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Everything posted by idnib

  1. You're welcome. I love that site and am using it to learn how to type. I'm pretty fast (at typing incorrectly) but I have to look at the keyboard and I use the wrong fingers for the wrong keys. I'd like to be able to look elsewhere like a document I'm keying. Once I have to look away I slow down considerably.
  2. OS X is based on a Linux-like system under the hood. You can access it via Applications/Utilities/terminal. Try inserting a DVD or CD into the drive. Then start terminal and at the prompt, type "drutil eject" without the quotes and it should eject the disc. This is an example of using a Linux-like system. But it's command line and most non-technical people who use Linux use a GUI (graphical user interface) in which they can point and click (like Windows or Apple) instead of typing all commands.
  3. http://www.typingweb.com/
  4. So if I watched Season 1 only, could I jump into this? Or do I need the other seasons first?
  5. It's free, it's open source (anyone can review/modify the code written for it) and it's more secure.
  6. Do want pop culture or historical events? New Wave/pop music (Flock of Seagulls, Depeche Mode, Michael Jackson's Thriller, etc) Cold War Look at photos of Berlin Wall coming down Blockbuster movies (ET, Raiders of the Lost Ark) Reaganomics
  7. I don't have any questions but I'll just throw this in: https://www.edx.org/course/linuxfoundationx/linuxfoundationx-lfs101x-introduction-1621 This is a free Intro to Linux course being offered this summer. It's run by the Linux Foundation and normally costs $2400. It's a bit of an experiment for them to see how many people are interested.
  8. :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug: Paperwork and legalities are one thing, but you're still his mother in the world.
  9. Call me crazy but if I didn't have a check or my curriculum back in 21 days I would file a police report in her town. Maybe having them stop by would put some fear into her. Depends on the town though. I doubt they would even bother in a larger city. I know they would stop by in my town to see what was going on. ETA: In my town filing a police report is as simple as filling out an online form.
  10. I think the dead package is a coincidence over which she had no control. Perhaps her plan was to file a claim quickly, get the money, and keep the curriculum too. A less nefarious idea is that she had buyer's remorse or found she needed the money for something else and tried to get out of buying the curriculum. Perhaps she will send the curriculum back so it will be like this never happened to her. The least nefarious would be that she was nervous, jumped the gun, and will be sending you a check. Given that she hasn't contacted you to say that, though, i doubt this is the case. Agree with the above about sending all the correspondence to the mod of the site so she can be banned if she doesn't quickly cut you a check.
  11. It goes beyond food allergies too. We don't eat pork for religious reasons and it's shocking how many people don't know that pork or ham are bacon. Me: Does that dish have any pork? Them: No, not al all. [They set down dish with bacon sprinkled on top.] Me: Umm, bacon is pork. Them: Really? I never knew that! I always wonder where they thought bacon actually came from. Bacon trees, maybe? And yes, I've had the gluten thing too. I still remember someone telling me it would be fine because instead of white flour, they had used whole wheat. :confused:
  12. :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:
  13. Yeah, there are plenty of people who choose not to go on the same path of addiction as their parents did before them. It may require a different lifestyle, though. If a parent is an alcoholic and you have a typical life, maybe it's easier to not go down the path than if your life is filled with clubs, parties, special events, the entertainment business, etc. Its a shame she didn't make it even as far as her mother did. I do believe some people have an unconscious (or not so unconscious) death wish. If so, what a burden to carry.
  14. Do you know any more about this? I buy ahead for my younger but haven't bought everything I want. Do you know if this is definite?
  15. :crying: I wonder if she felt ill-fated....
  16. Yes, esp for Singapore. I really like Singapore but it drives me nuts to switch between all the books. I rely heavily on page numbers and don't want a later printing in which the page numbers might not line up with the (expensive) Home Instructor Guides.
  17. Check the Gap's uniforms. I used them for matching photo clothes and they come in neutral colors such as white, light blue, khaki, etc. Ver classic and a wide variety of sizes. Check the size chart to see if they work for your DD. Then it shouldn't be too hard to find something for DS that goes with DD. Maybe they can both have white polos and navy bottoms or something, or he can add a v-neck. There's a sale now: http://www.gap.com/browse/category.do?cid=1006809&departmentRedirect=true#department=48
  18. :grouphug: It's hard, isn't it? I think it's more difficult after a person has kids and wonders about their future.
  19. Do you know any terrorists? :rolleyes: No, but if I did, why in the heck would I tell you, random stranger?
  20. Are you suggesting that before this time in history people didn't use terroristic acts to accomplish political goals? Hmmm....
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