I know saying that the sound of him walking down the street is the sound of car doors locking.
  18. Does steaming envelopes open still work with modern adhesives? :sneaky2: :toetap05:
  19. I have seen pre-chopped mirepoix at TJ's but I'm not sure if it's any good. I do but pre-sliced mushrooms. They're the same price here. I have the same mandolin, along with a glove with a large cut in it. It saved my hand though so I agree with the recommendation!
  20. PSA: if your mats are getting worn, replace them. That's woven glass in there! I think the Silpat gets about 2000-3000 uses. At our house, that's about 10 years.
  21. Oh no!!! This is terrible news. :crying: Live version (1988) of Everybody Knows
  22. Thinking of you and sending good thoughts. :grouphug:
  23. Thanks for the link, bibiche. 35 Powerful Images of Kindness Found Within Conflict and The teenager who saved a man with an SS tattoo.
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