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Everything posted by idnib

  1. I agree no sale can beat this. I've had an Audible account for a few years and have toyed with the idea of buying courses there. Since you are a professor, maybe you can give me some input into this... My kids are still young for TC courses, but I've been buying them for my own (and my brother's) knowledge and to use them for the kids in high school. One of the reasons I spend more for the DVD is for the kids to get practice (later) with note taking while watching a lecture. This is something they may get experience with in real life before college, or they may not. Do you think taking notes from audio is the same as taking notes while watching someone give a lecture? I'd love to save time and money (and shelf space) by getting audio-only, but I feel this obligation to get them used to watching someone and taking notes as well. I'd appreciate any thoughts you have...
  2. You made a good decision to get out of there. :grouphug:
  3. Heres' what's in my cart right now: Joy of Science (thinking it will be a good overview for middle school) Herodotus: The Father of History Vandiver's Classic Mythology, Iliad, and Odyssey set Daileader's Early, High and Late Middle Ages set I haven't pulled the trigger yet; I think there was a really good deal on NYE last year. Anyone else with plans?
  4. Sorry I don't know either. Does this help? http://www.eurobricks.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=83642&&do=findComment&comment=1622465
  5. We're roasting chicken and having leftover salad and cauliflower from lunch, so maybe you can get a rotisserie chicken and sides?
  6. That does sound easy. I already have a bowl for melting chocolate from my annual GF brownie recipe. This sounds easier than that.
  7. I'm a bad mom who often gets rid of stuff secretly and nobody notices. I have a pretty good idea of what they don't notice anymore, even if it's right in front of them. I also spent ours today decluttering our stuff so I'm with you in spirit.
  8. Williams-Sonoma if you have one near you. Might be too late to ship.It comes in a gift tin.
  9. You must follow through. It's sad when punishments also punish the parent, but there it is. In the long run it will be easier for you when they take you seriously. :grouphug:
  10. I want to be friends with the writer! I think it would be a blast to people watch with her while drinking coffee.
  11. Agree with the people above. I know you're desperate, you this did make me :lol: . Find a time to go shopping, by yourself, for a couple of hours. Just set it and let nothing short of a medical emergency deter you. Maybe grandma can help out while she's here by watching the kids w/ Dad. Turn off the phone and if people need to be somewhere they have to find another way or dad can take them. Be unavailable for a little while, except to yourself.
  12. I would let it go and kindly free the friend from the obligation.
  13. I think I would use the oven pans for potatoes and then use the small pots or pans for frying up some meat, fish, or eggs while the potato casserole baked. We would also be eating more baked potatoes and roasted veggies. Agree about low-cook eating as much as possible: fresh fruits, cold cuts, boiled or deviled eggs, sandwiches of tuna or other canned fish...
  14. OK, I ordered the 10-volume set last night. It's 10 volumes plus the guide. Good thing we're spending the holidays decluttering...
  15. What's the oven situation? And can only the oven pan go into it? Are the other pans oven-safe?
  16. Thanks for this. I've been trying to look at it all day but have only found small bits of time. Maybe after the kids sleep I can dig in. It looks really good; I personally have mixed feelings as I just started digging into the Lang Fairy books and now feel a bit overwhelmed wondering if I should switch over. So much good stuff, so little time.
  17. We have a vegetarian who comes for Thanksgiving every year and this year was my best dish for him so far. I was also getting tired of the pasta/tofurkey/etc thing. I made this: http://www.epicurious.com/recipes/food/views/Wild-Mushroom-Bread-Pudding-4531 Changes I made: I made a double batch and used a 9x11 pan and an 8x8 pan for the overflow. It also needs more salt that the recipe states. I used only one type of mushroom to save money. I used gluten-free bread but since the recipe is designed for regular bread it shouldn't be a problem. Everyone loved this and it was filling, cheesy, and earthy. The vegetarian used it as a main and the other folks used it as a side dish.
  18. I don't have a suggestion for specific materials, but I do remember how I learned the 5 paragraph essay. We started by learning to outline. That was key. So for the first paragraph we would have a main idea and 2-3 sub-ideas. These were not full sentences. Same for the other paragraphs. Once the outline was completed it was much easier to create the sentences and follow the formula.
  19. Take a look at Sternlein tights. They are made from Egyptian cotton in Germany and are wonderful and warm. They also have wool tights but those can be a bit itchy for some. I'm substantially shorter than you and I find them long (but I love them anyway). They might be perfect for your height. Heres' some info: http://www.josanaturally.com/#!about1/c211e Here's the link for women's tights: http://www.josanaturally.com/#!womens-tights/c114y
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