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Everything posted by MorganClassicalPrep

  1. We keep our dirty clothes in the bathroom- but there's just two of us, so really not THAT MUCH laundry. :D
  2. I tried very hard to make SURE my post was kind, because I don't want to offend anyone. I think part of the reason so many people have responded to your post is that some have come across in a very judgmental tone. Whether it is how you intended it or not, I know that *I* have certainly felt judged, and I didn't even come in until now- and haven't shared my own personal story. I think the difference between your ideas and others is that by saying keep the system as it is- there is no change in the status quo. It is how it is. Asking for changes shakes everything up because you (general you, not you in particular) have to justify it. To get back to the original question- people who believe soda should be purchased on food stamps are not forcing you or anyone else to buy that soda, or to use the food stamps. Therefore, they aren't pushing their morals on you. But by saying soda should not be purchased with food stamps, one is forcing change upon others based on their beliefs. At least, that is how I see it. I think (hm. That's how I started my last paragraph! :tongue_smilie:) that one of the trade offs for living in a country (any country) is that there are going to be things the government does with our taxes that make us unhappy. Of course, if it means enough to us, we should get involved, but in the end, we need to accept what is being done and hope that the most people are getting the most help, even if some people are not doing the best they should. Also, to me, your ideas for reform just don't seem feasible. The food stamp system is set up to help the largest amount of people it can, for the cheapest budget. Adding educational programs, more restrictions, etc. would only increase the running budget and limit who would be helped. (And. FWIW: I also believe the system should be reformed, to actually help people get OUT of poverty, but I don't know enough about it to have any opinions on what exactly should be done.)
  3. I'm a little concerned- and I'd like a little perspective here. DD is 5. Tuesday morning she woke up and complained that her tummy was hurting. She went poop and said she felt better. We went to the library and she just wasn't acting right. Not enjoying the library at all (and normally it is her favorite place to be. We were in and out in 15 minutes- normally we spend 2-3 hours there!). By the time we got home, she was running a fever. (101.5). Tylenol, fever came down. Gave her tylenol again that evening. Wednesday morning she broke the fever, then she slept pretty much all day but by that evening was back to herself. (Dancing, playing, etc.) Fine Thursday. Fine Friday. Today she is complaining about a tummy ache. I told her to go sit on the toilet and she did. She farted, and when I said something about passing gas helping your tummy she said "OH. So I've been holding my farts in and it is making my tummy hurt?" (FTR: When I asked why she's been holding her farts in, she said because she didn't like when they stink. :lol:) She's asleep now but just now was very restless and whining. I asked her if she was having a nightmare and she (sleepily... :tongue_smilie:) said no, and was sort of holding her tummy. Dr? It's Sunday, so it would have to be urgent care or ER. I'm a little concerned about appendicitis, but it doesn't seem like the symptoms match up, since her fever was before the tummy ache, and is gone now. (Also: DD is often constipated, and when she hasn't pooped in awhile will complain about a tummy ache. She did poop this evening, but I'm not sure it was... all of it.)
  4. If this means me, than yes. I have read all the posts. I have been following the thread since the beginning, and have refrained from posting because... well, I was personally offended by what some were saying, and I didn't think there would be anything good to come of me posting. I certainly wasn't calling you insulting because you believe nutritional and financial education is needed. I would agree that some education should at least be made available- but what you are suggesting does in fact seem very patronizing. It reeks of the "haves" pushing their beliefs on the "have nots," and by looking at history one can see that this method doesn't work. All the knowledge in the world does no good if the system doesn't allow for someone to pull themselves out. I do not in any way believe you to be stupid. I do think that you are too rigid in your beliefs, and not willing to budge. No matter what you may have experienced in your life, the facts are (and I think it has been shown by the people who have shared their stories in this thread) that sometimes life happens, and even people who make all the "right" choices get down on their luck. You and others believe that those people should work harder, however, sometimes they are working the hardest they can. You and others believe that they should cut out all luxuries in their life, because you and others believe that people on assistance don't deserve (shouldn't have..) nice things in life. I believe that living day to day with no enjoyment only leads to depression, no motivation to make life better, and is bad for the children. Children shouldn't be denied the pleasure of a little sugar-filled snack, or a soda every now and then, or Wiis and nice clothes, because their parents are having a rough time. I don't think anything good can come out of someone forcing their morals and values on someone else. And clearly this is a value judgment- there is no black and white here.
  5. :iagree: Sorry but this just made me laugh. Financial education would do me no good. We live on less than 13K a year and pay 700 a month in rent. I hazard to say such a generalization- but financial education would be no good for many people I know on various types of assistance. The money just isn't there, and no amount of financial education is going to change that. (And I'm curious when this financial education should happen? Everyone I know on assistance is working/in school, doesn't leave much time for all these extra "education" programs you think should be implemented.)
  6. It's hard to say. I definitely care more, and pay attention more, to the issues as I'm aging. (You know, at the ripe old age of 25... :lol:) On social issues I'm either a raging liberal or a hardline conservative- depending on which issue you are talking about. My social beliefs haven't really changed since... well, ever. Fiscally... I'm not really sure. I'd say it's in process, and I'm not sure where it will end. :tongue_smilie:
  7. I do read them. (And it's not a middle-age thing. :tongue_smilie:) In my paper they are right near the births and marriages- which I read because everyone my age is getting married and having children, so I often run across people I know. I read the obits because.... well, they are interesting. I like reading about peoples' lives. It is like a mini-biography.
