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Everything posted by idnib

  1. Singapore 2 and 3 have lots of tricks for mental math (addition and subtraction).
  2. We school year-round with breaks as we need/want them. We probably take 9-10 weeks off/year. I've been thinking of a plan for using summertime to just do math and also get all the little things that take 10-15 minutes/day out of the way. So spelling, McGuffey, AAR, handwriting, memorizing times tables and perfect squares, etc. Then we can really dig into the more meaty stuff with less "switching" during the school year. I'd love to start September with the "only 10-15 minutes/day" stuff completely out of the way.
  3. Yes I would be prepared. I've been through several major earthquakes so am familiar with the problem of, without any warning, being stuck somewhere with no clean water, food, or cash. A lot of people plan earthquake kits at home but don't realize if they're 40 miles away they might not get back to their kits right away.
  4. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9swKKZy0CCM
  5. Read this thread, but focus on post 8 (minivanmom) and see if it helps. http://forums.welltrainedmind.com/topic/502436-not-using-mtc-for-lack-of-time-please-advice/?do=findComment&comment=5448177
  6. I read it when I was 18. Previously I had free reign on reading any and all books I checked out at the library (so I was not naive) and I still found this book a little disturbing.
  7. In addition to our regular curriculum, I'm thinking about doing a science project. Basically everything but the poster because our local science fair starts with 6th grade and up. I want DS to come up with a project, design it, gather data, and keep a notebook. The the following year he'll have some experience and we can do a project for the actual fair. We're also in search mode for a good natural spot to "own" and revisit regularly for next year. We don't get out much and when we do we check out new places. We've decided to have a spot we return to so we can see the changes over the year.
  8. See if this is useful: http://community.pflag.org/Document.Doc?id=202 and if it is you can order hard copies here for $2.50 each: http://www.pflag.org/zen/index.php?main_page=index&cPath=1 Be prepared for people to possibly already know or to be upset. It doesn't mean that they don't love you but it's important to give them room to process and possibly mourn their vision of you. When others I have known have gone through this, nobody in their family was surprised. I found out my friend was a cross-dresser (not the same, I know) when I was shown a draft of a book he was working on about his journey. It was very touching. Maybe you can write something about your experience? Another time I was told while hurtling at 70 mph down I-5. I'm glad I already knew about it. :driving: Good luck.
  9. I don't know anything about enlarged hearts, sorry. Hope she is feeling better. :grouphug:
  10. :grouphug: I'm sorry to hear the situation with your niece didn't work out.
  11. I don't really have much helpful to you, but I can say I'm using the components according to MCT's presentation on how they work together. Have you seen it? ETA: How old is DS? Are you looking for elementary, middle, high school?
  12. I read this evening that the plane was found by the pilot's brother and others. None survived but it appears they did not suffer long. Amber, I'm so sorry, although I'm glad they were found by a family member. :crying:
  13. Document your thinking. It will be easier to figure out where you went awry later if you hit a dead end. It's also easier if you need to walk away from a problem and come back later.
  14. Some libraries are like this. For example, the Berkeley public library allows free cards for any resident of the state: http://www.berkeleypubliclibrary.org/librarycards/ They are definitely extending themselves past the tax base. It's a very active, community-supported, and progressive library system. ETA: San Francisco is the same way: http://sfpl.org/index.php?pg=2000001201
  15. We have volunteer homework helpers. They take over one of the larger meeting rooms in the library so the noise is contained. Our library is lucky enough to have an attached cafe. That's where most of the other tutoring happens and the noise level is not unusual for a cafe. It's still quiet where you want it to be. We also have a quiet room (no typing, phones off, etc) where people can go if they like it really quiet.
  16. That's pretty advanced line standing. Maybe give him the "grocery store on Christmas Eve" pre-test. If you push him too fast he might not learn to appreciate standing around doing nothing.
  17. Yes, this makes sense. Sorry if I was unclear; I have the flu and am seriously under-slept. I didn't mean to imply you were unschooling; at some point in the middle of the night I came to the conclusion that you're pretty much doing what you just outlined. In fact today I used a more parent-intensive ("handholding") version of your method and that's what made a nice improvement around here. Thanks!
  18. You can start a search at the College Board's search site: https://bigfuture.collegeboard.org/college-search The more specific you are the better but they list hundreds of majors. You can enter general search words and see the more specific majors they have. Depending on how common the major is, you may be able to narrow down the list quite a bit and then start from there.
  19. I have a bad cough right now. Between that and your post, I have to say I didn't sleep much last night. ;) I guess my kids are closer to where yours are at but not quite. They are nothing like the kids in your penultimate sentence. I think they are more eager to learn when they can apply their basic skills and use them in an integrated fashion. Unfortunately they are still working on the basic skills.... I can see them picking up math or grammar and being eager to learn the information. They love reading. I don't see them deciding to make 25 copies of a cursive "r" or spontaneously memorizing multiplication tables or the rules for commas. I doubt they will ever create their own spelling list. For example right now we are thinking about starting a nature collection. They love the idea of collecting, identifying, labeling, and preserving the materials. But all the things that made this possible such as counting, learning to read, handwriting, etc. were met with a lack of enthusiasm, perhaps resignation. The collection (application of basic skills) itself will be a blast. That's why I was wondering about the age thing. They don't seem interested in the basics but they are happy to apply them. Thanks for your post; it gave me food for thought. I tried some different things today and gave them more free reign over what they wanted to spend time on; so far we've had a really good day.
  20. And what of black Jews? Black Mormons? Chinese Catholics? Indian Muslims? etc.
  21. I live near the ocean and we have stuff like this all. the. time: http://calcoastnews.com/2013/01/fifth-person-drowns-trying-to-rescue-a-dog/ happen all the time. It's not an icy lake, but there are big waves. These folks need to zip it.
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