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Scrub Jay

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Everything posted by Scrub Jay

  1. Which is funny because I am far from a dog breed expert. Far from it. But I know what a pit bull looks like. I always thought they had a distinct look, actually.
  2. Do you mean on Amazon Instant Video? I just checked and it's not available through Prime for me. :(
  3. Same. I was surprised it wasn't more difficult given the point of the quiz.
  4. This has been a very interesting discussion - thanks for all of the replies! I can tell you my friend never expected any of this - she is floored. And she, too, said she would kick him to the curb if he ever cheated. And now here she is and she has not, at least yet. So I do think it is VERY true that if you haven't walked in the same shoes you truly do not know what you would do in the end.
  5. Just something I am wondering due to something a friend is dealing with.
  6. Two or so years before #1, 3rd trimester during #2.
  7. Now, see, I always have said I married well because my DH enjoyed the show with me. He was raised by a single mom and has an older sister. It has really influenced the type of man he is and I love that.
  8. Yes, I would (I am a SLP). And I am really impressed how on top of it your ped is. So many are not. I would get the hearing eval before the assessment, if possible, because the SLP will suggest one anyway. Good therapy at this age is play-based and the child will have a blast. More juggling for you but fun for him. Good luck!
  9. Rose. If we ever had a third we would use that name. I think it sounds lovely with yours.
  10. Why is his bedtime so late? Can you make it earlier?
  11. It addressed what it means to be tolerant and the lack of understanding that some have about what tolerance means.
  12. Just felt this needed to be repeated.
  13. Yeah. My cupcake Purell pic was deleted. So random.
  14. I want to Like this but my Likes are still on vacation.
  15. Interesting! I don't care enough to but I can see how someone would who might want to join a different religion.
  16. I found a cupcake for this occasion.
  17. You have claimed it is because of poor hygiene several times. You are wrong. Your posts have come across as rude and unkind. But you don't seem to care so there's just not much else to say.
  18. Yes, the large # of posters replying to you/posting info that is exactly opposite of your claims are defensive and have the issue here. It couldn't possibly be your posts or how you are wording things.
  19. Your words and assumptions are loaded with judgement. This isn't personal for me - we have been blessed not to deal with this so far. Families who may have difficulty managing an infestation may have other reasons for this difficulty than not caring. Jumping to the assumption that they don't care and are "gross and unclean" is a very negative way of viewing people. It doesn't show much kindness or grace.
  20. Huh, you keep saying this over and over again but a simple Google search with actual doctor and expert opinions say otherwise.
  21. Interesting! When DD9 was around 4 someone at her daycare had lice and they closed it for the day to clean. We were only allowed back in with proof that we saw a lice professional who checked out DD's hair and gave the OK.
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