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Scrub Jay

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Everything posted by Scrub Jay

  1. Oooo, I want to try cornbread made like that....
  2. I am blanking on who said this about Robin Williams (maybe Jay Leno?) but after his suicide the famous friend pointed out that Robin fought depression, etc on a daily basis and won except for this one day. OK, I found the quote. It was Jay Leno: "He fought a lot of battles, and he won 99% of them, but just lost this one." That quote really resonated with me - if that doesn't sound like a strong person I don't know what a strong person is.
  3. Exactly, when my MIL died 10 years ago my SIL's house (where we stayed since this was 3k miles from us) was filled with people day and night. It was exhausting but it was exactly what SIL and BIL needed and loved. DH and I needed space (so we would sometimes hide since it wasn't our home but we were staying there). Everyone processes grief differently and if someone spells out what they need I would respect that.
  4. Did you see the date on that forum post? What about that post makes you think she was lying about her parents?
  5. Down the street at the local bar.
  6. Did you give these people a questionnaire to fill out? Did you look under their skirts or yank down their pants? I'm just curious to know how you can claim you have always known without actually asking every single person you have come in contact with or assaulting them in some way.
  7. It is none of those. It is a biological trait. You don't choose to be gay, bi or straight. And you don't choose your gender (it's pretty clear you don't understand the difference between sex and gender). You do choose your religion, your biases and your bigotry.
  8. Being a homosexual or identifying as transgender is not a "concept."
  9. That instantly made me think of Yoko Ono. :) My word: Growth
  10. That's crazy. I wouldn't expect that with a custody agreement in place.
  11. Joanne, thanks for that rec. I just read a thorough review on my phone before sending her a link and it sounds right to their alley.
  12. Thanks! I will send her the title. :( I am curious - was the custody agreement changed post his remarriage? I really appreciate this post and will share that site with her. Like I said, she's not really a message board person so maybe she would prefer this instead. Thank you for sharing your experience! She has been trying to find as many possible positive stories like this online (articles, etc). This was my first multi-quote reply ever. I hope I did it right. :) Thank you for the replies!
  13. I actually think that's one of the reasons they are working very hard at remaining friends, because they do have kids together. But I will share the info!
  14. Why is that? They were best friends for a few years before ever dating so they may be a different breed of couple...
  15. A friend is likely going through a divorce soon (it is not official yet). She and her husband are also likely to remain friends. Anyway, she's not big user of message boards but thinks she might be interested in at least lurking on one about divorce - preferably one that isn't just people hating on their exes, etc since she and her husband are hoping for a friendly divorce. TIA for any suggestions!
  16. Must be a board glitch because it isn't letting me vote, either. ITA with the above.
  17. This is us as well. If I didn't care about new shows because of cable or had a willingness to buy them on iTunes I would choose Netflix for a stand alone.
  18. Both officers have died now and the gunman killed himself. Sounds like he did it on a busy subway platform, too.
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