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Everything posted by Tammyla

  1. After we finish eating our Thanks Giving dinner. When mine were little, we waiting to avoid early openings.
  2. Just do what makes you happy as a couple. They are trying to help in their own way, but should stay out of your marriage. Be gracious, but ignore em.
  3. Sadly, cast iron did scratch my stove top, and I was being very careful.:confused1:
  4. My control side, would be very underhanded too. Manipulate, coordinate, steer, guide, drive, push, pull, or occasionally inspire will always be part of my dna.
  5. :DLoL...I knew when that popped out of my mouth it would cause trouble, but couldn't help myself. So much for my deep thinking before coffee:001_huh:. I'm no unschooler by any stretch of the imagination, but I do love CM and the philosophy of providing a rich learning environment. In my imaginary unschooling world, my kids would only gravitate to finest pursuits.
  6. I'd call too, the manager or even corporate if they have one.
  7. My nephew's been in a year and is deployed there now. Here our local guard is on their third rotation.
  8. :grouphug:You have my sympathy. The TomCat, sticky, peanut traps work very quickly in our garage. Decon will also kill them slowly and leave behind no smell, but you have to be careful of little ones and pets. You might pull out the silverware and put a lot of bait in the drawer. I'd store the dishes in the dishwasher for the time being too.
  9. But...if you don't allow other screen time and happen to have a big basket of educational dvd's or cd roms at the ready...It might. We do this with a library basket too. If you only have champagne around, no one will look for beer.
  10. :tongue_smilie: Some of those are just creepy. Blech, those poor kids and that guy in the red shorts....:001_huh: Ick...
  11. :grouphug:It can drive you bonkers. I'd try the other suggestions to head off the reruns.
  12. :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug: Menopause can last for years, and the change doesn't happen over night. The symptoms can be managed to some degree and you aren't alone.Hang in there:grouphug:.
  13. :iagree: I've never heard of a group test. What a message the teacher is sending to the entire class.
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