  8. Wow. Just. Wow. I'm annoyed that society puts it on the woman to keep a marriage together. Which implies that if a marriage falls apart it is the woman's fault- be there abuse, infidelity, etc. What a sad situation. I believe that cheaters are cheaters. If someone is going to cheat, there isn't much you can do to change it.
  9. :bigear: I've looked at the What Your XX Grader Should Know books also, and they are interesting, but I'd love to see a "checklist" of average knowledge/skills for a certain grade child.
  10. I would have him contact the school he wants to transfer too then. One- to explain the situation. It isn't likely they can do anything at this point, but it would at least give a heads up to the admissions committee on what happened. Also, he can verify what classes would transfer to his degree so he isn't wasting his time.
  11. My parents aren't necessarily conservative or liberal. They sort of swing all over the board on their beliefs. (Neither is particularly politically active. I don't think they vote, but we do talk about the issues, especially around election time.) I'm also neither conservative nor liberal. Certain issues are dear to my heart, unfortunately they are each a champion cause for opposing parties. (Interestingly- my parents and I have almost exactly opposite beliefs. I believe one thing about capital punishment, they believe another. I believe one thing about abortion, they believe another. I believe one thing about gay marriage, they believe the opposite. I believe one thing about large/small governments, they believe another.... it does on! :tongue_smilie:)
  12. I actually considered this- but she was down with the stroller at 18 months, I'm not sure I could get her into it! :D There are a few places with tracks, but I still wouldn't be able to have my eyes on her at all times, so it makes me pretty uncomfortable. We've been walking the past couple evenings and the whining is driving me crazy- glad to know it isn't just my DD!! :lol: I worked out a deal with two friends to watch DD for an extra 2 hours after I get out of class starting in September so I can go to the university gym- I'm thrilled about that! :D I may try and start running then. I'd love to do a race at some point in the future. (far.... far future! :lol::lol:)
  13. We desperately need to do some grocery shopping, so tonight is Stouffers lasagna. :D (OKOK. I admit it, I actually love it- has nothing to do with needing to grocery shop.)
  14. You may want to check out Satori's blog- satorismiles.com. She did RS and they are now doing SM (but I don't recall if there were other maths in there.) Her blog is outstanding, she has very good reviews of both programs, and talks about switching from one to the other. DD and I are doing Singapore 1A. She had some trouble with memorizing number bonds, but is doing just fine with everything else- and we didn't do any math program before this. (And can figure out the number bonds just fine- it's the memorizing that is slowing her down, so not something I think would have been improved by using another math program first.) I *think* you would be fine finishing up RS A and going right to SM 1A without buying everything for RS B, but I'm sure someone with more experience will chime in! :D
  15. Well, I'd say he definitely needs to figure out what happened. Make sure that they sent out the wrong transcript and that his is still correct. He may need that transcript later (for grad school, scholarships, etc.) That's just horrible! I hope he is happy with the school he ended up with. If not, he could always look into transferring next year (or even in the spring).
  16. Yup, that's exactly when it happens. I still can't comment today. Wonder what's going on. :confused:
  17. :party:Awesome job!!!! I've thought about trying to start a running program, but it will have to wait until DD can join me. Can't very well leave her home alone. :tongue_smilie:
  18. :iagree: and I was going to start my post with the exact same sentence! :lol: About once a month I call up my friend and say "I think I need that stuff. You know, the natural medicine for losing your memory." (Just googled it: ginko biloba! :tongue_smilie:) I seriously forget EVERYTHING. I was pretty forgetful before I had DD, but I think it has just gotten worse since I have so much in my brain to try and hold on to. I have a planner in which I have to write everything or it doesn't happen.
  19. :iagree: In the interest of full disclosure, I should say that I do get food stamps. I'm also a full time student. Yes- I could work full time (well, I'd probably have to work two jobs to pay rent, food, daycare, work costs, etc.) However. (And this is a big however to me) I feel that me being in school is a bigger investment in the future, and raises the chances that I will be able to get out of poverty. (No guarantee of course, but the odds of making a livable wage go up with each degree) And... I'm a single parent. Everyone has read (or heard of) the studies that show children of single parents are more likely to have children young themselves, be in poverty, be in jail, not go to college.... I think that is strongly correlated to the fact that many children of single parents don't have a good relationship with their parent- that even the parents who mean well are often just too busy working to be there for the children emotionally, physically, and educationally. Homeschooling my daughter is an investment in HER future, and hopefully breaking the cycle. I'll gladly accept food stamps for a couple years in order to not need help for the rest of either of our lives. And to be in a position to contribute to society and actually help others.
  20. Hey, I start the thread.... so if you get some, I do too! :D DD and I have been playing make 10 dominos for the last couple days. I can see how much quicker she's able to figure out the missing part. Probably going to pick up some index cards and make a set of cards for Go to the Dump.
  21. Not on my nightstand since we are visiting family, but the in progress books are: Delivered From Distraction Brazil: Five Centuries of Change Torture in Brazil English Grammar for Students of French Diploma of Whiteness Maiz y Coca-Cola Hm. I need some fiction in my life!! :tongue_smilie:
  22. Is anyone else having issues with google/blogger tonight? Everytime I try to access my favorites, I'm forced to sign back in. And I've tried to comment on three different blogs (one of them being my own!) and I'm unable to. It brings me to a sign in screen, I sign in, it takes me back to the blog with my comment where I hit "submit" and am brought once again to a sign in screen. What gives? I have "keep me signed in" checked- and I've never had this problem before! :confused:
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