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Everything posted by idnib

  1. :ohmy: The pictures of the fire coming down the mountain are chilling. :grouphug:
  2. The Swiss Family Robinson have become like members of our own family, they've been here so long.
  3. Gluten free turkey sausage patties, either homemade or purchased. (We usually buy Applegate brand). It's common in many cultures to have soup for breakfast so we often do that, just toss some veggies and meat into a pot. Gluten free breakfast cereals with homemade almond milk or coconut milk. Gluten free oatmeal made with water, coconut milk, or almond milk. (Oats are naturally gluten free but are often grown next to gluten crops so be careful. We've had the best luck with Trader Joe's gluten free oatmeal, which is grown in Canada away from gluten crops. Rice porridge. Sometimes it's better to eat white rice instead of brown if you can't be sure it was grown away from gluten crops. Mix rice with veggies or fruit. Smoothies with fruit and almond or coconut milk. Add a bit of honey if the fruit isn't sweet. Coconut cream (not milk) whipped and eaten with berries. Nut butter on veggies or fruit, or spread on gluten free bread or crackers.
  4. Requirements for entering European universities? I'm not an expert on European architecture, but I think you can just use the door....
  5. So I tend to clean when I'm angry... Come on over anytime...we'll find a way to make you mad!
  6. There isn't enough data storage on the WTM servers to detail all my experiments, but I definitely got the most bang for the buck by 1) removing gluten, 2) limiting sugar to a few grams/day from berries and honey only, and 3) taking a lot of Vital Choice salmon oil. Those 3 things reduced my inflammation by 90%. :grouphug:
  7. Do you mean you were looking at buying policies on your own? We looked at that and it wasn't much cheaper than PPOs as well. However both times when we were presented with options when DH changed jobs, it was significantly cheaper to go with Kaiser. I wonder why that is. I understand giving lower group rates than individual or family rates, but it was really different.
  8. We have Kaiser but I hardly ever use it. I'm not that into doctors but we need protection against large medical expenses. The few times I've used it has been fine. That said, I happened to read Consumer Reports a couple of days ago and Kaiser was really highly ranked across the country, across thousands of people. There were a few insurance situations ranked a bit higher but they were local coop situations. But a well-done survey by Consumer's Union might be more helpful than a few anecdotes so I thought I would throw that out. I think when it comes to any insurance you'll always find people who had a great experience and some disgruntled people as well, so it's good to look at surveys with high numbers of participants. Here's a link about the survey: http://articles.courant.com/2011-10-29/business/hc-ls-consumer-reports-health-insurance-ratings-20111029_1_health-insurance-kaiser-plans-private-plans
  9. Everything Flo said, plus http://www.iherb.com/Morningstar-Minerals-Immune-Boost-77-Mineral-Supplement-120-Capsules/16754 Get some fulvic/humic materials into him! :)
  10. My son hovered below the 8th percentile and a couple of times fell off the charts so I know what you mean. He ate normal, non-junky foods. He drank only water and milk. If a doctor mentioned his weight I would tell them to check his percentiles against the weight charts from the 1930s. (I used to keep a copy of this with me!) For that time frame he was in the 40th percentile. Go figure. That said, he did fill out more (and is now in the 50th percentile) over the course of a year once I started giving him fish oil. A nutritionist clued me in that apparently the balance of omega-6/omega-3 fats has something to do with height vs. girth. Hang in there! :grouphug:
  11. You can watch the Oscar-winning animated short at http://theguardiansbooks.com/FlyingBooks/. It's inspired by the book, which I haven't read but will now. This is free for now but will eventually be sold on iTunes, according to our local library. Enjoy!
  12. I've also felt behind with WWE and FLL for my 2nd grader. (We are also catching up after moving!) This thread made me feel so much better so thanks for asking. :)
  13. My kids actually get reinforcement from this shower curtain. It's really colorful and brightens up the bathroom. It has capitals and other major cities marked. The toilet faces the bathtub in our bathroom. ;-) http://www.bedbathandbeyond.com/product.asp?SKU=114153&RN=382&
  14. That's not being a weenie. That's being smart! :hurray:
  15. Guys seem to like to go bowling even if they're not that good at it. It's also relatively inexpensive and not too arduous. It keeps everyone busy and there's time to chat. I think bowling lanes do tend to serve beer sometimes, though. Often the alcohol is in an adjacent bar but not at the lanes because they want to be family-friendly. You might have to do some research in this regard. It's best to stop by before to check out the maintenance too; some of them get run down.
  16. Yes, I am exactly stating she could have the same issues. I don't mean in a diagnosable sense as these problems manifest differently in different people. But I do mean she may be looking through a certain lens that makes it almost impossible to select a constitutional remedy for your daughter. Most homeopaths I know, even top level ones who receive patients from all over the world, treat their children for acute matters like bee stings or the flu but send them elsewhere for constitutional prescribing. Outsiders see the patient differently than someone who is the source of certain behaviors or tendencies. In other words, not only is she too close, she may partially be the source of the problem. ETA: Any school worth its salt would tell her this, so either she's not that well-trained or thinks she's somehow immune. Either way I'd be wary. IMHO, of course.
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