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Everything posted by Tammyla

  1. :grouphug:Twins, congratulations. :grouphug: Enjoy your journey, my hopes and prayers are with you.
  2. Banana, OJ, nuts, beans, spinach and a glass of milk, are what my mom recommends for twitches, cramps etc. They are at the very least a very healthy place to begin and easy to add. :grouphug:Hope you find the supplement, nutrition of prescription correction you need.
  3. Aw, dump that old one and enjoy your new shiny workhorse. (I love a good crock-pot.) I'm making a cheesy-corn-potato chowder today, and love that it's just so easy.
  4. I enjoy lessons at the table and keep out a bowl of fruit & nuts for snacks most days. Back packs make school on the go or in transition easy, and a plus is each kids stuff is sorted and at their finger tips. A cute rolling wicker or other drawer cart can work for the rest. I've kept our stuff in the dining-room hutch for years and love that once everything is stored, the room is back to normal. I even slide posters behind it along with a tri-fold board for display. Congratulations on getting back into your home:001_smile:, I hope your move back in goes smoothly. I choose the kitchen because I need windows...!
  5. :iagree: Many times it is the student, teacher, age or some other factor that make a program not a good fit, but that doesn't mean there is something wrong with the program. kwim...? Interesting.
  6. I especially like the upper levels too. The TWTM rec helped me see and appreciate completing Saxon through high school at home would be possible, without me being a math professional. My ds and dd test well on the ITBS, don't hate math and the lessons are easily accomplished in a year. They began using the DIVE cd roms with 8/7 or Algebra 1/2. It works for us and gets done daily. ymmv:)
  7. :iagree: That was my one and only cookie exchange. Lesson learned, now I'll run screaming from the room at the mere mention of one.
  8. I was gifted with the 5qt and feel like it is plenty for my family. Now maybe I shouldn't, but I make lots of big batches of bread dough in it with no problem. My artisan loaf dough makes 6 loaves, I do a double wheat loaf and sour dough with not problem. I'll admit that once I did wish for a larger one baking cookies for a cookie exchange. If I remember it took two mixes to produce 24 dozen cookies. Since I couldn't bake them all at once, it really wasn't a big deal. Get the one you want and you'll be happy.
  9. Operator Error...(Btdt);), many curriculum failures could be avoided. I'll say it again...It's the work that works, do the lessons day after day.;) So many things in life are this way, think, tweak, slow down, review and continue on.
  10. We use the http://www.squarefootgardening.com/ method and spend almost no time gardening. The container, soil and planting prep take the bulk of the time. Once the seeds are in, we water daily, harvest daily and replant a seed here and there. We especially enjoy the no weeding bonus. This is a sustainable family garden that is easy, friendly to small places, cheap and less work.
  11. :iagree: We followed the squarefoot gardening recommendations to the T for soil and box construction. My dh fussed a little, but he's sold on the method. Once we put the boxes together and planted it, our time involved was almost nothing and his favorite was...No weeding! This year will be easier and almost no cost, since the boxes are already to go. We'll get a new batch of soil mix ingredients and reuse our left over seeds from last year.
  12. http://www.squarefootgardening.com/ Mel's recipe is listed on the Squarefoot Gardening link, we used the boxes and his mix along with Heirloom seeds last year and loved the results. Our first attempt was very successful and the organic produce was delicious. Right now we're still in the middle of winter, but I'm looking forward to planting again this spring. Most libraries or book stores carry his book.
  13. I haven't bought anything since the board changed and feel out of the loop...again. :iagree:Vouching for Donna.:iagree:
  14. She is beautiful, enjoy your little Blessing.:grouphug: Congratulations.
  15. I just finished my third book, Half Broke Horses, by Jeannette Walls. I'm also still working on reading more than one book at a time and slowly working my way through Don Quixote, Mere Christianity, and looking for the next one to add in.
  16. Nadia, Those look so good, I want to order one of those for my sister. I hope you love it, do give us a review once you get it.
  17. You're right, the temp needs to be between 110' and no higher than 120', somewhere between the two is ideal. (I use my candy thermometer and finger test before adding in the starter.) Here is an interesting yogurt making like for those interested in other ways. http://www.mahalo.com/how-to-make-yogurt
  18. I make an easy vanilla yogurt drink here. 1. Bring 4 cups of skim or 1% milk up to 180' in a pan. 2. Remove from heat and let cool down to 120' (no cooler that that!) 3. Meanwhile heat some water in a quart jar in the microwave to get the jar nice and warm. Empty the water out of the jar and put 1-3 Tablespoons of plain yogurt in the bottom, add the warm milk and stir well for about 20 seconds. Put the lid on and wrap in a blanket or towel for 6-8 hours. 6=less tart. That's it! It will thicken up after refrigerating. Remember to save some yogurt (plain) for your next batch. I add in homemade vanilla or other flavor to the milk before pouring into the jar. Once the jar or bowl is wrapped in the towel I usually let it set in the microwave for around 7 hours. This recipe is easy and flexible. I know some use a big thermos to incubate it vs the blanket wrap. If you use whole milk and a larger amount of yogurt starter, it will thicken to a spoon eating consistency.
  19. That would hurt my heart for my family. It could be a misunderstanding, but she had the opportunity to fix the mistake and choose to leave your boys out again. Consider preparing your heart for the reality that she likely will continue to not include your boys in the future. :grouphug: I'm very sorry.:grouphug:
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